Bad Company 2...I just dont get all the I the only one?


Limp Gawd
Jan 31, 2005
So...I got Bad Company 2 due to all the reviews and good comments on the game like "OMG THIS IS A MODERN WARFARE 2 KILLER" and "OMG THE GRAPHICS AND DESTRUCTION ARE AWESOME!"

I know Im instantly going to get flamed here...but honestly, I just dont see the hype and all about this game.

For instance, the game play is no where near as good as MW2 or most other FPS out there...not saying that its bad per se, but its nothing new at all in this genre...and I mean nothing new...tell me one thing this game has that some other game doesnt.

Graphics, which are something that Ive heard A LOT of people say are as good as Crysis...and if they dont say that they claim they are the best graphics theyve seen on a console...again, what? They come no where close to Crysis...and I see this as a fact...and compared to other games, again, I just dont see it...if someone were to tell me this was a game from 2007 I would have no problem agreeing...I just dont see it!

The "destructible" environments I have to admit are something semi-new, but again, nothing really game changing. Not only that, but all the "destruction" is all animated and none of it is dynamic...blow a hole in a wall its the same hole in the wall every time, and theres no physics involved anywhere...everything just falls through the what?

AI is just is it that with 8 bad guys on screen and 3 team mates Im the one doing most if not all the killing...Ive literally seen my squad shoot at a single target for a minute without hitting the target once...if you look at their gun fire they dont even seem to be shooting AT the target...always right by it and around it...lame...and why is it that Im the only one ever getting attacked? Helicopter flies in...all missles and gun fire at me...enemies flood the screen...again, all on me. I guess its because they dont have to worry about my squad cause they arent going to do shit anyways.

And the story line is complete rubbish...all the high action scripted scenes seem like their ideas taken right off of the Modern Warfare 2 script board...the vehicle chases, the dramatic explosions, the whole airplane scene...not that Im comparing the two games directly, Im really not trying too, but its just so obvious. Nothing in the story line is original what so ever.

Only good thing I can really say about the game is multiplayer...which I feel Battlefield 2 has already done...all the vehicles, the wide open maps...good to have, but nothing new, so again I dont see the excitement here...I mean its good and all, but not "OMG WTF AWESOME!" good.

Again, I know Im going to get flamed and a lot of people are going to leave half ass comments because they either didnt read my entire post or blacked out due to fanboyism and read it all but just picked and chose what parts to acknowledge...but honestly...what is so fucking bomb about this game? Am I really the only one that feels this way about it?
How is MW2 anything new or great? You say this game is not great because its nothing new but MW2 is the same rehash of the old with new graphics.

I think the reason people like BC2 is because it is the next iteration of a team FPS.
I hope you donned your flamsuit.
But i agree with you to an extent. But id rather go for they are two different type of games.

Also, no one will admit it, but 90% of the hate you hear about MW2 when people talk about BC2 are the PC folks angry that IW screwed them over. really has nothing to do with it actually being better. Cuz, lets be honest, BC2 is the hotness right now, but in 6 months? I guarantee, and would bet money against anyone who thinks MW2 wont have a larger community still at that point.

But for now BC2 is fun and ill keep playing it.
I hope you donned your flamsuit.
But i agree with you to an extent. But id rather go for they are two different type of games.

Also, no one will admit it, but 90% of the hate you hear about MW2 when people talk about BC2 are the PC folks angry that IW screwed them over. really has nothing to do with it actually being better. Cuz, lets be honest, BC2 is the hotness right now, but in 6 months? I guarantee, and would bet money against anyone who thinks MW2 wont have a larger community still at that point.

But for now BC2 is fun and ill keep playing it.


Its good to see that somebody can kinda see where Im coming from...I mean, like I said, BC2 is not a bad game...I just dont understand all the who-ha about it.

I honestly think that if MW2 were to come out like a month from now (totally hypothetical here) that people would be all "BC2 sucks compared to the new Modern Warfare 2!"...I think all it is is that people just need/want something new...not that new means better.

Its good to see that somebody can kinda see where Im coming from...I mean, like I said, BC2 is not a bad game...I just dont understand all the who-ha about it.

I honestly think that if MW2 were to come out like a month from now (totally hypothetical here) that people would be all "BC2 sucks compared to the new Modern Warfare 2!"...I think all it is is that people just need/want something new...not that new means better.

Definitely not.
I don't follow hype, and I've never played MW:2, but I was looking forward to the BC:2 release for months, and I pre-ordered it the second it showed up on steam, because I'm a big fan of the BF series.

I love the game simply because when I play it with my friends, we have a TREMENDOUS amount of fun, that no other game has given me for a long time.

I think the graphics and playability of the game are right where they need to be, considering the competitive FPS nature of the game. It's a fine balance and I think they nailed it. I've never seen such well done draw distances, with such smooth gameplay.

If you don't feel the same way, then it's just not the game for you. Nothing wrong with that.
Destructible environment has added a ton new angles of gameplay. I don't even care about the singleplayer aspect, all I play battlefield games are for the multiplayer.
I think you picked one person's comment about crysis and are now fixated on it. I don't think the vast majority of us thinks BC2 > crysis in graphics.

It's nothing ground breaking but it sure is fun when everything is put together like this. That's why I don't buy games based on super 'excited' reviews. You expect it to be the best thing out there, but that's just a silly expectation to begin with.
I played the beta and it was okay. I still find the BF1942 Desert Combat mod so much more fun.

The graphics were nice, I did like being able to blow up a wall to shoot someone, that is a great thing to have. I liked the great EyeFinity support. But the game play was not quite as good to me so I passed on buying it. Call of Duty is a series I have not liked since day one so I cannot compare.
i haven't had this much fun with a multiplayer game since unreal tournament 2004.\

all i can say is that i personally love the game. AI? who cares!? game is MULTIPLAYER with an ok SP mode tacked on
I never really thought MW2 needed killing.

As for the graphics: I think it runs incredibly considering how good it looks and the fact that half the map is being torn down around you as you play.

As for the AI being terrible: HAWW. If you think this game's bad go and give CoD4/MW2 a run through. Find a safe spot and just watch every single AI teammate and enemy shoot around each other for minutes on end. I didn't notice it happening half as much in BC2.

Anyway, this is trolling, so whatever. The destructible environments don't change the gameplay? The gameplay isn't as good as MW2 despite being almost exactly the same, plus the inclusion of squad roles, vehicles, and a spawn system that doesn't consistenly plonk you in front of an enemy?

Sounds like someone hasn't actually played the game yet. :p


I honestly think that if MW2 were to come out like a month from now (totally hypothetical here) that people would be all "BC2 sucks compared to the new Modern Warfare 2!"...I think all it is is that people just need/want something new...not that new means better.

Both games just have a huge following of fans from their previous games. They love it because it's more of what they already love (shouldn't a sequel please it's fans?)

I don't know who started the comparisons between the games, because they are each based on very different gameplay design elements. They are not competing. Sheesh, just buy both.
To me, MW2 is a fast pace crazy bs run and gun, a bit more arcady then BC2... and i take a respect to having skill in a game... MW2... yea sure its easy for everyone to have fun with it because it just that... easy... Bad company actually takes a bit more aiming skill and you cant go knife crazy like you can in mw2, bad company promotes smarter game play so a squad of people will have way more fun then one person trying to play against real squads

I still love the days of owning in counter strike... that game took a lot of skill for an FPS and still it was awesome!

Hope that helps a bit
The console version of Bad Company 2's graphics are pretty horrible in places. The Chile level is downright ugly. The single-player is not very good at all and is nowhere near as good as that of the first Bad Company. It is painfully linear and feels like one huge chokepoint. It also takes five hours to complete on the first-playthrough on the medium difficulty.

The multiplayer is where this game is at. If you bought this for single-player mode, you'll probably feel disappointed.
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I dont know about the gameplay because I couldnt even join any freaken servers tonight
I think its unfair to compare the 2. They are very different games.

-Close range. Its an arena game. I laugh at the fact that it has sniper rifles.
-Fast paced CS style play. You die, you respawn.. rinse and repeat about 20 times.
-Small maps. Some go inside and outside but for the most part you feel very boxed in.
-No vehicles.
-No squad play. You get in and lolkillpeoplelolololol.

-Large maps that feel open.
-Want fast pace? Go fast pace. Want to slow it down and take your time? Slow it down and play a little defensibly.
-Cover. Its tough to see a sniper at 200 yards sitting in a bush.
-Vehicles play a vital role.
-Team play is key.

The only thing that I consider better in BF is the fact that if somebody is cheating, the admin can kick. In MW2, your screwed, go find another hosted game to play in. No dedicated servers for you.
there are a lot of bugs but..... it is a fun game and IMO a better platform to start with than MW2
OP, you should know by now that the [H]ard forum community hates MW2 as much as Jews hate Hitler. you cant even speak of MW2 on here without hearing from every PC gamer about no dedicated servers... Everything else is water under the bridge. if you want a fair debate of the 2 you have to go to a different forum.
the 2 games are different as stated before so comparing the 2 are apples and oranges. the only thing in commmon is FPS and modernstyle combat. the hype was from PC gamers because the was so mad about no DS on MW2. After a while the battlefield players will stay on battlefield and the MW2 players will go back.
Sounds like someone got destroyed in multiplayer and is a little mad.

Haha my thoughts exactly someone got spoiled by MW2 noobness and got totally destroyed in BC2 multiplayer were projectiles are affected by gravity and guns have recoil! He must have missed his ACR with a heartbeat sensor to find them snipers in the bushes with nuclear twinkies :rolleyes:
OP, you should know by now that the [H]ard forum community hates MW2 as much as Jews hate Hitler. you cant even speak of MW2 on here without hearing from every PC gamer about no dedicated servers... Everything else is water under the bridge. if you want a fair debate of the 2 you have to go to a different forum.
the 2 games are different as stated before so comparing the 2 are apples and oranges. the only thing in commmon is FPS and modernstyle combat. the hype was from PC gamers because the was so mad about no DS on MW2. After a while the battlefield players will stay on battlefield and the MW2 players will go back.

dude partly because the game is junk, shit , trash MW2 is a big POS !
now granted there are some lil naggin bugs with BC2 but it will be patched soon and run alot better but its still a much much better game than MW2 will ever be
for instance BC2 will get new maps at the end of the month while it took IW like 6 months to release like 4 maps and charge you $39.99. So ok you can go play you MW2 I will not support that pos game
Unless you want to write your own game, I think it's more sane and fun to just accept each game as they are, work within the games constraints, learn, and w/ BC2, enjoy the comradeship and team work. Complaining about a game's design will change nothing!

Adapt, learn, be open minded, shoot, kill, stab, run, hide, drive, converse, Be A Strategist .......


another reason why everybody hates MW2

is because look at the pc verison of each game
MW2 is hack and runs like shit and has dedicated servers and the overall experience sucks on a pc and is much better on a console

While the its the opposite with BC2 the PC verison looks awesome has more players and dedicated servers etc. while the console verison a slighly gimped with less players and controler controls.
So...I got Bad Company 2 due to all the reviews and good comments on the game like "OMG THIS IS A MODERN WARFARE 2 KILLER" and "OMG THE GRAPHICS AND DESTRUCTION ARE AWESOME!"

I know Im instantly going to get flamed here...but honestly, I just dont see the hype and all about this game.

For instance, the game play is no where near as good as MW2 or most other FPS out there...not saying that its bad per se, but its nothing new at all in this genre...and I mean nothing new...tell me one thing this game has that some other game doesnt.

Graphics, which are something that Ive heard A LOT of people say are as good as Crysis...and if they dont say that they claim they are the best graphics theyve seen on a console...again, what? They come no where close to Crysis...and I see this as a fact...and compared to other games, again, I just dont see it...if someone were to tell me this was a game from 2007 I would have no problem agreeing...I just dont see it!

The "destructible" environments I have to admit are something semi-new, but again, nothing really game changing. Not only that, but all the "destruction" is all animated and none of it is dynamic...blow a hole in a wall its the same hole in the wall every time, and theres no physics involved anywhere...everything just falls through the what?

AI is just is it that with 8 bad guys on screen and 3 team mates Im the one doing most if not all the killing...Ive literally seen my squad shoot at a single target for a minute without hitting the target once...if you look at their gun fire they dont even seem to be shooting AT the target...always right by it and around it...lame...and why is it that Im the only one ever getting attacked? Helicopter flies in...all missles and gun fire at me...enemies flood the screen...again, all on me. I guess its because they dont have to worry about my squad cause they arent going to do shit anyways.

And the story line is complete rubbish...all the high action scripted scenes seem like their ideas taken right off of the Modern Warfare 2 script board...the vehicle chases, the dramatic explosions, the whole airplane scene...not that Im comparing the two games directly, Im really not trying too, but its just so obvious. Nothing in the story line is original what so ever.

Only good thing I can really say about the game is multiplayer...which I feel Battlefield 2 has already done...all the vehicles, the wide open maps...good to have, but nothing new, so again I dont see the excitement here...I mean its good and all, but not "OMG WTF AWESOME!" good.

Again, I know Im going to get flamed and a lot of people are going to leave half ass comments because they either didnt read my entire post or blacked out due to fanboyism and read it all but just picked and chose what parts to acknowledge...but honestly...what is so fucking bomb about this game? Am I really the only one that feels this way about it?

Different Strokes for Different Folks.

check out my MP server, its quite fun. Tru Insomniac Gamers
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dude partly because the game is junk, shit , trash MW2 is a big POS !
There are still more players on MW2 MP than in BFBC2
now granted there are some lil naggin bugs with BC2 but it will be patched soon and run alot better but its still a much much better game than MW2 will ever be
your speculating, no proof it will be fixed completely, and its YOUR opinion that its a better game, i dont like the BF type of games so MW2 is better.

for instance BC2 will get new maps at the end of the month while it took IW like 6 months to release like 4 maps and charge you $39.99. So ok you can go play you MW2 I will not support that pos game
first off its $10 for the DLC and were getting at least 6 new maps and up to 9 new maps with a possible new game type, and im glad they waited to release it becuase it will be like a new game to me, not entirely but if they released all the maps to begin with i would get tired of the game quicker

-and what makes it a POS, let me guess your a PC player and mad about no Dedicated Servers? i can understand the frustrations of that but theres no need to bash the rest of the game, especially on the consoles.... since the last update i have not encountered any hacks, glitches, or stuff being out of balance(i.e FMJ 1887 shotgun range pre-patch). so to me the game is great. i cant see how anyone that enjoys modern day combat FPS can say MW2 is a bad game!
another reason why everybody hates MW2

is because look at the pc verison of each game
MW2 is hack and runs like shit and has dedicated servers and the overall experience sucks on a pc and is much better on a console

While the its the opposite with BC2 the PC verison looks awesome has more players and dedicated servers etc. while the console verison a slighly gimped with less players and controler controls.

i agree with you,
MW2 is a Console game
BFBC2 is best on PC
I agree that the SP campaign in BC2 is not that good or funny. But i brought BC2 for MP.
As i see it, MW2 is like a salty cracker while BC2 is a delicious cake.
I agree with author. And actually extend his statement that Multiplayer is ok but not as good as Battlefield series.
I find the single player boring, like COD's, but the multiplayer is the best I've played since BF2.
If this game came out 5 years ago I would have been all over it. It looks like a very great game indeed, but I just couldn't get into it after a few minutes of play. I don't think it's the game though. Timing, everything is timing. Our minds and whoever else are in a different place where the game doesn't fit the fantasy or satisfy the itch. Nothing wrong with that.

Also I agree the graphics are great, but better than Crysis? Comon, that's just looking through rose colored glasses.
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Only good thing I can really say about the game is multiplayer...which I feel Battlefield 2 has already done...all the vehicles, the wide open maps...good to have, but nothing new, so again I dont see the excitement here...I mean its good and all, but not "OMG WTF AWESOME!" good.

Can't the same be said for.. CoD2. CoD3. CoD4. CoD5. oh and CoD6?
MW2 is a huge slap in the face to all those who have played prior COD's

anyone that has play FPS since the mid to late 90s knowns that MW2 is a POS

i mean the guns are no different than in Quake 3 arena seriously

Ive owned MW2 on the ps3 verison
MW2 is a huge slap in the face to all those who have played prior COD's

anyone that has play FPS since the mid to late 90s knowns that MW2 is a POS

i mean the guns are no different than in Quake 3 arena seriously

Ive owned MW2 on the ps3 verison

so, is that why TONS more people play MW2 than any other FPS online?
MW2 is a huge slap in the face to all those who have played prior COD's
how? i have played them all and i think it is better than 1 through3, on Par with 4, and better than 5.

anyone that has play FPS since the mid to late 90s knowns that MW2 is a POS
False, why is MW2 bad? your just saying its bad... reasons beside NO DS!

i mean the guns are no different than in Quake 3 arena seriously
totally false, why even post that
Ive owned MW2 on the ps3 verison

should have bought a 360
so, is that why TONS more people play MW2 than any other FPS online?

There is a difference from people playing online, to people who have PLAYED it online.

Don't you just love PR bullshit. Good to see its still working
There is a difference from people playing online, to people who have PLAYED it online.

Don't you just love PR bullshit. Good to see its still working

There is still more people currently PLAYING MW2 than BFBC2, thats including all systems. Xbox alone its not even close. but for computer its not even close for BFBC2.
MW2 is best for consoles
BFBC2 is best for PC
I don't know about single player, but online with a good squad is what makes this game great. And the sound is quite a bit better in BC2 and that's a big plus when you're in a big fire fight.
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Can't the same be said for.. CoD2. CoD3. CoD4. CoD5. oh and CoD6?

No,, CoD2 was legitimately good. The last legitimately good multiplayer. Possibly CoD5.

I think the people hooting about how people hate MW2 simply because it has no dedicated servers are failing to take into account the multitude of other ways in which the game sucks dicks.

All the people on the previous page - I can't be bothered to quote you all individually, but you know who you are - you do realise how much of a logical fallacy it is to say something is superior because it's more popular? You do know what the term "the masses" means? How about "average"? Make an effort, lads, just sitting there making noise and spouting trite nonsense about "LOL YEAH WELL THEN HOW COM MORE PPL PLAY X" - it's got to be obvious even to you how simple-minded that is.