Bad Company 2

Actually, I've found 1v1 I tend to beat M60s more often than I lose. Maybe its just noob players though. I'm generally using something like an assault rifle, but sometimes even SMGs I'll win the 1v1 against an M60. And likewise, my luck when I'm using an M60 vs people without M60s isn't all that brilliant. Maybe its because I use the ACOG scope and in 1v1 fights crouch and aim for the head.

The biggest problem I have is that the M60 is powerful AND it has a massive magazine.

Yeah, I think you're going up against noobs. I've been using the M60 + Magnum Ammo for awhile now, and I think the only time I lose head on is when I'm already low on health or I'm getting shot at by 3+ people.

However, I will jump on the bandwagon that the M60 needs a nerf (I don't really like that word because it implies just making the gun terrible and therefore useless, I just think it needs to be toned down). Since using said combination, I've seriously been scoring first place more often than not. I'm not bragging, because I don't even think I'm that good of a player, I just think that this weapons is way overpowered.
I'm still having CF issues with the latest 10.3 drivers w/ or w/out CFX app profiles. Great game though, i just hope ATi/DICE get it fixed soon though. Seems like more of an ATi issue. :-(

grab the 10.3b drivers.. some have been saying the flickering shits gone now or minimized a ton compared to before..
Is it still impossible to get the insignia for all weapon bronze stars? Stupid M1...and why isn't the thomson listed under weapons and gadgets? Can't get a bronze star with either thompson nor M1 garand.

i got a bronze star for thompson (showing up in stats), and i also got one for m1 garand in-game, but it's not showing up under stats.
Can anyone let me know how BC2 may run on my rig?

9500Gt 512mb stock speeds
Q8200 stock (need to get a better cooler)
4G of ram\
19' Trinitron CRT 1280 x 1024 prefered..... or even 1600 x 1200

got some friend who play it, but dont want to get it if it will run like crap.
Can anyone let me know how BC2 may run on my rig?

9500Gt 512mb stock speeds
Q8200 stock (need to get a better cooler)
4G of ram\
19' Trinitron CRT 1280 x 1024 prefered..... or even 1600 x 1200

got some friend who play it, but dont want to get it if it will run like crap.

I forget what protections BC2 has, but I'd use your friend's copy to play the single player and test it out on your system. would estimate that multiplayer will play at 66-75% of your single player framerate
Can anyone let me know how BC2 may run on my rig?

9500Gt 512mb stock speeds
Q8200 stock (need to get a better cooler)
4G of ram\
19' Trinitron CRT 1280 x 1024 prefered..... or even 1600 x 1200

got some friend who play it, but dont want to get it if it will run like crap.

the 9500GT might be able to play at 1280x1024 but at low settings.. the cpu's fine its just the gfx card that will limit you the most..
Wow, I need to use tracer darts against enemies more. Shooting someone in the ass with a tracer dart and then getting them with the CG aimed up in the air was...rewarding, to say the least.
anyone got a nice Eastcoast / Central server with PB enabled? Non HC.

Rush or Conquest.
Wow, I need to use tracer darts against enemies more. Shooting someone in the ass with a tracer dart and then getting them with the CG aimed up in the air was...rewarding, to say the least.

Rewarding is right, I'll second that!

Defending the first M-Coms on Arica Harbor, I was along the ridgeline near the powerline towers spotting and tagging tanks. Far across the road, about 300-400 yards or so, I saw a couple infantry taking cover near a wrecked car. Having just read on this form that the dart does not drop over distance (That tidbid has made a BIG difference in my plant count!!) I decided to take aim and take the shot...nailed a guy!! Pulled out my RPG, locked on, let it fly...Boo-yah, enemy kill!
Darts don't drop? It sure seems like they do... they do move through the air slower than bullets, so I might play with it more. But I was always accounting for bullet drop D=

Sometimes it seemed to work but maybe I'm just crazy.
Darts don't drop? It sure seems like they do... they do move through the air slower than bullets, so I might play with it more. But I was always accounting for bullet drop D=

Sometimes it seemed to work but maybe I'm just crazy.

I got an impression it doesn't drop. I once traced a sniper 1000 meters away. Just aimed it him, fired a tracer and it hit the sniper.
yeah, I kept shooting over distant armor when I aimed in an arc. Once I started aiming directly at them, it seemed like they flew in a straight line.
Changing gears here a bit....Laguna Presa rush is probably the most fun gameplay wise I've had in a long time. This map is awesome. As good as some of the W@W maps, and playing rush in it was a blast. GJ DICE
Changing gears here a bit....Laguna Presa rush is probably the most fun gameplay wise I've had in a long time. This map is awesome. As good as some of the W@W maps, and playing rush in it was a blast. GJ DICE

+1 I really like the map. Played it last night and it was a blast. Lots of flanking opportunites with the dense undergrowth. I really like the use of water vehicles at the start, trying to make it to shore is somewhat tricky
+1 I really like the map. Played it last night and it was a blast. Lots of flanking opportunites with the dense undergrowth. I really like the use of water vehicles at the start, trying to make it to shore is somewhat tricky

I also think this is a great map.
I just wish people wouldn't just take off alone in the boats right at the start, leaving me to walk the most the way through the water. :mad:

So far this is one of the rare maps where i actually prefer being defense.
I was initially having horrible mouse acceleration/lag issues. This problem seems to be fixed by putting shadows on low. Shadows are blocky, but accel/lag issue is gone. Also noticed that my CPU is holding me back. Is anyone else CPU bottlenecked by their core2 duos?
Joined a game last night and was feeling goofy. Found this nub sniper standing out in the open scoping, shooting, and missing. Looked at the scoreboard and saw he was at 0-1 and a score of -10 (suicide). Decided to dart him in the face, then took off running. Just so happens that I joined a server with FF on and the mofo shot me in the back as I took off. :D
How do you get the Laguna Presa rush map? It was in yesterday's release, right? My game hasn't updated, and I just tried searching for Rush game-modes, and Laguna Presa never showed up.
I was initially having horrible mouse acceleration/lag issues. This problem seems to be fixed by putting shadows on low. Shadows are blocky, but accel/lag issue is gone. Also noticed that my CPU is holding me back. Is anyone else CPU bottlenecked by their core2 duos?

Mine seems to be doing ok. What's your set-up and what tweaks have you done so far?
How do you get the Laguna Presa rush map? It was in yesterday's release, right? My game hasn't updated, and I just tried searching for Rush game-modes, and Laguna Presa never showed up.

Just search for Laguna Presa rush and join. Nothing to DL or unlock. Same with Arica Conquest.
do the AT mines trigger if infantry walk over / near them? Whats the proximity?

I'm wondering if spamming these is at all effective vs infantry compared to packing the gustav or rpg...

I like using tanks but only spawn with them when i KNOW its about to be of a strategic advantage
I was initially having horrible mouse acceleration/lag issues. This problem seems to be fixed by putting shadows on low. Shadows are blocky, but accel/lag issue is gone. Also noticed that my CPU is holding me back. Is anyone else CPU bottlenecked by their core2 duos?

Yes, OC your CPU.
I have E6750 + Radeon 5870

Stock Speed 2.6: Plays ok but feels a bit on the slow side. Especially Panama Canal.

OC 3.2: Wow!!! Day and night difference! Everything is so fast!
played some of the new jungle map on rush. everyone ws pretty confused overall because i kept being a defending sniper in the enemy camp. I would get alot of kills of if stuck to sniping(a GOL round doesnt draw attention since the enemy has lots of snipers), but as soon as I was figured out I would change position and go on a knife spree. one right after another and being in the enemy spawn a sniper can sometimes be overlooked.

hell I had a guy look right at me, an engineer about 7-10 feet from me turn around and hop on the UAV, I then knifed him in the back :)
I was having fun sneaking behind enemy lines and knifing people on the atackers side. By acident I managed to knife one complete squad of snipers 2 times in a row. What a satisfaction :)

I noticed this when round was finished and I was checking the dog tags :)
Yes, OC your CPU.
I have E6750 + Radeon 5870

Stock Speed 2.6: Plays ok but feels a bit on the slow side. Especially Panama Canal.

OC 3.2: Wow!!! Day and night difference! Everything is so fast!

I avoid that map for that very reason, lol. Gotta upgrade my cooler to push 3GHz.
Is there any way to modify the sniper scope sensitivity like in TF2 with zoom_sensitivity_ratio and vehicle look? My crosshairs skate all over the screen when looking through the sniper scope and it drags really slowly when using a tank or mounted machine gun.
Joined a game last night and was feeling goofy. Found this nub sniper standing out in the open scoping, shooting, and missing. Looked at the scoreboard and saw he was at 0-1 and a score of -10 (suicide). Decided to dart him in the face, then took off running. Just so happens that I joined a server with FF on and the mofo shot me in the back as I took off. :D

Your advice worked out well for me last night only had one round of sub 1.00 KD. Thanks!
I use default sensitivity and 1800 (max) DPI on my Razer DeathAdder for everything in-game. I will admit there are a few times when lining up a long distance shot as recon that I find difficult to do probably because of my sensitivity. I might try setting some of my other profiles to lower DPI and see how I fare.
I was having fun sneaking behind enemy lines and knifing people on the atackers side. By acident I managed to knife one complete squad of snipers 2 times in a row. What a satisfaction :)

I noticed this when round was finished and I was checking the dog tags :)

It never ceases to amaze me how fixated some people are when sniping. Can't they hear! I knifed three snipers in a row one after the next. They couldn't have been three feet apart. Really satisfying.
It never ceases to amaze me how fixated some people are when sniping. Can't they hear! I knifed three snipers in a row one after the next. They couldn't have been three feet apart. Really satisfying.

I do this from time to time. I'll come up behind them and just off a bunch of them. There will sometimes be 3 to 10 guys just not paying any attention it seems. By the time they realize what's happened I've already taken out a good portion of their team.