Bad Company 2

Hey guys join me on 101st Eagle ;it's a 32 player ranked PB NON-hardcore server.

IP: even though its no good in the game.
I hope you're not serious. Is your in game name Bu.Rogers by chance? :rolleyes:

I have over 100 hours played and have not gotten a payback pin. I will never get one. If I want all the badges I will have to stat pad 5 payback pins, it's as simple as that. I flat out can not get one playing normally because I rarely die over 7-10 times in a round. Bu.Rogers takes stat padding to the extreme, but I will have to do it for several awards because I can't obtain the pin which symbolizes being bad at the game.
I have over 100 hours played and have not gotten a payback pin. I will never get one. If I want all the badges I will have to stat pad 5 payback pins, it's as simple as that. I flat out can not get one playing normally because I rarely die over 7-10 times in a round. Bu.Rogers takes stat padding to the extreme, but I will have to do it for several awards because I can't obtain the pin which symbolizes being bad at the game.

I'm not sure why you posted this and quoted me as I quoted someone else about stat padding.

In regard to what you posted, no offense but it comes across sounding pretty arrogant and I do know this has been said before.

If you aren't dying on some maps more than 7-10 times, you either aren't on the frontlines (play very conservatively/snipe a lot) or you're incredibly lucky. And if you haven't gotten a nemisis pin AGAINST you, you're lucky as well in that respect. Me, I've gotten the required 5 nemisis pins against me because some guy will spam a Gustav or 40mm from a spot and perhaps I get a little obsessed with shanking that moron. I have 3/5 nemisis payback kills that all died by the knife.

Again, no offense.
If you aren't dying on some maps more than 6-7 times, you either aren't on the frontlines (play very conservatively/snipe a lot) or you're incredibly lucky. And if you haven't gotten a nemisis pin AGAINST you, you're lucky as well in that respect. Me, I've gotten the required 5 nemisis pins against me because some guy will spam a Gustav or 40mm from a spot and perhaps I get a little obsessed with shanking that moron. I have 3/5 nemisis payback kills that all died by the knife.

Negative. I've played for 92+ hours so far and I've only gotten 2 payback pins thus far and I must have gotten them in the last week or so. They aren't easy for me to obtain. You must be unlucky.
The server browser is the biggest pain to use. It's ridiculously slow and most of the time every server I try to join is full. Whats the deal with having absolute crap to start off with? Yeah cool, i'm this medic without a heal or revive kit. Just a big clumsy gun. Battlefield 2 you at least started out with all the gadgets and had competent weaponry. Not sure if this is a bug but I cant ping less than 100 in any server I join. I also noticed my squad mates all have high pings.

They put way too much emphasis in earning all these weapons and gadgets through play time and achievements. These type of games don't need a carrot on a stick for you to keep playing.
Negative. I've played for 92+ hours so far and I've only gotten 2 payback pins thus far and I must have gotten them in the last week or so. They aren't easy for me to obtain. You must be unlucky.

I've played for 6+ days (144+ hours = crack whore) and I was pretty clear how I've obtained mine. Yeah, it's not easy to have someone kill you 5 times in a round unless you're bent on killing that guy where he's camped out.

Also, you've gotten 2 of the 5 required and I've gotten 3 of the 5 required with 50% more play time so I don't understand the unlucky comment.
I'm not sure why you posted this and quoted me as I quoted someone else about stat padding.

In regard to what you posted, no offense but it comes across sounding pretty arrogant and I do know this has been said before.

If you aren't dying on some maps more than 7-10 times, you either aren't on the frontlines (play very conservatively/snipe a lot) or you're incredibly lucky. And if you haven't gotten a nemisis pin AGAINST you, you're lucky as well in that respect. Me, I've gotten the required 5 nemisis pins against me because some guy will spam a Gustav or 40mm from a spot and perhaps I get a little obsessed with shanking that moron. I have 3/5 nemisis payback kills that all died by the knife.

Again, no offense.

I'm always on the front lines, I have barely played recon at all after I got the M95. I mean I must be lucky then because it couldn't possibly be skill.
I have had a number of fun moments where someone is shooting at me, I run away behind a wall and die 1-2 seconds later...

there is almost always some amount of lag for hits to actually register with the server

also I'm pretty sure Nemesis pin is you killing someone 5 times and Payback pin is someone killing you 5 times and then killing them back (much harder to attain)
I'm always on the front lines, I have barely played recon at all after I got the M95. I mean I must be lucky then because it couldn't possibly be skill.

Never said you weren't skilled but if you haven't been on shitty teams that are 90% snipers or the receiving side of some of the blantent teamstacking along with the accompanying rape, you HAVE been incredibly lucky. Or perhaps you take the smart way and just disconnect from the server.
there is almost always some amount of lag for hits to actually register with the server

also I'm pretty sure Nemesis pin is you killing someone 5 times and Payback pin is someone killing you 5 times and then killing them back (much harder to attain)

good trick for the payback pin, go to a spot on the map where you know you will be sniped, hopefully the same guy will keep sniping you. Each time you let him snipe you make sure you get a fix on his location. After his fifth kill snipe him back
haha, i had to do the nemesis thing too, nobody ever kills me that many times. then again i dont suck balls.
Anyone mind clarifying whether or not it's five times consecutively without you killing them or is it just five times total in a round?
Tonight, I was playing... was on a small rock cliff and jumped in the midst of three guys, got into a knife with all three, and won, One of my best (luckiest) gaming moments EVER.:D
Tonight, I was playing... was on a small rock cliff and jumped in the midst of three guys, got into a knife with all three, and won, One of my best (luckiest) gaming moments EVER.:D

Did the same thing a few hours back. Jumped in behind a squad and knifed the first guy only to get hit by a mortar strike. I was like wtf. :confused:
how the FUCK have they not done anything about the CG and the m60?!!?!?

I just went up against a team of ~6 m60 whores, and ~5 cg whores. It was brutal... not fun when you cant leave your spawn.
I fixed that for you.


Maybe he's using the Garand :p
how the FUCK have they not done anything about the CG and the m60?!!?!?

I just went up against a team of ~6 m60 whores, and ~5 cg whores. It was brutal... not fun when you cant leave your spawn.

I think I've just gotten plain bored with using the m60. Unfortunately, it has kind of spoiled me; I went back to try to use the assault class and couldn't shoot worth a damn. I just kept spraying at the enemy, and was always shocked when I had to reload in the middle of a fire fight.
Hopefully they don't patch it up before I get my last two Engineer unlocks. God know what would happen to my round scores if the CG + Extra Explosives + Explosives MK2 got nerfed.

Once they do I'll have to continue ranking with either the AN-94 + ACOG + Magnum or NS2000 + Slugs + Magnum (as Recon for the Marksman bonuses and the lols).

Honestly I think the NS2000 + 12G Slugs + Magnum wins big time on fun factor and is pretty overpowered. If it weren't for the M60's heinous clip size I think everyone in town would be using shotguns.
I don't see why the LMG's don't have heating issues. You can fire the M60 for all 100 rounds without stopping, reload and fire then next 100 rounds without issue.

The HMG's have heating problems if you try to continuously fire them, why not the lmg's?
I hardly play Engineer, how do you use the CG effectively? Shoot the ground or a wall behind them like a Soldier in Team Fortress?

As for how to nerf the CG, I don't think reducing the amount of ammo carried well help. With this game, an assault is never far away and he can just drop ammo packs anywhere he wants for an engineer to pick up. In old games, reducing ammo helped since ammo stations aren't mobile. Now, this game has ammo stations that are mobile, smart, and can be littered anywhere on the map 2 at a time.
I hardly play Engineer, how do you use the CG effectively? Shoot the ground or a wall behind them like a Soldier in Team Fortress?

You got the right idea. With the +explosive dmg spec, the CG plays like a soldier in TF2 with the velocity of The Direct Hit and the splash/lethality of a normal rocket launcher crit lol. Shoot the ground/wall/cover near them and let the splash take care of it.

I try not to use it much but if the teams are stacked to hell or we're getting spawn camped; I have no shame in busting out the CG and ruining their time. Same goes for teams that run full squads of medics all using M60s and chain-revive. One CG rocket into their little group and the party's over. Teammates suck at covering the m-com after a plant? Use the CG and you can stop any defusers by yourself from anywhere on the map as long as you have the line of sight.
Anybody know the name of the map in rush where the attackers start off from a very small island and they have to use boats to make it to the mainland... it's not inocentes. I thought DICE released some new maps for Rush or something because all I play is Rush and never have I ever before played this map in any rotations the servers had going on.
Anybody know the name of the map in rush where the attackers start off from a very small island and they have to use boats to make it to the mainland... it's not inocentes. I thought DICE released some new maps for Rush or something because all I play is Rush and never have I ever before played this map in any rotations the servers had going on.

Laguna Presa
Anybody know the name of the map in rush where the attackers start off from a very small island and they have to use boats to make it to the mainland... it's not inocentes. I thought DICE released some new maps for Rush or something because all I play is Rush and never have I ever before played this map in any rotations the servers had going on.

Laguna Presa, and I see this map all the time when I play, I don't know why you haven't seen it more often.
Laguna Presa, and I see this map all the time when I play, I don't know why you haven't seen it more often.

I don't know why either, but i'm glad there's atleast another map to play on. Because every server I join usually has a rotation of Port Valdez, Nelson Bay, Arica Harbor and Isla Inocentes which is probably all the maps available in Rush besides this one.
anyone not really like the engie guns? i have been using the G3 more with the extra explsives + high yield and i like that alot more.

Scar L Carbine with Magnum ammo is awesome. Default scope is easy to aim with so it frees up a perk so I use it with the lightweight package.

Got 2 gold stars with it so far and it feels very natural and easy to use.
Scar L Carbine with Magnum ammo is awesome. Default scope is easy to aim with so it frees up a perk so I use it with the lightweight package.

Got 2 gold stars with it so far and it feels very natural and easy to use.

I just got my platinum star with the UMP today. Depending on the map and what I can expect armor-wise I will use red dot and magnum for infantry based maps. It's a pretty solid SMG that has really low spread but does the same amount of DMG as the SCAR-L and the 09A-91. I'll probably start working toward bronze with the rest of the guns now but I did notice that I don't have bronze on either of the 09A-91 or the SCAR-L when I definitely have 10+ on both listed in their stats. DICE really needs to work out these statistical problems among other things. Once they finally roll out fixes for everything I can imagine this game being a pretty solid multiplayer experience down the road.
My most 'Epic Fail' moment so far.

Last night, I'd been switching between Medic and Engineer classes, I saw a downed team-mate lying on the ground in a heap and rushed over to defib him, hit 3 on the keyboard and mouse button to resuscitate. Bang, blew myself to pieces with the RPG. Epic fail indeed and -10 points. There have been many other moments of sheer stupidity but I'm too embarrassed to list them.
My most 'Epic Fail' moment so far.

Last night, I'd been switching between Medic and Engineer classes, I saw a downed team-mate lying on the ground in a heap and rushed over to defib him, hit 3 on the keyboard and mouse button to resusitate. Bang, blew myself to pieces with the RPG. Epic fail indeed and -10 points. There have been many other moments of sheer stupidity but I'm embarrassed to list them.

That's funny :)
I just got my platinum star with the UMP today. Depending on the map and what I can expect armor-wise I will use red dot and magnum for infantry based maps. It's a pretty solid SMG that has really low spread but does the same amount of DMG as the SCAR-L and the 09A-91. I'll probably start working toward bronze with the rest of the guns now but I did notice that I don't have bronze on either of the 09A-91 or the SCAR-L when I definitely have 10+ on both listed in their stats. DICE really needs to work out these statistical problems among other things. Once they finally roll out fixes for everything I can imagine this game being a pretty solid multiplayer experience down the road.

nice i switch between weapons to much.. though i have my gold star 8 for vehicles.. and have a few gold star 2's for other weapons..
I have achieved what must for sure be the single greatest feat ever done in bad company 2.

Map: Arica Harbour
Mode: Rush
Stage: 3
Team: Attacking

Only M Comm B is left during the third stage and we have 10 tickets left. Point B is completely surrounded by them and we can't get anywhere near it. So I spawn back at the base cover an atv in 6 C4 packs on all sides and drive it towards the point with the ticket counter quickly plummeting. Point B is inside a train cart with a hole in the side, their is a hill in front of it. I'm gunning for it and the road is covered in enemies, several of them fire rockets at me as I swerve to avoid them. I gun it full speed as I go over the hill which propels me into the air and my atv falls through the hole in the side of the train cart just as I jump out and hit the detonate button. Just as the atv contacts the inside of the train cart the atv explodes, destroying the m comm station. We have 1 ticket left when this happens. Best of all I jumped out in time to survive and gunned down 3 more enemies before dying.

There have been many other moments of sheer stupidity but I'm embarrassed to list them.

Please do. Stupid moments are just as great to talk about as epic moments.
I have achieved what must for sure be the single greatest feat ever done in bad company 2.

Map: Arica Harbour
Mode: Rush
Stage: 3
Team: Attacking

Only M Comm B is left during the third stage and we have 10 tickets left. Point B is completely surrounded by them and we can't get anywhere near it. So I spawn back at the base cover an atv in 6 C4 packs on all sides and drive it towards the point with the ticket counter quickly plummeting. Point B is inside a train cart with a hole in the side, their is a hill in front of it. I'm gunning for it and the road is covered in enemies, several of them fire rockets at me as I swerve to avoid them. I gun it full speed as I go over the hill which propels me into the air and my atv falls through the hole in the side of the train cart just as I jump out and hit the detonate button. Just as the atv contacts the inside of the train cart the atv explodes, destroying the m comm station. We have 1 ticket left when this happens. Best of all I jumped out in time to survive and gunned down 3 more enemies before dying.

Please do. Stupid moments are just as great to talk about as epic moments.

last resort m-com kill.. have a teammate put 6 c4 packs on a UAV.. fly next to the objective and have your teammate fire off the c4... objectives destroyed and the UAV survives.. :p
last resort m-com kill.. have a teammate put 6 c4 packs on a UAV.. fly next to the objective and have your teammate fire off the c4... objectives destroyed and the UAV survives.. :p

Yeah I've done this before lots of times with a friend. But it doesn't feel anywhere near as epic as what I pulled off last night.
You got the right idea. With the +explosive dmg spec, the CG plays like a soldier in TF2 with the velocity of The Direct Hit and the splash/lethality of a normal rocket launcher crit lol. Shoot the ground/wall/cover near them and let the splash take care of it.

Incidentally I think the CG is pretty balanced without the +Explosives spec. I don't think it in of itself is broken, it's just that the spec confers too much of a bonus to its capabilities.
I'm getting uncannily good at shooting down the heli's with the CG now, even with its faster speed it's still a big challenge, and some maps the heli's really dominate, a swift CG direct hit and they fall straight out of the sky, it's incredibly rewarding.

On the flip side, no one else seems capable of doing it, me and my brother took the black hawk in that jungle rush map, we had the same blackhawk for ages, I was just doing low/slow strafing runs and he was cleaning up with the minigun, unstoppable for almost the entire round :)
Are there likely to be any fixes for the terrible screen tearing? I have tried every setting, at every res available to me (using D3DOverrider, manually adjusting vsync in settings.ini etc etc), and I still get tearing. Not only does it detract from the gaming experience, sometimes it means I can't even see the opposition!

So last night I again re-installed the newest WHQL drivers and went to re-apply my OC via Afterburner but got interupted by a phone call. When I came back I just started playing the game, forgetting to initiate the OC, and what do you know, the tearing is gone.

I never thought to try this before as I've been running the OC in my sig for well over 6 months without issue, (max temp during BFBC2 High settings, everything turned on was 67C), but I guess this game (and Metro 2033, the only other game that's given me unaccountable tearing) didn't like my OC. After I finished kicking myself for not trying an obvious fix, I finally got to enjoy BFBC2 as it was intended to be seen, and concentrate on the playing rather than the tearing!