Bad Company 2

i played this like all day today....

I really enjoy just trying to get really long range sniper shots..I end up with like 600 points per round, but I have fun...

I think it's generally assumed the longest sniper marksman bonuses you're going to get are about 500 and that's on Arica Harbor or Atacima Desert. Highest one I've gotten is 412 a couple times.

You should be getting more than 600 per round though sniping only unless you're standing out in the open and getting countersniped a lot. ;)
I got 501 marksman on Arica Harbor and that was pretty much from the back of defender all the way to the back of attacker.
I think it's generally assumed the longest sniper marksman bonuses you're going to get are about 500 and that's on Arica Harbor or Atacima Desert. Highest one I've gotten is 412 a couple times.

You should be getting more than 600 per round though sniping only unless you're standing out in the open and getting countersniped a lot. ;)

i normally jst pick specific spots that don't give a lot of target opportunity but defend a key area like a flank. I make sure there are very limited ways for me to get counter sniped. So I end up with less than 20 kills per round.

I have been trying to play this game online and kinda feel it's too complicated. Let me explain. I always play the single player mode first to get the feel for the game's layout and controls if I am new to it. It helps me get a better feel. However, when I play BC2 online, I feel lost with game control. I just kinda lose interest. Is it just me or is this game seems to be more console friendly when it comes to on line play? I like the concept of the game, it just seems too much on a Keyboard. Then again, I could just be getting older and want something simpler. :)
All battlefield games have felt like that to me when I first start playing, usually because I take big breaks between them.

I'd just say keep at it... you'll start to pick-up on how to play after a while, you'll find a class and routine you're comfortable with, you'll learn the maps and weapons.
The game seems very PC-friendly to me. I don't see how it's "more console friendly"??

Yeah I concur with Blazestorm: Just keep at it. BC2 online is difference from BC2 single player so yeah, just gotta get a feel for it.'s too complicated. Let me explain. I always play the single player mode first to get the feel for the game's layout and controls if I am new to it. It helps me get a better feel. However, when I play BC2 online, I feel lost with game control...

I have this game down pretty well and enjoy it on a very casual level. The learning curve seemed a little steep for me because this was my first Battlefield title ever. After a little uptake I was really "getting it". It simply took time and me going at my own pace, which is one of the great things about the online experience. You can just get the feel for things if you want (unless you are on a clan heavy server, at that point, just pop smoke and move on).

Want something complicated and will make you feel retarded? Get ARMA II, it made me feel like an infant with the Enigma Machine.

I have been trying to play this game online and kinda feel it's too complicated. Let me explain. I always play the single player mode first to get the feel for the game's layout and controls if I am new to it. It helps me get a better feel. However, when I play BC2 online, I feel lost with game control. I just kinda lose interest. Is it just me or is this game seems to be more console friendly when it comes to on line play? I like the concept of the game, it just seems too much on a Keyboard. Then again, I could just be getting older and want something simpler. :)

I'm not sure what keyboard complications you are talking about compared to other multiplayer FPS games. You may have some bad habits from other games.

The single player won't really help you play multiplayer in this game. This game feels the same as all the other battlefield games.

If you are having trouble aiming down the sights or throwing grenades switching weapons, invest in a decent mouse with at least two thumb buttons. Mouse scroll switches weapons, middle mouse press is knife. thumb button 1 is grenade, thumb button 2 is aim down the sights/zoom. If you have one more, you can set it to use/enter vehicle. Mouse 1 is shoot, mouse 2 is jump.

My keyboard hand has 5 fingers on the same keys always. They never leave WASD, space (crouch), and shift (run).
My only complaint about the controls is the inability to set the "use" button to be different than the "pick up kit button", nothing more annoying than going to arm or disarm something, and pick up some dead guys kit instead.
Looks like the patch is delayed a little bit longer...
Baza said:
No BFBC2 PC patch today. QA has another version to test that Mikael made over the weekend. More updates to follow as I get them.
about 1 hour ago via TweetDeck
Be careful what you bind to your mouse, it shouldn't be anything you use while you're shooting as it effects your aim, try and keep that stuff to the keyboard.
I have the knife set up for the middle button. All my controls are the same for all shooters. Makes things easier when you switch games. :D
Jeez I havent been this into an FPS game in years. Some combination of the sounds, the danger/reward level of hardcore and the open-war feeling are really doing it for me. Best shooter in a long time.

Want something complicated and will make you feel retarded? Get ARMA II, it made me feel like an infant with the Enigma Machine.

No joke, ARMA managed to make it difficult just setting up the standard FPS controls like moving and shooting. That turned me off enough to never get past the demo.

I'm not sure what keyboard complications you are talking about compared to other multiplayer FPS games. You may have some bad habits from other games.

My keyboard hand has 5 fingers on the same keys always. They never leave WASD, space (crouch), and shift (run).

Hes probably referring to the way autorun works, or duck toggle or the weird strafing. BC2 movement controls really stand out as different from normal FPS. Thankfully the patch will address some of that. At least they didnt go the tactical-shooter route and add peeking around corners, prone, squad commands, etc...we would run out of keys :p
my main complaint with the game has to be the weapon scrolling. it goes backwards when moving. also seems like you can skip some weapons some times. Other times you can select an empty weapon. die a lot due to that. the obvious answer is to use hotkeys, but they present another problem...
my main complaint with the game has to be the weapon scrolling. it goes backwards when moving. also seems like you can skip some weapons some times. Other times you can select an empty weapon. die a lot due to that. the obvious answer is to use hotkeys, but they present another problem...

I thought I was crazy / the only one that had this problem. My friends never seemed to notice it / look at me like I'm crazy or making excuses when I complain about it. Its got me screwed many times though.

I may put my weapon slots to key bindings and disable the scroll wheel for anything just yet. It gets so frustrating sometimes.
I started to change my weapon binding to C V B N instead of 1234 so I don't need to take my fingers off movement keys.
Is it possible to get rid of a tracer off a tank? Came across something today I've never faced before. I'd get a tracer dart on people's tanks but before I could even get my first rocket off it would disappear.

Was not a happy panda! :mad: :p
Also if a piece of armor plating falls off the tank from damage with the dart on it it will also disappear.
my main complaint with the game has to be the weapon scrolling. it goes backwards when moving. also seems like you can skip some weapons some times. Other times you can select an empty weapon. die a lot due to that. the obvious answer is to use hotkeys, but they present another problem...

It is a problem for me. Sometimes I tk teammates with the grenade launcher thinking I have ammo out.
I think I just use 1-4 for weapons.. no mouse-wheel for me...

It's easier for me to jump from repair gun to SMG or pistol than it would be to scroll through, in my opinion atleast... that's probably why I don't use the scroll-wheel.
Yeah, as much as I'm dying waiting for this patch, I'm glad they're taking the time to work out the kinks. All of my complaints should be fixed after this :D
It is a problem for me. Sometimes I tk teammates with the grenade launcher thinking I have ammo out.

LOL! Ahhh its the greatest when you scroll+click in hc and you don't see your crosshairs so your assumption just killed you and your buddy.
I think I just use 1-4 for weapons.. no mouse-wheel for me...

It's easier for me to jump from repair gun to SMG or pistol than it would be to scroll through, in my opinion atleast... that's probably why I don't use the scroll-wheel.

People who scroll for weapons are just as bad as keyboard turners in WoW.
Anyone else having issues connecting to EA in this game? I can log on but all server searches fail to connect...even clicking on history and favorite tabs fails to connect. Fucking lame.
Just because it works for you, doesn't mean it's the most efficient way. Mid-fight, your AR runs out of ammo, what's the quickest and most efficient way to switch to your next weapon? Hint: It's not scrolling.
I hate it when the dead guy is out of ammo too though, then you switch to pistol and find a tracer... D=
I hate it when the dead guy is out of ammo too though, then you switch to pistol and find a tracer... D=

yea.. then you know it just wasn't meant to be ahaha. I try to snag a medic kit if possible since theres a good chance it'll have plenty of ammo.
ah, got to love it. hardcore, seeing red. pick up a medics kit you just kill for their health pack. WTF!!! NOOB HAD NO HEALTH KIT!!!
All battlefield games have felt like that to me when I first start playing, usually because I take big breaks between them.

I remember playing BF42 on single player/hardest and just flat out owning the computer. Felt I was ready to get online and teach the noobs how it's done. First couple rounds on Wake; see a jeep running down the road at me. Open up with machine gun and get ran over. Me Boom. Okay bitch, I grab a jeep fly up the road and see some dude frisbee toss something, then hop back out of the way. Me Boom. Wow you can throw mines at shit?!! I try it of course on the next jeep I see only to find the guy has it loaded with Expacks. Me Boom. Single player only allows you to familiarize yourself with controls and NOT play online.

I have the knife set up for the middle button. All my controls are the same for all shooters. Makes things easier when you switch games. :D

my main complaint with the game has to be the weapon scrolling. it goes backwards when moving. also seems like you can skip some weapons some times. Other times you can select an empty weapon. die a lot due to that. the obvious answer is to use hotkeys, but they present another problem...

I use the MMB for my pistol since BF42. I have a mouse with forward/back thumb mouse buttons; I set the next weapon to forward and knife to back button. Seems to work a lot better than the mousewheel.

ah, got to love it. hardcore, seeing red. pick up a medics kit you just kill for their health pack. WTF!!! NOOB HAD NO HEALTH KIT!!!

Man, everytime I kill a medic (even if I'm not injured) I'll pick up his kit and drop health. My passing teammates appreciate it and so does my score. Easy points there. Same with killing a sniper. Pick up his kit, use his mortars/motion mine and drop it again.

Finally starting to get used to the M416. Man once you get the feel for it, it's a nice gun. Feels like a junior medic's gun. Great for close/mid range.