Bad/Dishonest Seller

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Limp Gawd
Feb 12, 2009
I saw this thread on Sunday night and saw that dieseldog had already replied that he pm'd the seller.

I sent a PM to seller stating that if the combo was still available I would purchase.

He said it was still available and gave me his paypal. He sent me another note asking me to send it as a gift so he does not get hit by fees. Assuming the deal he is giving on the combo, I don't think the additional $6 in fees is a big deal. I sent payment for goods.

I followed the thread and saw that it appeared that dieseldog had indeed purchased the combo. I called out the seller on this and his response was

"yeah i sold to him first. sorry for the mix up there. "

This is the dishonest piece of it. It sounds like dieseldog paid immediately and the seller already knew it was paid for, yet asked me for my money.

I've now been asking him for a refund since Sunday night and am not getting any responses.

I started the PayPal dispute on Sunday, so it's just a waiting game until I get my money back.

Here's one last thing that may or may not be related to this.. he sold this same combo back in January.

Just wanted to warn others!

Thanks for your time.
He sent me another note asking me to send it as a gift so he does not get hit by fees. Assuming the deal he is giving on the combo, I don't think the additional $6 in fees is a big deal. I sent payment for goods.

never ever ever send as a gift.....This cant be stated enough times...

Ill send him a PM and see what his plan is...hopefully this works out for you
Sorry, to clarify, I was stating that I found it odd that he asked for a payment as a gift, to avoid a $6 fee when he was already deeply discounting the combo. I did not send as a gift. I sent as payment for goods.
Sorry, to clarify, I was stating that I found it odd that he asked for a payment as a gift, to avoid a $6 fee when he was already deeply discounting the combo. I did not send as a gift. I sent as payment for goods.

Ah I misunderstood, good thing you did not send as gift at least have that working for you
Does the guy even have references? If not, that should have been a red flag right there.
Not 100% sure but this could be his heatware here.

I agree it was pretty bad for him to take the money if he knew he sold it to the other person. But he could have thought you might pay first deal also. As I've seen people ask for paypal and never pay after that. But he should have refunded your money right then. As all he had to do was click refund by your name. That is pretty crappy on his part and no excuse for not refunding the money right back. Thanks
Strike 1 of only 1 as far as im concerned when it comes to something like this.
Hello I am the other person involved in this, I indeed bought it the second it came onto the forums, I was literaly the second view on the thread (I have been hunting for a good deal on a 2500k all week non stop) I asked him for heatware and pictures of the item and he provided both, the heatware account hadn't had any feedback in a while but everything looked legit, he did not ask me to pay with a gift. He told me on sunday that he would have a tracking number for me monday and I haven't heard from him since. I filed a claim on paypal last night stating I needed either the goods or a refund immediately. He has not been on since he last pm'ed me and trungerz. The most frustrating part for me is that if there is a good deal for a 2500k now I will not be able to jump on it (I already wasn't able to take advantage of the 3570k deal for $185 at tiger direct) and this sets my build back a couple more weeks :mad:
Man as a new seller/buyer here im so scared of stuff like this.... :/

always ask for pics with paper with name... and a message sent from their heatware too...
people could be lying that their heatware is actually theirs...

this guy is: Damian' with the little: ' at the end.... he might not even be the real Damian on heatware....
Man as a new seller/buyer here im so scared of stuff like this.... :/

always ask for pics with paper with name... and a message sent from their heatware too...
people could be lying that their heatware is actually theirs...

this guy is: Damian' with the little: ' at the end.... he might not even be the real Damian on heatware....

That's why there is a feature on heatware call aliases...
Its the same damian the paypal emails matched, and he has been a member for over 3 years, sometimes people's accounts get compromised.
Sup yall.

Yeah i guess that was a pretty sweet deal huh? Tired of spending so much time on the computer. Just wanted to get rid of it. (and yes i did get rid of it before. I sold this combo back in Jan or somewhere around there. And i bought this same combo cause well its a sick combo lol)

I was doing all this over my droid so i did get confused by who i was selling it to.

As for the refund to the OP. I'm seeing what i can do. Paypal says its being held. So i never really saw an extra $200 on my account so there was nothing to refund.

The only $200 i got was from dieseldog.

So OP, i dont know contact paypal see what can be done. I'll do the same. Like i said i never got your $200 so a refund isn't possible on my end. (I dont see a refund option.)

Sorry for scaring some of you new guys. But its kind of hard communicating now that i dont have a computer ;)

Anyways, the combo has been shipped to the buyer. As for OP. I'll see what can be done by calling Paypal. Maybe they can resolve this.
Hi - Thank you for finally communicating.

The money was in your account, but after a few hours of realizing what happened, I filed the dispute. Once the dispute is filed, most of the time PayPal holds that money and makes it unavailable to you until the dispute gets resolved.

Trust me, its nothing on my side. You need to get this resolved with them.

In the future, responding within a day is common courtesy, even if you are on a phone. You were quick enough to be able to respond with your paypal address, but took almost three days to let me know what is going on with the refund.

Communication goes a long way.

Thanks for taking care of this.
He said the combo is in the mail and I should get it by saturday thanks for updating me and I hope we can get all of this cleared up, sorry for any alarm caused by this thread.
Was the link I posted your correct heatware account? If not what is your correct heatware link? Why would they not let his money go through to you? Seems something on your end with paypal has some problems. Hopefully you get it sorted out and glad to see you posted in the thread. Thanks
OP do not close that dispute until a refund is in your hands. Promises are not good enough and once closed it can't be reopened.

There is zero excuse for a lack of communication and it's easily one of the biggest red flags there is.
The 'Sup Yall' and language of damian should throw up a hugh red flag to anyone involved in this. Such a flip, adolecent response gives a perfect insight into his character.
That sounds like priority mail. If he did his postage online, he has a tracking #. If he went to a PO, tracking is optional but inexpensive -- and he should've gotten it anyways because of that. Seriously, it's $0.79 (or thereabouts).
He said he had his sister ship out and he didn't know if she got tracking...

:rolleyes: I've seen that line used many, many times when situations like this come up... Someone is *always* pointing the finger at their sister, girlfriend or SO....

Best of luck. I hope you guys can get this resolved.
If sis kept the receipt, he needs to get that receipt from her, pronto, and either scan it or take a photo of it. (A *good* photo, so that it's legible.) That will have a tracking # on it if there is one. The number should be towards the bottom near a barcode, IIRC.

And the USPS *always* gives you a receipt, so there's no "she didn't get one" -- either she kept it or threw it out. The latter possibility would be VASTLY irresponsible on the part of both -- she should have given him the reciept, and he should have made sure she knew to give him the receipt.
Mail came, still no package.

That is unfortunate Diesel!!
Back in Jan or Feb I was actually going to buy a combo from him on a different forum. Right at the last minute he PM'd me saying he found out the board was defective. Not sure what that possibly means.
Rarely do you see things like this happen on [H] (which is a good thing), but all in all, definitely do hope OP and dieseldog get their problems resolved. I've seen too many thing's like happen on Head-fi. Just make sure he actually sent your the item he sold to you and so you don't end up receiving a picture of a motherboard instead.
Damn dude. People like this ruin the classifieds for honest people.

I hope you are able to get all this sorted out. I've defiantly been in this situation before. Keep with the Paypal dispute.

It sucks.
This is only the second time something like this has happened to me with computer parts and the other time the guy got a whole lot more people. Hopefully it all works out in the end it just frustrates me that I can get my Bombproof build back on track until this is sorted out.
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