Bad Fps


Oct 21, 2005
ok im getting 40 - 70 fps with this setup which shouldnt happen... in CSS
AMD 4400+ X2 Core
1GB cosair Ram
ASUS A8N premium
Raptor HDD Drive

AMD Drivers
Nvida Tried on 81.85 and 81.87
All other drivers up to date....
Windows XP SP2

source engine frame rate limiter?

check the setting of


in the console, other than that, take off 8xAA 16xAF and see if that helps :p
FPS MAX is set to 300 and ive heard people with 6800gt's get 150+ fps.....while im getting possibly is that possible?
check your running processes, over the itarweb it seems like you might have some spyware (which can cause low fps) or maybe a virus. Other than that, I really couldn't tell you much more.
the puter has been running for like 5 days (since i built it) but i have anti-vir, ad-aware, spybot, etc to prevent this but i think it might be a setting called HDR im not sure....does anyone know if the 6800gt has HDR? or is there any other suggestions for me as to what the shit is going on.
Do a search. There's been a billion threads about Source and low fps.

I have a BFG 6800GT OC, Athlon 64 3000+ OC to 2.4 Ghz, 1 gig of ram, coolmax 400W powersupply. During gunfights with 2 other people on the screen, my fps will drop between the 40's - 70's.

On the flipside, my friend has the same computer layout as mine and his fps never drops below 70's. Granted the brand name parts of his computer may be different than mine but, it's basically the same overall system.

There are people who have Athlon X2 with 7800GT Sli getting 50 fps during gunfights and there are people with Pentium 3.2 with 9800 pro getting nothing less than 70 fps.

Something is definitely wrong with Source or it is extremely picky about the way the computer should be setup.
HDR will kill your FPS to a certain extent on maps that support it. Why not try turning it off, and also lowering your resolution/aa etc...

I thought a 7800 could support HDR in CS:S, but CS:S is such a computer whore maybe not.

Edit: Oh you know not to run Anti-Virus/Anti-Spyware while playing right?And also try playing with your console settings; there are various things to turn off the rain/decals etc.. If not then try the steam website.
Do you know which maps in CSS are HDR supported? and I am also having this problem in quake 4 if more than 2 people are in the screen computer fps drops to 30ish....possibly a problem with the way the games connect with the GPU and CPU? maybe because its Dual core?