Bad internet connection after installing new Lanparty Ultra-d


Limp Gawd
Feb 27, 2005
I just got a my new Fx 57 and Dfi lanparty ultra-d setup but it seems that my internet speed from roadrunner is not as fast as before judging by bandwidth tests and my ping in games.

Im using the onboard lan and I have not made any changes what so ever with my internet so I had hoped that it would stay the same.

Are there any tweaks or adjustments I can do in bios or in windows to boost my internet connection? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
If you are connected directly to the cable modem, you could try manually setting the port speed and duplex to 10/half. I've seen some NICs that have problems auto-detecting this.
I had problems like that once when I first installed a new Intel motherboard. Windows XP loaded some default drivers for the Realtek 8139 (or whatever) the onboard NIC is. Once I updated these to the latest drivers available everything was working much better.

With the default drivers I couldn't join a session of BF 1942, it would timeout before my machine finished loading the level.

Something to try....
If you're using the POS nvidia firewall with the onboard nic try uninstalling it. I used to have lots of problems with corrupt downloads over the nvidia lan on my old SLI-DR, and it was the forceware firewall thing's fault.
ya, watch out, the nvidia firewall app sucks.. i still find it funny how now hardware site reports this during reviews
Ive tried uninstalling the chipset drivers and not installing the nvidia network and firewall management but still it does not help. Any other suggestions?
do a speed test at and see if the actual speeds reflect what you are supposed to be getting