Bad Memory?


Jul 6, 2006
Just got a new 1 gig kit of OCZ platinum (2X512) DDR 400 to sit along side my OCZ gold 2 gig kit. My experiance is limited when it comes to ram and setting up timings and whatnot so i only did basic trouble shooting and quickly decided that the ram that was shipped was shot.

Anyway this is what i did:

Cleared CMOS and added the ram along side the existing gold kit. system would not boot all settings set to auto in bios. I tried the kit by itself, no luck the system would not boot,so i hopped online and checked the OCZ and [H]ard forums and even googled to see if it was even usable in my system(listed below) and then flased my BIOS just for kicks to the newest version. i could not find anything that would indicate there would be a problem. I tried it again with a voltage of 2.85 right down to 2.65 and 2T command rate not luck even with only one stick. The weird thing is i can see in the bios that there is 3 gig there and its runing at 366mhz so i guess the motherboard would see it but its getting tangled up somewhere. Is the ram pooched or have i missed something?

Sorry if this is a little jumbled but i'm geting tired and i'm ready for bed.

any ideas?

I also tried it in one of my folding machines, no luck there either. the mobo is a abit av8.