Bad OC


Jan 19, 2004
i oced my AMD 2600+ to 188 FSB and i got a corrupt system file causing me to reformat my PC i tryed repair, lowering to stock, and nothing worked . i cant remember the path but it was like WINDOWS/NTFS/WINDOW/SYSTEM i believe. i had it at 187 and had corrupt file but i lowerd it a tad and it worked again but not this time. my 2600 left me sad and pissed.i know this has probley been posted at a earlier time but could somone tell me where i went wrong?
PC2700 generic RAM
5900=>5950 PNY
120GB Baricuda
AMD 2600 XP+
Don't feel bad, WHen I got my Barton2500+ I overclocked it to
200FSB, it would not load into XP, then after screwing around some more I could not even boot into winXP with it back to normal settings. And then I even had to reset my BIOS becuase the computer would not even boot up!

I did a fix to winXP, but winXP ran like shit after it so I was forced to do a reformat of the c:\ drive, and fresh copy of XP.

Now I take it easy with the overclocks, and up my vcore voltage. The only way to run stable is really to up your vcore! OR you will currupt shit.

Did you just get this CPU?
The problem is you're fucking with the FSB on a board that doesn't lock the PCI freq. That is a STUPID thing to do, which I found out personally. I ended up killing two hard drives that were RAID-0'd, by running the FSB higher than normal, which also raised the PCI frequency to something like 35mhz. Unless you're running an nVidia board, or any board that will lock the PCI/AGP frequency, don't screw around with the FSB. Period. Someone people get away with it, but they are dumb to try, imo.
Originally posted by v3rt1g0
The problem is you're fucking with the FSB on a board that doesn't lock the PCI freq. That is a STUPID thing to do, which I found out personally. I ended up killing two hard drives that were RAID-0'd, by running the FSB higher than normal, which also raised the PCI frequency to something like 35mhz. Unless you're running an nVidia board, or any board that will lock the PCI/AGP frequency, don't screw around with the FSB. Period. Someone people get away with it, but they are dumb to try, imo.

I got a question for you, Does my NF2 board automatically lock in the FSB? Becuase I just worried I accidently changed something that didn't lock it anymore.;)
Originally posted by eddie500
I got a question for you, Does my NF2 board automatically lock in the FSB? Becuase I just worried I accidently changed something that didn't lock it anymore.;)

Are you unsucessfully trying to be funny, because that makes no sense.