Bad time to buy 8800GTS ?


May 16, 2006
Hi, i have a opteron 165 @ 2.8, 2GB ram, enermax liberty 500W and 7600GT :(. My res is 1680x1050. So basically i cant play anything besides CS 1.6 on my computer. I wanted to play bioshock and other games so i was thinking to finally upgrade to 8800 GTS 640mb. But in november new nvidia cards will be out. Should i wait for them or just buy 8800 right now ?
I will upgrade rest of my system sometime next year.
Well, I bought an 8800gts 320 a month ago an in anticipation of UT3 and Crysis I'm already thinking of offing it and buying either a 8800gts 640, or an 8800gtx.

The tough part is will the jump from the 320 to 640 really justify the pain in the ass it will be, and/ does the price increase from the gts to the gtx worth it?

IF you go gts, at least get the 640 version, trust me.
Not the best time. For one, the prices have barely dropped, if at all, and supposedly we'll see the G92 replace it in November. I went ahead and pulled the trigger on an evga 8800GTS 640mb for my father's birthday. The guy loves Far Cry, which was my birthday present to him maybe over 2 years ago! Got him the 8800 GTS 640 in anticipation for Crysis. Went with eVGA knowing I could step-up if the G92 is any better.. small price to pay for a piece of mind.
I don't have a problem with my 8800 gts @ 680/960, I just hope it'll chew Crysis with at least 2x AA on 1080p
Considering that Crysis is coming out late in November, I'd definitely wait. There is a chance that the prices will go down when new ones will be released. Probably I will be getting 8800GTS 640MB, but first I want to wait and see how it performs on Crysis. I have no intention to buy a vga at this time.
Hi, i have a opteron 165 @ 2.8, 2GB ram, enermax liberty 500W and 7600GT :(. My res is 1680x1050. So basically i cant play anything besides CS 1.6 on my computer. I wanted to play bioshock and other games so i was thinking to finally upgrade to 8800 GTS 640mb. But in november new nvidia cards will be out. Should i wait for them or just buy 8800 right now ?
I will upgrade rest of my system sometime next year.

I'm running almost the same setup, but 1gb of generic ddr400 ram, and an FX-55 and I play half life 2 at 1920x1080p on a 40" sony xbr2 1080p lcd at 40+FPS fact I've never seen it dip below 30fps...I also run Sniper Elite, Joint Operations, Doom 3 (1280x1024 ultra high settings), and numerous other games with no slow down...keep in mind all games are being run at the highest settings with 4x AA and max filtering...I just got a hold of a 7800GTX for $60 and I might be buying another for SLi...but come November when the G92/G98 hit I'm upgrading to the 640mb version of the GTS...
I'm running almost the same setup, but 1gb of generic ddr400 ram, and an FX-55 and I play half life 2 at 1920x1080p on a 40" sony xbr2 1080p lcd at 40+FPS fact I've never seen it dip below 30fps...I also run Sniper Elite, Joint Operations, Doom 3 (1280x1024 ultra high settings), and numerous other games with no slow down...keep in mind all games are being run at the highest settings with 4x AA and max filtering...I just got a hold of a 7800GTX for $60 and I might be buying another for SLi...but come November when the G92/G98 hit I'm upgrading to the 640mb version of the GTS...

Keep in mind it's going to up to the Shops to lower prices, since they probably wouldn't be receiving more stock when the new replacements come out They may just leave them pretty close to roll out newer hardware(more likely to sell.)
it appears that the next 9x series of nvidia are 768 megs by default. IF rumors are true.

8800gtx blows away a 640. however, if no rush, I wouldnt rush.
Not the best time. For one, the prices have barely dropped, if at all, and supposedly we'll see the G92 replace it in November. I went ahead and pulled the trigger on an evga 8800GTS 640mb for my father's birthday. The guy loves Far Cry, which was my birthday present to him maybe over 2 years ago! Got him the 8800 GTS 640 in anticipation for Crysis. Went with eVGA knowing I could step-up if the G92 is any better.. small price to pay for a piece of mind.
It's worse than that, Prices hit the 300$ mark for 640mb models and rose back to 360-380$. I know I watched in anticipation for the price to drop back and ended up paying 65$ more than I intended.
EDIT : I also considered the GTX, but I'm res limited to 1280*1024 (My LCD), so I stayed with the GTS 640mb. For higher res I would consider the GTX, check out reviews to see which suits your needs.
Ok, thanks for the input guys. I guess i will wait till november. I might just sell my stuff and build a new system for my bday :p (nov 29). Crysis, CoD4, UT3, gears of war pc all coming out in november with the new nvidia cards ... going to be insane :).
I went with the 8800 GTS 640 MB because I know I wouldn't be able to afford the newer GPU's anyway =P

Plus, how much can the 8800 drop in price? It probably won't drop under 300$ or anything.
Well, I bought an 8800gts 320 a month ago an in anticipation of UT3 and Crysis I'm already thinking of offing it and buying either a 8800gts 640, or an 8800gtx.

The tough part is will the jump from the 320 to 640 really justify the pain in the ass it will be, and/ does the price increase from the gts to the gtx worth it?

IF you go gts, at least get the 640 version, trust me.

He is right, with new promising titles coming out, spend the extra dough and get GTS 640 or GTX, like I just did :eek:
Hi, i have a opteron 165 @ 2.8, 2GB ram, enermax liberty 500W and 7600GT :(. My res is 1680x1050. So basically i cant play anything besides CS 1.6 on my computer. I wanted to play bioshock and other games so i was thinking to finally upgrade to 8800 GTS 640mb. But in november new nvidia cards will be out. Should i wait for them or just buy 8800 right now ?
I will upgrade rest of my system sometime next year.

I own both the 640mb and 320mb versions. My wife has the 320mb version on her 1680 x 1050 22" LCD monitor. It plays video games pretty darn well (but I have it overclocked to 3.4ghz). Anyway, this is the absolute highest resolution I would recommend for the 320mb version. When I got her 320mb card, it came with a free DX10 game (Lost Planet). I cannot turn ALL of the graphics up as high as I want, but it is still VERY playable with great graphics and no lag when I set some of the settings to medium. That's on the stock settings. I only overclocked it for 3dmark06 to see what kind of numbers I could achieve with her setup (scored a 10,660). Now me on the other hand, I have (2) 8800GTS's in my rig in SLi and with the help of a 3.8ghz quadcore (I have it phase changed), I absolutely crush any game that is thrown at me..

I would imagine Crysis will bring down most everyone's setup with EVERYTHING turned up and all of the eye candy on (yes, even the 8800 Ultra guys). I am not saying that the Ultra setups won't handle the Crysis game well, but those cards will know that they have their work cut out for them when ALL of the eye candy is turned up!

Now back to the question.. I would recommend the 640mb 8800GTS. Since you intend to play BIOSHOCK, that's a pretty graphics intensive game. I have an Enermax 1k PSU, so if you go any higher than the 640mb card, I would definately look at upgrading your PSU.
I was also worried about G92 in November making everything else obsolete, so I got an EVGA 8800GTS. They have a "step-up" program wherein, if a new card is launched within 90 days of your purchase, you can trade your current card in at original MSRP for one of the new cards.

Hopefully there will be a $350 G92 that's actually worthwhile. :D
I was also worried about G92 in November making everything else obsolete, so I got an EVGA 8800GTS. They have a "step-up" program wherein, if a new card is launched within 90 days of your purchase, you can trade your current card in at original MSRP for one of the new cards.

Hopefully there will be a $350 G92 that's actually worthwhile. :D

IT seems as if the new cards will not be high end, do not quote me on this though. I bought 8800gtx, if G92 is really worth it, I would not mind spending another 600 on it,
I have to admit when I read the G92 was probably going to be aimed at the mid-range guys, I was disappointed. I am still hoping there is a surprise G92 speedster card, in Nvidia's bag of tricks.

I think it would also be odd, if they did have a directx 10.1 on their mid-range cards, and their flagship card still be at version 10.0. I am thinking probably no new directx version on G92, or they release a new speed king card with a new directx version?
the new 9x series GTS version, the non hobbled 384 bit mem controller with 768 standard memory, is going to replace the 8800GTS.

the 9x gts will have much more power than a 8800gtx

that is why I am not bothering to upgrade from my x1900 aiw. just not enough reason. if a 8800GTS 320 with hdcp was 180 dollars, I would, as I KNOW that 9x series cards will be in the 400 dollars range... like they always are. I would then have to wait until like... spring 08 to get a new freakin card.

that sux.

really, all of this sux as i have a 1920x1200 monitor.
the new 9x series GTS version, the non hobbled 384 bit mem controller with 768 standard memory, is going to replace the 8800GTS.

the 9x gts will have much more power than a 8800gtx

that is why I am not bothering to upgrade from my x1900 aiw. just not enough reason. if a 8800GTS 320 with hdcp was 180 dollars, I would, as I KNOW that 9x series cards will be in the 400 dollars range... like they always are. I would then have to wait until like... spring 08 to get a new freakin card.

that sux.

really, all of this sux as i have a 1920x1200 monitor.

What are you basing your findings on? I have not seen it say anywhere theat G92 will be better than the 8800gtx, You say that it will be the mid-range card, if so, don't you think their flagship GTX will still be on top? :rolleyes:
It's never a good time to buy a video card. There's always something better on the horizon.

If you'd benefit from upgrading now, and can afford it, just do it. If you're really worried about getting shafted by a future release, go with EVGA and their Step Up program.
It's never a good time to buy a video card. There's always something better on the horizon.

If you'd benefit from upgrading now, and can afford it, just do it. If you're really worried about getting shafted by a future release, go with EVGA and their Step Up program.

Exactly, it is never a good time to upgradce, 8800 series were a major sucess, thus making it worth buying, at least for me it did ;)
It's never a good time to buy a video card. There's always something better on the horizon.

If you'd benefit from upgrading now, and can afford it, just do it. If you're really worried about getting shafted by a future release, go with EVGA and their Step Up program.

Relatively speaking, although it's never a good time to buy a video card, there are times where it's more advantageous to purchase one in relation to other opportunities. If you're willing to take the monetary hit, purchasing a card at the beginning of its hardware cycle could prove to be beneficial. For instance, I never would've guessed that buying a 8800GTS in November would last me this long, much less, cost almost the same nearly 10 months later. I've gotten used to upgrading every 5-6 months.
I just bought the evga 8800gts 640mb.. upgraded from an x1950pro... I bought it with the exact thinking that I will use the step up program for the next generation cards being released in november...

play now for fun.. play with a better card in a month!
I just bought the evga 8800gts 640mb.. upgraded from an x1950pro... I bought it with the exact thinking that I will use the step up program for the next generation cards being released in november...

play now for fun.. play with a better card in a month!

Don't think that will be happening :p I wouldve gone with a XFX so I could maintain resale value for later on when they actually DO come out.
I just bought a 640 GTS yesterday. If the new cards don't come out, good, I will still be able to play the current games well. If the new cards come out, good, the prices on the 640 GTS will drop allowing me to upgrade to SLi for cheaper. It just depends on how you look at life I guess.
Hi, i have a opteron 165 @ 2.8, 2GB ram, enermax liberty 500W and 7600GT :(. My res is 1680x1050. So basically i cant play anything besides CS 1.6 on my computer. I wanted to play bioshock and other games so i was thinking to finally upgrade to 8800 GTS 640mb. But in november new nvidia cards will be out. Should i wait for them or just buy 8800 right now ?
I will upgrade rest of my system sometime next year.

I'd wait til mid to late Nov and then make your decision.I just upgraded to an Ultra and love it.

If I had to do it again,I would not have bought my GTS 640 last Dec,but saved for another paycheck and grabbed the GTX from the start.My GTS is crazy fast at stock but the GTX would have been the perfect choice.Thing is,I did not know I was going to upgrade my LCD from a 20"... to a 24".... :(
I've had my GTX since Nov of last year and am a tad bored with it now. It's still a great card though. I won't be buying anything to replace it unless it can nicely pass up its performance @ 661|2040 with a 1566 shader clock.
Hi, i have a opteron 165 @ 2.8, 2GB ram, enermax liberty 500W and 7600GT :(. My res is 1680x1050. So basically i cant play anything besides CS 1.6 on my computer. I wanted to play bioshock and other games so i was thinking to finally upgrade to 8800 GTS 640mb. But in november new nvidia cards will be out. Should i wait for them or just buy 8800 right now ?
I will upgrade rest of my system sometime next year.

I never recommend the waiting game. To wait based on rumors, is always a bad idea IMHO.
But if you'll upgrade components until next year, you might aswell see what NVIDIA and ATI will offer in November. If rumors are true, NVIDIA's 8800 GT will be an excellent bang for your buck card and will, in most cases, surpass what a GTS 320/640 offer right now, for no more than $250. Initial rumors said that it would fill the gap between the 8600 GTS and the 8800 GTS 320, but given recent rumors, that say it will have 112 SPs, this will take the place of the GTS 320 and surely surpass it, on many occasions, for the same price or less.
Well, I bought an 8800gts 320 a month ago an in anticipation of UT3 and Crysis I'm already thinking of offing it and buying either a 8800gts 640, or an 8800gtx.

The tough part is will the jump from the 320 to 640 really justify the pain in the ass it will be, and/ does the price increase from the gts to the gtx worth it?

IF you go gts, at least get the 640 version, trust me.

Yeah, like this guy it doesn't pay to buy a card BEFORE a game comes out. Wait until the game is released so you know how things run.
I've had my GTS for 11 months now and see no reason to upgrade this cycle. So far I'm still very happy. This card will probably last me 2 full years... at that point I'll put it in my kids machine and he'll still be able to enjoy it.
I think Nvidia has almost done too good a job on the 8800 series, since a year later they still run every new game maxxed out. What's the incentive for any 8800 owner to upgrade this November?

Or course if Crysis actually makes its ship date that might change things.
And if nothing comes in November its not likely to come within those 3 months. So, XFX is the better purchase imho.

And if a new card comes out that much faster for close to the same price? His resell value will plummet.
I'm paralyzed by the lack of information about nVidia's upcoming offerings. I was really considering a 8800 GTS, but now I'm just lost...
I'm paralyzed by the lack of information about nVidia's upcoming offerings. I was really considering a 8800 GTS, but now I'm just lost...

The exact same scenario was going on last Christmas with ATI and the 2900 cards. Anyone who bought an 8800 card was a fanboy or an idiot for not waiting to see what the 2900 cards would do. Fast forward 6 months and anyone who waited was wearing the eggs.

If you need it NOW, then get the GTS and be happy... If you can wait a couple weeks, then see what the new GT's offer. But waiting forever because something new is coming along and 'it's bound to be better', is an exercise in futility.
The exact same scenario was going on last Christmas with ATI and the 2900 cards. Anyone who bought an 8800 card was a fanboy or an idiot for not waiting to see what the 2900 cards would do. Fast forward 6 months and anyone who waited was wearing the eggs.

If you need it NOW, then get the GTS and be happy... If you can wait a couple weeks, then see what the new GT's offer. But waiting forever because something new is coming along and 'it's bound to be better', is an exercise in futility.

Either way, something for the same price won't CRUSH an 8800gts 640. If they can get $550-$700 for a card the beats it, why would they come out with a new card that beats it for the same price.