Bad trader: tree_

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matt fury

Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 12, 2001
Some of you might remember my prior post regarding a deal with tree_ :

Well, after it took about a month to receive the item I purchased from him:

Almost Complete System
Antec Aria
Athlon64 2800+
ASUS s754 Mainboard
20G Hard Drive
Build in LAN/Sound/Video
-Needs Optical Drive and Ram
200$ + Shipping OBO
changed to 200$ shipped THIS NEEDS TO GO
160$ Shipped now

I set up the system and it didn't work. I tried every possible thing using known good componenets...multiple video cards, monitors, ram, PSUs, etc, but the damn thing would not post. I don't have any other s754 systems, so I couldn't test the CPU/mobo individually, but it's 99% a dead mobo issue. Not only that, but the case arrived damaged. The cd-drive bay door was off and broken, at the least. So I begin exchanging PM's with tree_, hoping that maybe it's some weird configuration issue I overlooked or something silly like that. Now, I've personally assembled over 50 systems in 2005 and maintained my own internet cafe, so I have at least a little experience building and troubleshooting this kind of stuff, but again, you never know when it's something silly you might have overlooked. Well, after a few weeks of exchanging PMs, he leaves me with:

Try a different moniter

I reply back that I've already done so, and bam, that's the last I ever hear from him. I called him up sometime later on the phone and left a voicemail that was not returned. Then, I believe on the Saturday before I Christmas, I call his house around 8:30pm EST. I speak with his father who informs me he's at the movies. OK, so I fill him in a little on the situation, and ask him to make sure to have Justin (his real name) return my call. Well, since then, I've still yet to receive any sort of message. I've tried everything, PMs, phone calls, etc, and I've gotten nowhere. As you guys saw in my first thread, I was very relaxed and cordial about the whole thing, but in the end, it seems all it's got me is fucked. Now, the whole time, I wasn't in this for blood...I just wanted an amicable solution that worked for both of us. He claims the system worked fine and the case was in perfect shape when he sent it, but whether it was or not, that's not how it arrived to me. I have PMs to show that I purchased a working system, which is NOT what I received. I think I was patient, courteous, and understanding throughout this entire "deal" and always tried to give him the benefit of the doubt. I have the PMs if anyone wants to see. So I see that he posted a deal in the FS/FT board, so I leave him a little message. Maybe it was a little snippy, and maybe I shouldn't have, but c'mon, look what I've dealt with...Anyway, this is the reply I get:

I don't want to here it... I haven't gotten any new PM's or call's from you that weren't unanswered and you were sent a perfect working order computer for an awsome price and can't get it to run... Don't come to my threads posting shit. If you were unhappy leave a negative heat do whatever, but stay out of my threads.

Not only a shitty attitude, but a blatant lie (PM's or calls, and I can prove he didn't return my last PM), and then he accuses me of fucking it up like I'm some imbecile who can't assemble a system.

I'd still like to get this settled, but judging from his last post, I don't think I'm going to have much luck.
No you aren't going to have much lck. I have friends who can verify it was working before shipping. It sat at my house as a lan box who many have used. Good luck!
I just bought a package from tree_ through admittedly an unusual method, but I just called him up and he told me what to do. I doubt he'd piss away his Heat on one sour deal. And assuming it is a dead mobo, you could probably just RMA it...or borrow a multimeter and check the mobo.
The point is very simple here: Buyer purchased something, received it later than expected (much later than I would have been patient for) and it doesn't work. Seller tries to assist troubleshooting it, is unable to help, and then blows off buyer. From the post he made in this thread, his attitude towards this situation sucks. Even though the buyer had to go into his latest thread to even get any acknowlegement...Regardless of whether friends can verify it worked when it was shipped, it does not work now after the transaction and you need to step up and make it right.

Basically it does not work now, and the buyer has not gotten what he has paid for (regardless of the price he paid)...which is a working system. It is the seller's obligation to ensure the product is received in the same physical and functional condition it was advertised as. The buyer already said the cosmetic (not functional) condition wasn't good and he overlooked that, but the system itself does not work.

I see you have a decent amount of heat, and that you have been considered a fairly reputable and reliable trader, but IMO you're being very unprofessional about this situation. Saying "I sent it working, if it doesn't work, tough shit", does not fly.

Either offer him a full refund and have him return your item, offer to give him a small refund to send out the board to RMA (if it can be RMAed), or offer to give him some compensation towards a new board, but do something.
Seriously. You think if it was bad I would sell as is. I've been here for a year or more now and have a pretty decent rep with a lot of traders here. I tryed helping you out via pm's but you just kept jumping down my throat about me sending you a broken package so I stopped helping and ignored you. I don't talk to stupid people, and matt you are stupid. Leave me a negative and move on.
This sort of response is what is going to get you branded a troll. Face facts, you shipped late and when the buyer got his item it was damaged and non-working and he's got a right to "jump down your throat" about it.

Step up and be a man about it, if it was insured (and it should've been for at least a minimal amount) contact the shipping company about compensation because from what I've seen they'll need to hear it from you and if it's not then you as the original buyer of the now dead mobo need to look into RMA'ing the board.

If you can't step up and fix the issues with your product then I hope that anyone else that's considering buying something from you reads this thread to see what their going to expect to deal with if they're in a situation like the OP is. When they find themselves with damaged product and rightfully frustrated over it to get a "Well it was fine here so get lost" attitude from the seller.
Funny, I got to looking at your heat and I see that someone with the same name you go under in eBay has left you heat...Looks like you've padded your heat at least once. :eek:
Here's another example of why you can't go based on number alone with heat. The majority of his heat is either from buying or for selling low-ticket (<$100) items. Not saying this automatically makes him a bad trader but it doesn't exude much confidence for selling whole systems.

DVAmon, I think you hit all the points I was going to make.
tree_ said:
Seriously. You think if it was bad I would sell as is.

You sold it to me as working, but you're treating it as it if you sold it "AS IS!" If you sell a system as working, and then it arrives non-working, YOU TAKE CARE OF IT!

tree_ said:
I've been here for a year or more now and have a pretty decent rep with a lot of traders here. I tryed helping you out via pm's but you just kept jumping down my throat about me sending you a broken package so I stopped helping and ignored you. I don't talk to stupid people, and matt you are stupid. Leave me a negative and move on.

This is what I get for dealing with 16 year olds. Show me where I "kept jumping down your throat" before now? I have records of every PM I've ever sent you, and if anyone doubts me, I'll be more than happy to forward them all. And look at your lies...first you claim that you replied to all my messages, now you claim that you ignored me cause I "jumped down you throat." And then you retreat to ad hominem attacks. WTG.

"Leave me a negative and move on."...... How about you send ME $160, and YOU can leave ME a negative Heat and move on? Didn't think so.
madmat said:
Funny, I got to looking at your heat and I see that someone with the same name you go under in eBay has left you heat...Looks like you've padded your heat at least once. :eek:

Be a man and right the wrong. If not, then stop trading (atleast at [H]). If there was INS. on the package (which there should have been) then I would go the route of getting that from the shipping company to compensate the buyer. There is no reason for you to do absolutely nothing about this.

I do not know you or Matt so I have no dog in this fight. I am NOT taking sides and do not know who is right or wrong.

Consider this, be pragmatic about the situation. I do not believe Matt is going to just leave you negative heat and forget this. I believe (from reading his threads) that he will pursue you to the ends of the earth and probably provide links to these threads in every one of your FS/FT threads. Every time you claim he is stalking/threadcrapping your threads he will just refer the reader/Mod to this bad deal.

What is this worth to you? If you cannot stomach the full $$$ ($160 I think) then work out a compromise (perhaps a part of the $160?). Every day that this drags out hurts you, not him.

If you are indeed 16 you will learn as you get older that it is just not worth it. Every time you post (in your defense) it damages your rep here as it will probably be damaged on every forum he finds your FS/FT items.

Consider the words of a (much) older man (I have two sons much older than you).

I wish you well ,,,
I honestly don't care. I slowed down trading here for these reasons. After I ship out these last parts to the 3 buyers I'm done. You can all say what you want about me as a trader I don't really care. Best wishes matt.

tree_ said:
I honestly don't care. I slowed down trading here for these reasons. After I ship out these last parts to the 3 buyers I'm done. You can all say what you want about me as a trader I don't really care. Best wishes matt.


Personally it looks like you've said enough.
how was it shiped? was it well packed? insured? might have been damaged during shipping?
Just tryin to throw out ideas what could have happend
It was packed "OK." Aria was in the box, system completely assembled, and then that box was put in to a big box with some styrofoam peanuts and some other items he threw in. When I opened the Aria box, many of the peanuts had actually infiltrated the system itself, so that might indicate something.
hmm, those packing peanuts to do get staticy, not sure if it would be enough to kill a system but who knows
I have done business with Tree before and our transaction was admitedly not totally smooth. Here's a link to the thread I started on the transaction:

Although it was resolved in the end I have to say overall it was a subpar transaction and in retrospect I should have left neutral heat. I appologize for not doing so and potentially misleading future traders such as yourself.
tree_ said:
I honestly don't care. I slowed down trading here for these reasons. After I ship out these last parts to the 3 buyers I'm done. You can all say what you want about me as a trader I don't really care. Best wishes matt.


How do you explain the heat padding then? You sold yourself a 9600xt and it was a positive experience?

Another trader on my DNT list.
matt, I hope you're able to resolve this with tree_.

Tree_, I guess you should at least try to salvage your name on a couple of counts. Did you pad your own heat? Are you willing to work out a deal with Matt for the sake of good trading practice or do you just not have the money to do so. You will always get more with honey than....hmmm, this dirt.

It indeed was a deal for a working computer @ $160.00. But I just can't find a reason for someone to go through the trouble (matt) if he didn't wholeheartedly feel it could still be resolved by bringing it here.

I suggest you try working it out than what you're doing.
Checking account got close due to negative funds and there goes paypal! Sucks eh ;) GL matt
You think I like having no checking/debit/direct deposit?? No, I really don't.... I would refund him if I could because technically I want it back to play WoW on when everyone comes over instead of this old P4 1.5 Gateway.
It sounds like your just posting to rub it in his face, Doesnt sound liek you have any intent to resolve this
Looks like another case of somebody thats gonna quit the game.
I doubt hell make good on this deal since it looks like hes done with trading.
good luck to you matt
I remember seeing his pic in a tatoo thread and he looks like a lil kid to me.
tree_ said:
Checking account got close due to negative funds and there goes paypal! Sucks eh ;) GL matt

Wow this thread really showed the true colors of some people.

You are 16, pad your own heat, shipped late, packed lousy, screwed a buyer with a doa pos and now have the nerves to rub this shit in his face?
Bans are not voted for so you guys can stop posting that.

Rather have the 2 work something out to correct the problem.

Tree_ are you goin to do anything about correcting it?
Tree_ are you goin to do anything about correcting it?

thats been asked many times before and now by the mod. Why not work it out dude?
if you have all that information just go ahead and do what you need to do, dont bother giving him the opportunity to fix it, by the look of it, hes not going to anyway.

just take action and let HIM deal with the consequences instead of you dealing with them.
We want to atleast try and get a resolution goin

Tree_ said the system worked when shipped and Matt says it didnt when he got it, Right now its one word verse the other so:

Tree_ did you insure the package?
Matt did you ask for insuranace?
Was it packaged properly? (Properly IE: if an insurance claim had to be made, would it pass thier critearia for packing)
What carrier did it ship thru?

If tree_ did ship it working and something happend, that would be one thing but like i said, its one word againt another. But the way tree_ is goin about this is a bit off
I posted here because I do hope there is some chance to get something worked out. I'm not holding my breath, but I'd rather get it taken care of this way than having to the rest of the shit I'll have to do when this deal officially hits the fan. I'm fairly certain it's too late at this point to file an insurance claim, although I kept ALL the original packaging for over a month in case tree wanted to contact USPS (the shipper). No, I didn't ask for insurance, but he never mentioned that I needed to pay extra for it, and like I said, I purchased a working computer and that is something I expect. I think the packaging was a little weak, but I think it would've passed their criterions.

PS: I have nothing to gain from lying here. A broken system does me no good. "Come on, man, I'm not trying to scam anybody here." I've been more than open to try to work something out that would work for both of us, but I have a feeling that tree doesn't give a rat's ass if I'm happy with this deal or not. I've purchased a lot of items online, and never have I had these kind of issues before. I have feedback on Heat, eBay, Cigar Weekly, Palmer's Pursuit Paintball, and even a couple of other boards. If anything, I screwed myself here by being nice and letting a whole month go by before the system was shipped. I lost my PayPal resolution window and most likely my CC dispute window (Not that I won't contact both of them anyway if this ends like this).

Thanks for the help in mediating this, CDS. And thanks for everyone else for replying, it does make me feel a little better, even though my situation hasn't changed.
Packaging was weak? It was sealed up in the original box firmly then in another with a crap load of packing peanuts. I always pack my hardware well and that was was packed great.
Whatever, just my opinion, since the Aria itself was full of packing peanuts. Oh, and I totally forgot to mention that when I receieved the system, one of the motherboard mounts had come off and was loose inbetween the bottom of the mobo and the bottom of the case. I forgot about it now, but it was in my PMs.
Hey guys just thought i would pop in here and post

you should make it right
you are in the wrong

matt fury
My wifes brother in law is with the florida state police
want me to give him a call for ya?
im sure he will go knock on this guys door
PM me his address
and ill call him
Yeah get the police involved! My dad laughed at matt and didn't even bother telling me until I asked him about it. Anyways get the popos, get the law, get your friends at my house... But anyways CDS try not to ban me until after these 3 deals I get done with are complete. Don't do it for me but for the buyers who I bet now are worrying their ass off heh.

Oh and btw, I welcome your wifes brother glady Locutus, get him here by all means. It will be very, very amusing to see cops getting involved over something like this and really give me a good laugh to brighten my day. :rolleyes:
it sure will brighten your day
cops get involved when someone steals from someone else
and he is a hard ass
he will bring a local with him and you will cry to daddy
also you did this over state lines so its a federal crime
hopefully you shipped using USPS so you will be doubley screwed
if you think its a joke keep being a jerk to matt and see what he does to resolve this

you will pay
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