Bang for buck system, Sempron?


Limp Gawd
Aug 5, 2004
Well. I am helping a friend put together a list of parts for his computer. He was looking for a bang for your buck gaming computer. His budget is $700 for just the computer. I was thinking maybe a Sempron 64, because they are fairly cheap, and a thread one or two above this one has a Sempron overclocked 1ghz. I was thinking of this for a CPU:

It is either this or an A64. I was looking at a Sempron so that I could get some better parts, like video cards. Would this be a good chip for a gaming CPU, or should I just get an A64?

Thanks guys.

Ahhhh I see. I knew it had to be cheap for a reason. I think I'm going to get him a 939 Venice 3200. That should be enough. Along with a 6600GT PCI-E, so he can upgrade to SLI in the future.

Thanks man,

If you're really strapped for cash, a 3000+ is fine, too. Any Athlon64 can provide solid performance.

Also, don't waste your cash on SLI. Cut back on the motherboard a little, and get a 6800nu, 6800GT, or an X800XL. SLI is really for people who want next-gen performance NOW, and it really isn't as cost-effective as just selling the old card and replacing it with a new one down the road.
My Venice 3000+ was 130 bucks with a hsf and is at 2.4

My BFG 5900 XT-OC and the Venice get an average of 93 fps (while ripping a DVD in DVD Decrypter too!) in Counter Strike:Source

I'll take it!
Hmm... I might just drop to a 3000. Ill see what I can do to get my hands on a cheap X800 or 6800GT. MIght have to go with a 6600GT though, depending on how much I splurge for him on other parts :p .

Thanks for the help guys.
