Bare xbox360 HD-DVD drive deal

I ordered one and will be mounting it in my Ahanix MCE302, I will be sure to post pics later!
Please don't repost/crosspost.
Imitation is a form of flattery :p. I had posted this deal in the sticky above but i didn't realize it was posted here also.

At least this deal would get the right attention here. Everyone in the other thread is too preoccupied with whether this drive will boot their games or not :confused:
and you care why? :) just asking
Its not in the rules here, but it is in many other forums. Its just not proper 'forum etiquette' to cross post things. It makes a messy forum IMO and takes up unnecessary space on the server.
Wiretap, like Sjetski71 implied, it will get better HTPC attention here than anywhere else. I assumed sharing info with fellow enthusiasts about htpc related news would trump whether or not it was posted in the hotdeals forum. People who play here don't necessarily play there. How would you recommend I get people's attention here to something that might be important to them that was posted elsewhere?
Wiretap, like Sjetski71 implied, it will get better HTPC attention here than anywhere else. I assumed sharing info with fellow enthusiasts about htpc related news would trump whether or not it was posted in the hotdeals forum. People who play here don't necessarily play there. How would you recommend I get people's attention here to something that might be important to them that was posted elsewhere?


And my only problem with the crosspost is that it will likely cost me money! :p
If you guys could post pics this would be great. Also has anyone found a matching bezel for this puppy?

I would love to have one, but something tells me that if they are already this cheap, they should be coming out shortly for dirt cheap to the mass markets.
Not trying to add to any confusion but w1retap posted this bit of intriguing info in the other thread:
On another note, Toshiba announced in a press release that they are supposed to release a HDDVD-ROM/DVD-Burner combo drive pretty soon that will sell for around $50. I'll be in for one of those when they appear on shelves. =)

This made me hold off on any drive purchases for now, just to see what happens in the next month or so. I may try linking that press release to some ebay merchant/importers that i'm in touch with, and try to convince them that it's a hot product us North Americans would be interested in. Of course if i find it for sale i'll post it in the sticky deal thread above ;)
Yea I saw that post as well and was like hummmmm maybe I will wait, but if someone can provide pics of one working in a PC playing a movie I am curious to see how it looks and works.
I ordered one and will be mounting it in my Ahanix MCE302, I will be sure to post pics later!

Have you had a chance to mount and use your drive? I MIGHT be getting a bonus next month, and something like this is at the top of my list. I would love to save myself $100 and mount this in my case, but the wiring and surgery scare me a little. I might just pay extra and run it through USB.
I am still waiting on delivery of my slimline adapter to get started. It is going to be difficult for me since my case has a custom bezel for the dvd-rom and the eject button on the xbox drive is on the wrong side... Whenever i finally get my adapter I will post an update.