Barely anybody buying 8800 GTs

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Limp Gawd
Oct 15, 2007
Computer Deli in Bloomington-Normal, IL has received six 8800 GTs (Superclocked), and they have only sold three so far. Today they also have 10% off of everything in the store (Gift Certificates excluded of course). It's just surprising to me that after all of the hype nobody has cleaned them out yet. Also, they don't except over the phone orders in case you're looking to grab one. :confused:
They are massively oversold in the uk.
I tried very hard to get one and it took a week!
Everywhere still has zero stock.
Prices here are cruel too, I paid £197 delivered for a BFG 512MB OC.
Computer Deli in Bloomington-Normal, IL has received six 8800 GTs (Superclocked), and they have only sold three so far. Today they also have 10% off of everything in the store (Gift Certificates excluded of course). It's just surprising to me that after all of the hype nobody has cleaned them out yet. Also, they don't except over the phone orders in case you're looking to grab one. :confused:
So some local shop that doesn't do phone orders hasn't sold out of them yet?

This means that no one is buying them?


Go try to find one online for less than $60 above MSRP. Good luck.
I meant from within our store, not universally... sorry for the confusion
- also with the 10% off they are about $270 plus tax...
I meant from within our store, not universally... sorry for the confusion
- also with the 10% off they are about $270 plus tax...

They probably just don't know that this store has any in stock. I certainly haven't checked the dozen local stores for 8800GTs.
That's why I threw up a post, in retrospect a better name such as "Here a a couple 8800 GTs" probably would have been better.
If they can buy a 3870 that has more functions, less power and noisy, cheaper, no one would choose this thing unless he is a retarded fanboy.
If they can buy a 3870 that has more functions, less power and noisy, cheaper, no one would choose this thing unless he is a retarded fanboy.

I'm not sure if you are trying to say a 3870 is better or not, but if you are than don't.

As for the op, did you pick one up?
If they can buy a 3870 that has more functions, less power and noisy, cheaper, no one would choose this thing unless he is a retarded fanboy.

lol umm, this is a performance site and you arent talking to noobs.
We know the performance of the 3870 and its not up to the 8800GT so I wouldnt own a 3870.
But hey guess what, I've just bought a 8800GT :)
My last card was an ATI X1800PE so who's the fanboy?
IMO nVidia screwed up totally in NOT differentiating this new card series from the year old series. It gets new arcitecture and it doesnt get a new name???? This SHOULD have been a 8900GT! Something to show the difference between it and the year old 8800 series.
I completely agree with you, plus I hear they are rereleasing the 8800 GTS - same name different architecture... wtf, that's going to cause some headaches.
They have too much old stock G80 chips laying around. Renaming everything to 8900 means they cant sell these old chips - I really dont think they have much of a choice here.
Is it really necessary to troll, bangmal?

I believe the OP works there :)
Cmon phide, if you were waiting and waiting for this better than evertything else product and ended up with THAT...wouldnt you be dissapointed and frustrated? Let him vent... ;)
If they can buy a 3870 that has more functions, less power and noisy, cheaper, no one would choose this thing unless he is a retarded fanboy.
Well, you would choose the 8800GT if you want 15-30% more performance.

They're very quiet, too.
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