Batman AA for PC - Are you using K/M or gamepad?


[H]F Junkie
Dec 31, 2001
I was just wondering what most people were using to play this game on PC. I have used both K/M and an X360 controller and while I am not as good with a game pad, it seems like with some practice I could be better with the game pad than I am with the K/M.

What do you guys use?

Edit - Balls I meant to put this in the PC gaming forum. :rolleyes:
360 controller, this is like a platformer, and it's so much better with a gamepad. Also, sitting in my recliner with wireless gamepad > at keyboard.
Keyboard and mouse. I don't use a gamepad in games unless I absolutely have to.
Batman:AA and Xmen Origins Wolverine really make having the X360 controller worth having! Sometimes its quite a bit of button mashing, even if its combo attacks.
Batman:AA and Xmen Origins Wolverine really make having the X360 controller worth having! Sometimes its quite a bit of button mashing, even if its combo attacks.

On higher difficulties Wolverine really does require the gamepad. I tried playing it without it on hard and was routinely pwned. Switched to the gamepad and it was much better. I wonder if Batman will be the same way.
finished batman with keyboard and mouse found moving a few button assignments around made the combos and stealth moves much easier
I tried the demo for AA with both, and I actually couldn't stand to use the kb/m scheme for combos.
keyboard/mouse works fine as long as you remap some keys to suit your comfort level...I've hit 56X combos with the K/M so it works just as good as a Controller...I only use my XBOX 360 Controller when playing racing games such as GRID
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For those using the xbox 360 contoller on the PC, does it have rumble? Last time I attempted I could never get the rumble to work, but maybe that was a game specific issue.
For those using the xbox 360 contoller on the PC, does it have rumble? Last time I attempted I could never get the rumble to work, but maybe that was a game specific issue.

Yep, rumble works for me.
Just beat it today with the 360 gamepad. I used the kb/m for a while, but the gamepad made it a lot more intuitive. Now, this is coming from a guy who does not have a game console, except my SNES.