Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice Final Trailer


Aug 20, 2006
How do you figure Batman blocks Superman’s punch at the end? Is he juicing with Kryptonite?

Fearing the actions of Superman are left unchecked, Batman takes on Superman, while the world wrestles with what kind of a hero it really needs. With Batman and Superman fighting each other, a new threat, Doomsday, is created by Lex Luthor. It's up to Superman and Batman to set aside their differences along with Wonder Woman to stop Lex Luthor and Doomsday from destroying Metropolis.
Seems they looked to the positive feedback of the last Suicide Squad trailer and went in a more "lighthearted" mood for this one.
While this trailer makes the movie appear more 'fun', I'm still thinking they're cramming way too much into this movie. Would've preferred to have a solo Batman movie with the new Batman to establish some roots before jumping straight into the justice league.
Yeah, it seems like DC is blowing their load too early trying to cash in on the 'avengers' hype. What they don't realise is that every character in The Avengers had at least one feature film to establish themselves, meanwhile this flick is trying to introduce a new batman, lex luthor, wonder woman, aqua man and god knows who else in ONE FILM.
Yeah, it seems like DC is blowing their load too early trying to cash in on the 'avengers' hype. What they don't realise is that every character in The Avengers had at least one feature film to establish themselves, meanwhile this flick is trying to introduce a new batman, lex luthor, wonder woman, aqua man and god knows who else in ONE FILM.

Flash, aquaman and cyborg are only supposed to be small cameos. So I am guessing somewhere towards the end they all just "appear" but yes I agree they are trying to cram too much in. Also think they are showing off too much in the trailers. Captain America 3 comes out in 3 months and you still have no idea what spiderman looks like and won't till you go see the movie. That makes you want to go see it. Now, well we already know what doomsdays looks like so there is nothing hidden for the movie. We already know everything. They have released so much I will probably just wait for this to come out and rent it before seeing it. Captain America, I will be there day one as I now want to see what they do special with spiderman and see the iron man vs captain America fight.
While they might be trying to shove too much into it, I'm not upset they didn't have a solo batman movie for this new batman. I'm tired of seeing the Waynes gunned down in the street. I get it already, rich guy, chip on shoulder with badass gadgets. I don't need that origin again, even with a slightly different spin.
While they might be trying to shove too much into it, I'm not upset they didn't have a solo batman movie for this new batman. I'm tired of seeing the Waynes gunned down in the street. I get it already, rich guy, chip on shoulder with badass gadgets. I don't need that origin again, even with a slightly different spin.

From what I understand, Batfleck is not a 'new' batman, rather its the same Nolan Batman with a different actor. Christian Bale is soooo yesterday.
I'm just not sold on the movie. First,they seem to be going for a "Dark Knight Returns" feel,and I was never a fan of Frank Miller's work. The casting is questionable at best,Marvel is way ahead in this,and they're using a major villain in Doomsday(who looks terrible in the trailers) as more or less a throwaway character to unite the feuding heroes. Where Marvel patiently took years and several movies introducing heroes building up to The Avengers,DC seems to be haphazardly cramming everything into one movie.
Kryptonite laced Bat Armor. Lex Luthor no doubt supplies the Kryptonite to Batman.

AND, they are playing up the whole "VERSUS" thing waaaay too much. We all know Bats and Supes are going to be buddies by the second half of this movie.

Also, I couldn't agree more with the whole "too much shit packed into this movie" sentiment.
I'm just not sold on the movie. First,they seem to be going for a "Dark Knight Returns" feel,and I was never a fan of Frank Miller's work. The casting is questionable at best,Marvel is way ahead in this,and they're using a major villain in Doomsday(who looks terrible in the trailers) as more or less a throwaway character to unite the feuding heroes. Where Marvel patiently took years and several movies introducing heroes building up to The Avengers,DC seems to be haphazardly cramming everything into one movie.

I never expected them to do anything else. Marvel went the slow and steady route because the superhero flicks are all that they have. Warner has its money spread across a lot of different productions. They can't afford to make 8 different movies before the ultimate payoff (because they'd make maybe three before one didn't do as well as they hoped and then they'd scrap the whole thing).

This movie will have a mildly coherent story in the beginning that goes more and more off the rails as it approaches the end and story will ultimately be sacrificed in the name of throwing a bunch of explodey "cool shit" on screen that is totally irrelevant to anything that happened before it at which point you'll be supremely confused and then the movie will be over. How do I know? Zack Snyder is how. He's made exactly two totally coherent movies and both had stories lifted almost wholesale from graphic novels. Everything else he's done has ranged from "meh" to "that was an entertaining train wreck". I don't expect this will be any different.
So how much more of the story did they spoil with this trailer? From the original trailer they had Batman and Superman, and you could get the general gist of why the "vs." aspect, only real spoilage was Robin's costume with "HAHAHA" written on it... then they really upped the ante, spoiled Wonder Woman, spoiled Doomsday, and really leaves me with a sense of disgust to not have those big reveals at a theater, and yeah I do try to stay away from seeing any trailers after the first one, however every only blog writer decided to write the reveals in the title of their articles so even if I didn't read the article I know what it's about.
They shouldn't of spoiled doomsday and kept everyone thinking this movie was only the conflict between batman and superman.
Yup, my thought went back to the Amazing Spiderman 2, where the trailers spoiled the Rhino guy, and then the movie super disappointed by only having him as an ending "teaser" for the next movie that will never be.
I would have gone to see this if Superman was the bad guy like the first trailers hinted; instead they messed up by revealing it was all just one big misunderstanding and they have to work together with wondergirl or whoever that was to fight an uninspired looking villain.

Why would they reveal that in the trailers? They almost tricked me; it's either a conscious or incompetence on the part of marketing.
I don't even think it's a case of them spoiling Doomsday... it's more a case of misusing Doomsday so early and giving the story only half a movie for it. If anyone read the Doomsday comic, it easily could have spanned it's own movie or two. They are rushing this and I feel it now spells an early end to a potential Marvel Universe competitor.
I never expected them to do anything else. Marvel went the slow and steady route because the superhero flicks are all that they have. Warner has its money spread across a lot of different productions. They can't afford to make 8 different movies before the ultimate payoff (because they'd make maybe three before one didn't do as well as they hoped and then they'd scrap the whole thing).

Isn't Marvel wholly owned by Disney? If so, surely Disney is at least as spread out as WB. That said, I don't really care either. Either the movie is good or it's not. It's not like I've seen every single Marvel film that the Avengers came from.
Isn't Marvel wholly owned by Disney? If so, surely Disney is at least as spread out as WB. That said, I don't really care either. Either the movie is good or it's not. It's not like I've seen every single Marvel film that the Avengers came from.
They are, I think they bought Marvel after the first Avenger's movie and how it made a billion dollars. All of the movie (even shitty ones like The Incredible Hulk) have made bank.
I am pretty interested in this movie, just from watching the Dark Night Returns Part 1 and Part 2 and seeing the Batman v Superman scenes this should be interesting what CGI and a good live action director can do for the fight scenes! The rest of Batman v Superman won't hold a chance against the animated movies.
From what I understand, Batfleck is not a 'new' batman, rather its the same Nolan Batman with a different actor. Christian Bale is soooo yesterday.

Where did you get that from? I am pretty sure this is a completely new "batman". Otherwise the time lines wouldn't match up nor would the back story. Nolan Batman took place in current time. Also Robin wasn't Robin, he was just a cop and at the very end of the movie was left the bat suit to take over as batman while batman was "dead". To suddenly be back with all these other events would make little sense. As nothing appears to tie into that trilogy. Also the joker wouldn't fit from the series.

So how much more of the story did they spoil with this trailer? From the original trailer they had Batman and Superman, and you could get the general gist of why the "vs." aspect, only real spoilage was Robin's costume with "HAHAHA" written on it... then they really upped the ante, spoiled Wonder Woman, spoiled Doomsday, and really leaves me with a sense of disgust to not have those big reveals at a theater, and yeah I do try to stay away from seeing any trailers after the first one, however every only blog writer decided to write the reveals in the title of their articles so even if I didn't read the article I know what it's about.

It gave away another of the villains however we already had knew he was going to be there also due to his minions being in another trailer. I won't say any more than that. Although you probably shouldn't be in this thread if yon really don't want things spoiled.
I didn't really see the major issue with the trailer giving to much away. The only thing that was really given away was that Doomsday would the specific super powered adversary. Did anyone really expect that there wouldn't be one and that Batman vs Superman would be the whole movie? The basic plot and whats been revealed is really standard comic book hero team up stuff. Wonder Woman also wasn't a secret either given that the casting was put out there way before the trailer. This isn't exactly a film you are going to see for some surprising plot twists or really the plot at all.
I didn't really see the major issue with the trailer giving to much away. The only thing that was really given away was that Doomsday would the specific super powered adversary. Did anyone really expect that there wouldn't be one and that Batman vs Superman would be the whole movie? The basic plot and whats been revealed is really standard comic book hero team up stuff. Wonder Woman also wasn't a secret either given that the casting was put out there way before the trailer. This isn't exactly a film you are going to see for some surprising plot twists or really the plot at all.

The problem I have with everything is that... what else is there more to see? Like, how much more of the movie is left to surprise us, and if there is TONS more left, how godamn long will this movie be? Will it have tons of pacing issues, or will every major 'wow!' moment have already been seen in the trailers?

I get kind of worried when a studio starts revealing EVERYTHING they can in order to claw at more ticket sales. Meanwhile Marvel is just like "Hey look, Thor 3, what about it? It stars Thor. The end"
From what I understand, Batfleck is not a 'new' batman, rather its the same Nolan Batman with a different actor. Christian Bale is soooo yesterday.

This isn't the case. The Nolan-verse is completely self-contained, it exists inside a bubble or vacuum. DC kick started their version of the MCU, DC Extended Universe is what they're calling it internally / to the press, with Man of Steel. The only connection these DCEU films have to Nolan is his executive producer title on Man of Steel. Originally WB/DC had wanted him more involved, potentially even launching their EU off of his Batman films like you stated. They even had David S. Goyer, who had a huge hand in helping Nolan with the scripts/screenplays for all three of his Batman movies, writing BvS and Justice League. However, Nolan didn't seem to be interested in more super-hero stuff or continuing his Batman Universe and things then started changing. (For the better, imo)

Fast forward a bit to when Affleck was announced as Batman, he signed on and brought in Chris Terrio (Argo) with him to re-write what Goyer had for both BvS and Justice League Part 1. The Batman in BvS is well into his career / retired but is kicked back into gear by what he witnessed in Metropolis during the end of Man of Steel.

Maybe the stuff in my first paragraph or the details DC/WB/Snyder have delivered to us so far made you think it was supposed to be the same version/character but I don't ever recall reading that.

Flash, aquaman and cyborg are only supposed to be small cameos. So I am guessing somewhere towards the end they all just "appear" but yes I agree they are trying to cram too much in. Also think they are showing off too much in the trailers. Captain America 3 comes out in 3 months and you still have no idea what spiderman looks like and won't till you go see the movie. That makes you want to go see it. Now, well we already know what doomsdays looks like so there is nothing hidden for the movie. We already know everything. They have released so much I will probably just wait for this to come out and rent it before seeing it. Captain America, I will be there day one as I now want to see what they do special with spiderman and see the iron man vs captain America fight.

I don't think we'll see Barry, Arthur or Vic in their costumes. I think they're just going to show up as small nods or civilians similar to how DC has been handling stuff like that in their Flarrow/TV Universe. I do agree and do like how close to their chest Marvel has been playing their cards with Civil War, especially with Spidey. I just had a conversation with a buddy about this today, however, I think people are over reacting to the BvS trailers. It's a long movie and we have no idea when any of what we've seen happens, it could literally all be within the first 45 minutes. Doomsday isn't act 3 / final boss, we still don't know who or what it is yet but they have said there's a greater threat. The parademons from Bruce's dream and the Omega symbol points me in a certain direction which would line up with the JL's New 52 Origin.

I'm incredibly excited for the DCEU and the only movies we have between BvS and Justice League Part 1 are Suicide Squad and Wonder Woman. Wonder Woman (which I can't fucking wait for) takes place in the WW1 era and we have no clue when in relation to BvS Suicide Squad takes place. So there is definitely still a lot of unknown / mystery to BvS and really they could do anything / go as big as they want because nothing trailing it really depends on it. It will set the "status quo" if you will. The same thing sort of applies to the Affleck directed Batman Solo movie, if rumors of it being moved up are true it may not matter either sequentially. There is a good chance it will take place before BvS and I personally hope it does.

Just for kicks, I remember reading a lot of hate about Affleck's casting on this forum initially. He is going to kill it, everything we've seen from him so far looks like it came straight out of a comic book page and he LOOKS like Bruce/Batman. When I see him all I see is Bruce Wayne / Batman. I couldn't say the same for Bale, only one who comes close is Keaton.

Bring it on DC.
The problem I have with everything is that... what else is there more to see? Like, how much more of the movie is left to surprise us, and if there is TONS more left, how godamn long will this movie be? Will it have tons of pacing issues, or will every major 'wow!' moment have already been seen in the trailers?

I get kind of worried when a studio starts revealing EVERYTHING they can in order to claw at more ticket sales. Meanwhile Marvel is just like "Hey look, Thor 3, what about it? It stars Thor. The end"

But is this a movie you are going to be looking for surprises? Let's say they hadn't shown any trailers yet what exactly would have been surprising? The only "surprise" was that Doomsday is the specific super powered villain for everyone to teamup and fight against, which isn't really all that surprising in terms of fit. Surely you weren't expecting the actual conflict to be between Batman and Superman? BvS is using the most common plot structure of any superhero team up that has been recycled over and over.

Which is what I meant that this isn't a film trying to sell you on plot twists or the plot or some mystery. It's really just selling you on Batman fighting Superman and then them teaming up to fight someone else with great action sequences, and this is what the trailers have shown. And really this is basically so far what Zack Snyder has demonstrated his movies are (for better or worse).

Thor 3 hasn't even started filming yet so I'm not sure about the exact comparison? But if we look at Civil War its trailers have already shown both sides exactly and what (and whom) the conflict is going to revolve around. How is that so different from BvS?

Lastly the overarching marketing strategy needs to be tailored to the property. Star Wars was an example that has been brought up a lot in terms of keeping the mystery but that is actually the strategy that would have (and did) work the best for it's particular case. With Star Wars there was a lot of interest in the extremely open possibilities of where they were going to take the franchise which is why not revealing overall plot too much was a good idea.
Did anyone really expect that there wouldn't be one and that Batman vs Superman would be the whole movie?

Yeah, I did; why else would I go to a boring superhero movie if they weren't going to change things up with an interesting premise?

Superman as a villain makes complete sense, but they screwed up: now that we know it's just the tired old "save the world against generic villain x" garbage, I doubt people will go see it.

Then again, people saw Star Wars, so I guess it doesn't matter.
Yeah, I did; why else would I go to a boring superhero movie if they weren't going to change things up with an interesting premise?

Superman as a villain makes complete sense, but they screwed up: now that we know it's just the tired old "save the world against generic villain x" garbage, I doubt people will go see it.

Then again, people saw Star Wars, so I guess it doesn't matter.

Superman as a villain was/is done in an "all-in" way in the Injustice Books. This is the first time we will ever see the Trinity, not to mention most of the other DC heroes/villains, on the big screen in live action. They would never kick that off with Superman being evil.

DC has wayyyy better villains than Marvel anyhow and on top of that the Marvel movies biggest weakness has always been their villains. I'd much rather see Braniac, Metallo, Darkseid, Trigon etc over an evil Clark.
My trailersense says this movie could be fun. Unfortunately they didn't do a reboot or two in order to set it up. 7 out of 10 to 5 out of 10 is the prediction I have for it.
Seriously, I'm a little confused and disappointed. Lex Luthor created Doomsday?!?

I don't even think it's a case of them spoiling Doomsday... it's more a case of misusing Doomsday so early and giving the story only half a movie for it. If anyone read the Doomsday comic, it easily could have spanned it's own movie or two. They are rushing this and I feel it now spells an early end to a potential Marvel Universe competitor.

At least I'm not the only one baffled. Doomsday certainly wasn't as Lex Luthor henchman, he was the by-product of an alien evolution experiment on Krypton, roughly 250,000 years before Superman came on the scene. He battled some serious bad asses all over the universe before ending up on Earth. Doomsday's childhood on Krpyton is exactly why he hated Superman... I'll be curious to see how they back-fill the complete excavation of his back story.

Anyway, I'll turn my nerd off now. The movie looks entertaining, but I gather its going to disappoint purists.
Damn, haters gonna hate I suppose. I think this movie looks bad ass and looks better with every trailer. Couldn't care less if it's 100% true to the comics. I'll be there opening night or as close to it as I can get.
Dumbest concept I've ever seen for a movie. Whats next, Godzilla vs. Mothra ?
Anyone but ben, they guy is so lame.

Yeah he wasn't my first or even 50th choice but he is a good actor so maybe he can pull it off. I never believed Michael Keaton could pull it off either and he did great.

Either way, they could've cast Chris Rock as Batman and I'd still probably go see it. I'm pretty much a fan of anything Dark Knight.
They are, I think they bought Marvel after the first Avenger's movie and how it made a billion dollars. All of the movie (even shitty ones like The Incredible Hulk) have made bank.

They actually bought Marvel before the first Avengers film. In fact they bought Marvel before Marvel even released Iron Man 2. But Marvel had a production deal with Paramount that lasted through the first Avengers (which Disney got in on as well). Disney was impressed with the fact that Marvel had plans for interconnected superhero movies through at least 2028. I think we'll be long tired of them before then, personally.
Yeah, I did; why else would I go to a boring superhero movie if they weren't going to change things up with an interesting premise?

Superman as a villain makes complete sense, but they screwed up: now that we know it's just the tired old "save the world against generic villain x" garbage, I doubt people will go see it.

Then again, people saw Star Wars, so I guess it doesn't matter.

That is really a different topic though.

If they were to take the more unconventional approach like this then a more secret marketing campaign would be a better fit.

But what we have is a rather conventional approach and so you sell what's available and there isn't any point in hiding some big mystery or plot reveal.

Seriously, I'm a little confused and disappointed. Lex Luthor created Doomsday?!?

At least I'm not the only one baffled. Doomsday certainly wasn't as Lex Luthor henchman, he was the by-product of an alien evolution experiment on Krypton, roughly 250,000 years before Superman came on the scene. He battled some serious bad asses all over the universe before ending up on Earth. Doomsday's childhood on Krpyton is exactly why he hated Superman... I'll be curious to see how they back-fill the complete excavation of his back story.

Anyway, I'll turn my nerd off now. The movie looks entertaining, but I gather its going to disappoint purists.

They can really only do a "based on" approach due to practical reasons as the comics have a much larger built upon universe over time and pacing compared to whats practical with movies.

The best way to look at these movie universes would be to think of them like "Earth One" or "Ultimates" from a comic stand point.

Just deductions based upon Man of Steel and BvS trailers -
Doomsday will probably hate Superman due to some connection with Zod (this is just based on deductions from Man of Steel and the trailers). Which I think is a quite a good rework based on whats available.
From the video thumbnail, without reading the caption I thought they were taking selfies.
They shouldn't of spoiled doomsday and kept everyone thinking this movie was only the conflict between batman and superman.

I wonder if it was the difference between marketing and the director. I know with Terminator: Genisys, the director filmed the John Connor parts as a surprise. Marketing ruined it by putting it in the trailer. So, the parts were supposed to be more surprising, but most of the audience already knew the 'secret'.

Doomsday was this huge, multi franchise, several comic story. Going from Justice League to Superman. Hopefully he isn't like Venom in Spiderman 3 and just a quick defeat. Doomsday was the death of Superman (well, kinda...). He's not some simple bad guy that Luthor created. I just hope they do him justice. Putting him in the trailer killed a lot for me, though. There are very few trailers out there that do it right these days. They give you enough to make you drool over the movie, but not enough of the plot to really know what's going to happen.

I'm still very much looking forward to this movie, though. I love Superman, and Affleck looks like he might nail this role (I had some major doubts at first). Luthor? I'm still laughing at the casting choice, but hoping I'm wrong.