Battle Chess?


Assault then RUN AWAY!
Nov 12, 2002
Wondering if anyone had heard of this, its a very entertaining game, was wondering if they have made an updated version? I think the one i played last was from like 1991 or something.
Oh yeah, I played it. Fun game. Brings back memories of playing it and Scorched Earth.
that's a classic... i was never really that good at chess till i played battlechess.

it certainly helped me to learn the game... especially since i was always stumped on the 7th guess and 11th hour chess puzzles
Battle Chess was awesome, although nothing beats a real quality wooden chessboard :). Chess Titans in Vista is pretty sweet though.
HAHA :D I thought you were joking, but google proved me wrong. Battle chess did own back in the day though, its the only reason i know how to play

and after reading your comment, i had to google it too.. and now comes the question, how do they kill off the pieces? is it always one-sided?

i agree, the vista chess is pretty good, though i'd still rather a battle chess remake with newer animations

Scorched earth ruled. never had more fun with buddies when i was like 10 years old than that until C&C came along. Death's Head, anyone?
Played this game on an old old old compaq 486. Back in the 5 1/4 floppy days......ahhhh, those were the days....
I found it at a garage sale for like a quarter and went home and was playing it and my mom saw it. For some reason she wasn't amused and took it from me... ;)

Edit: I watched some youtube vids of it and Battlechess definitely wasn't what I was playing. The game I played had cut scene animations in it. Just can't remember what it was called.
Look at Chess Master 10. It has animations and is only 10$ right now. I think I'm going to go look in the budget section at my local stores and see if any of them have it.
Whoa, I remember this. Me and my buddy used to play it on his Tandy.

Excellent game.
Lol I actually got SUSPENDED in middle school for 'breaking' onto a teacher's computer to put this game on a floppy. The breaking consisting of putting a floppy in and using dos to copy it over. Yes, hacker prodigy in the making. The hilarious part is that they didn't know what punishment to do because it had never had happened before. I knew so little back then I thought pulling the middle clip off the floppy somehow eliminated the evidence.

I would like to see this made modern, remember the star wars chess game (not the actual game, but the one in the movies)
Archon!! omg, talk about old school 8-bit days, LoL! I had that on the atari 1200xl?

good times
Battle Chess 2 exists as well. Its Chinese Chess. And there is also a 3d Scorched Earth. Its an open source game.
I use to love Dark Legions. Wish someone would make a new and improved version.
I still have a copy of Battle Chess laying around somewhere downstairs... that was an incredibly fun game.
When my buddy's mom upgraded her computer to Dos 6.something from DOS 5.something, he actually lost gorillas. So we tried reinstalling only the "necessary" files to play Gorillas again.

Needless to say, we screwed up her DOS pretty bad. Thankfully she also had windows 3.11
I just wanted to find this with sound and everything, found it but the sound is broken =/
Battle Chess and Archon.....

I'm having LSD-quality flashbacks here! :D Ahhh... back in the day........

Loved the hack-and-slash but was (and still am) oh so terrible at chess.
Battle Chess is so fucking awesome. I used to play the shit out of that when I was young - hell, I play it while between classes sometimes. Its awesome when old professors are walking about and notice it - instant conversation starter
My aunt had it on her old like 1990 mac ( can't even remember what it was) and it was black and white and awesome. hopefully i find it with functional sound. I love when the knights kill a pawn!! so funny
I used to play on an Amiga are making me remember my lovely C64 days....I wish i can go matter how awesome my GTX280 is...those days were something else... in the third grade....

ps Lets see who know where that last phrase came from! lol
Battle Chess is awesome. It certainly lived through time as the only chess computer game I'll ever play. Played it for the first time in my cousin's 286 (along with Dyna Blaster and Scorched Earth) and it certainly helped me learn chess moves, but in a cool and violent way :)
Oh man, I remember this game - and trying to see every possible battle animation lol. pawn killing queen, etc.