Battlefield 2 demo impressions


Nov 16, 2001
I've been playing this for about an hour and I thought I'd chime in with my impressions. Mostly, they're all positive, with a couple of niggling complaints. I've only been playing single-player mode to acclimate myself to the gameplay before heading online.

1. The bots are actually pretty good, much improved over previous versions. My AI teammakes seem to recognize when I'm in need of ammo or repairs and do a good job patching me up. I even had an AI medic run over and zap me back to life after I died.

2. The graphics and animations don't really look that hot, compared to Desert Combat. The foliage is somewhat grainy and the "ragdoll" death physics are kind of weak. Bear in mind I'm only running at 1024x768 with medium details so that probably has a lot to do with it.

3. Where are the planes? And the choppers? My specialty in DC has always been air combat and I was disappointed that the map in the demo has neither included. This really sucks...

4 Sprinting is a cool feature!!!.

what do you guys think?

I have no impressions... well I sort of do.

Personally the game is crap. I have no DX9 card (GF Ti 4600) and I can not play. I mean come on, I can play DOOM III and HL2 with no problems at 1024 and EA/DICE makes BF2 REQUIRE DX9 hardware calls? This is total BS.

All I can say is my preorder has been cancelled.
The annoying way the make you setup the controls is, well, annoying. Having to clear the key you want to use, is just silly to me. All other games cancel out the other movement/action when you try and use the same key. This is the way it should be.

The lack of WS support is nothing short of lazy. There was word that editing the con file would fix that. All it did for me was make the game crash to desktop. Hopefully the retail game will have native support. For a AAA game, it should have all the stops.

Overall though, its pretty fun. Looks good at 1600x1200, with most everything turned to max. Playing singleplayer is a little annoying with the announcer telling me how to play. Ill have to check and see if I can turn him off.

necrosis said:
I have no impressions... well I sort of do.

Personally the game is crap. I have no DX9 card (GF Ti 4600) and I can not play. I mean come on, I can play DOOM III and HL2 with no problems at 1024 and EA/DICE makes BF2 REQUIRE DX9 hardware calls? This is total BS.

All I can say is my preorder has been cancelled.

It does not require a DX9 card. It requires a card with PS1.4+. The Radeon 8500 is such a card. NV didnt add PS1.4, just 1.1.
O, OK, my bad then. But either way its something that my card dosent have and it total BS that it is not supported.
the demo contains a newer forceware driver for nvidia cards :) 77.30
lol, you can't expect developers to keep making games in the past, man. You have no right to complaing with a card that old and a game this new.
D1sc1pl3 0f Mal1c3 said:
lol, you can't expect developers to keep making games in the past, man. You have no right to complaing with a card that old and a game this new.

No right? Im not talking about a freekin' GF2 here. Im talking about a Ti thats not that old. A Ti that can run EVERY other game thats came out in the last year at 1024 with FSAA 2x and Filtering at 2x with no problems.

Its one thing to have the card run the game slow. Its another to say FU to other cards cause of a stupid hardware call that could just as easly be changed (FarCry).
yeah that's gay, even an fx 5200 can "run" the ur ti dust the 5200 :) damn..that's too bad man...
Has anyone been playing online yet ?

it wont let me create an account ! :(

it just sits there ! :mad:

What am i doing wrong ? :confused:
I cant believe how gay the helicopters are, although marginally better than vietnam, but c'mon what the hell

at full throttle they are slow as crap and lose altitude as you lean forward, they cant lower altitude normally w/o using the reverse key, and they gain altitude slower than ever before.

why cant they just give the option to not have crap ass autohover and bring back the counterbalancing from DC??
I get so much stuttering! My god its CRAZY! I'm using the ATI catalsyt 5.6 and I have pretty much everything turned on, including EAX and hardware sound. Which drivers are recomended for this game?
Circuitbreaker8 said:
I get so much stuttering! My god its CRAZY! I'm using the ATI catalsyt 5.6 and I have pretty much everything turned on, including EAX and hardware sound. Which drivers are recomended for this game?

We have similar systems. 3500+ and X850XT/PE here, and I get no stuttering at 1600x1200, everything set to high, including sound. Drivers set to highest quality.
Circuitbreaker8 said:
I get so much stuttering! My god its CRAZY! I'm using the ATI catalsyt 5.6 and I have pretty much everything turned on, including EAX and hardware sound. Which drivers are recomended for this game?

Catalist 5.1 if you have ATi
77.30 or whatever (the ones that CAME with the demo) for Nvidia
If you go to creatives site you will see some new drivers. If you read the details battlefield 2 in mentioned in the newest ones. Unfortunatley when i try to install the newest 1 it says no Audixy 2 card detected...even tho I have 1. (So Im just using the beta drivers)
necrosis - you're not missing out on much anyway... I've been disappointed with every Battlefield game and this one is no different.
fallguy said:
We have similar systems. 3500+ and X850XT/PE here, and I get no stuttering at 1600x1200, everything set to high, including sound. Drivers set to highest quality.

How much ram do you have? The game isn't playable for me right now :( I get 3-5 second pauses in the middle of a gun fight :rolleyes:
I get so much stuttering! My god its CRAZY! I'm using the ATI catalsyt 5.6 and I have pretty much everything turned on, including EAX and hardware sound. Which drivers are recomended for this game?

How much RAM do you have? That's always been a huge factor in the BF series, and could be the cause of your stuttering. The load times and stuttering when I first begin make me miss my 1 Gb of RAM so bad. Catalyst 5.6 works perfect for me as well.

I think that the BF series has taken a step forward, but it's not the leap that everyone expected. The physics for all the vehicles are still a little wonky, which was my biggest complaint about BF1942. The graphics have been given a nice overhaul, but it's not HL2-quality, and the sound is OK. Some guns and cannons sound a little too high-pitched, and most sounds are greatly muffled the further away they are. The walking sound for the regular grunts is way too loud- it sounds like a 300 pound guy is running through a gravel pit. I'm annoyed that every time you change the video settings, it's gotta recompile stuff, which takes a while. It's especially annoying when you're trying to find out the max playable settings on your machine (no auto-detect here) and you have to sit there for 2-3 minutes on top of regular loading times just to see if it's playable. I also hate the 12 minute time limit on the rounds. It's too damn short! I expected the max round time to be ~30 minutes, and I get less than half of that. No epic battles here- you barely have time to recapture points you've lost. I guess I'll have to wait 12 more days until the full version is released. Oh well, that means I've got 12 days to order another 512mb stick of RAM...
TheGamerZ said:
necrosis - you're not missing out on much anyway... I've been disappointed with every Battlefield game and this one is no different.

Battlefield got the idea right and created a multiplayer game that wasn't mindlessly killing the other teams for points... I take it you're a "QuakerealTournament of Duty" player?
OK I can only get resolutions of 800x600 and 1024x768. Editing the CON file only makes it crash to the desk top. I see some are running at 1600x1200. Is it available in game or are u hacking the con file? I am running on a Dell 9100, P4 2.8, 512 DDR, 9700 Mobility.
Wish I could create an account to play online. I keep getting a "the uniquenick is already in use" error thing when I try to create an account. Really annoying. Anyone know what the deal is?
Yeah, seems pretty obvious.. choose a new name that wouldn't be used by 5000 other newbs. (i.e Killa, Haxor, Etc)

.. I am impresseda little yet somehow dissappointed with this demo.. still something new and fun though.

Especially no 1280x1024 for 17" LCDers. Lameness.
Ozymandias said:
How much RAM do you have? That's always been a huge factor in the BF series, and could be the cause of your stuttering. The load times and stuttering when I first begin make me miss my 1 Gb of RAM so bad. Catalyst 5.6 works perfect for me as well.

I have 1Gb OCZ EL platinum 3200 ( 2-2-2-5 1t ) :( This is why I cant freakin wait for Xbox 360
Luxor said:
Yeah, seems pretty obvious.. choose a new name that wouldn't be used by 5000 other newbs. (i.e Killa, Haxor, Etc)

.. I am impresseda little yet somehow dissappointed with this demo.. still something new and fun though.

Especially no 1280x1024 for 17" LCDers. Lameness.
Got it workin now, I was using a name I didn't think anyone else would use.
Looks just like BF:V. AA doesn't work. Draw distance is real close. I can get up and take a leak at the bathroom at the gas station down the street while the game loads on a 2.4ghz Barton w/ 1 gig memory.

I can bash the chopper to hell and have it take almost no damage, flying it under a bridge is easy and having the tail catch the bridge and glue the chopper in place is kinda lame. I should be dead. I also decided to try out the Missile cam... as the only person in the chopper. I shifted to gunner, fired the rocket after being forced to listen to the tutorial, and tried to guide it until it finally hit something on the other side of the map. I figured I was dead, since it was a few good seconds with no one piloting... I returned to the helicoptor view... and I was practically hovering in place with no pilot...

Oh, and my X45 is rendered useless by this game. Its calibrated perfectly, works in DC, but BF2 refuses to acknowledge the X and Y axis are being used. It either does nothing, or the plane flips itself as if the controller were pushed all the way to the right.

No 1280x1024 = yucky on my flat panel.

I'm definatly not going to rush out and buy it the first day it comes out... I'll just wait til its $35 at Fry's and pick it up then. I figure it'll also give me a few days to see what problems others are having.
TheGamerZ said:
necrosis - you're not missing out on much anyway... I've been disappointed with every Battlefield game and this one is no different.

...yeah. All 2 of them. It sounds like you hated this game before you played it. Or have you played it? :rolleyes:
Did I miss something or did no one so far say what combat is like? Forget aircraft, what's just shooting your infantry weapons like? How fast is infantry movement compared to other games? Are there throwable hand grenades? Details?
my monitor can go up to 1280x1024 resolutions but in the game it doesnt list any higher than 1280x960. can anyone tell me why or what i could do to make it 1280x1024 in game? i have a bfg 6800gt oc.
I'm the Dude said:
Did I miss something or did no one so far say what combat is like? Forget aircraft, what's just shooting your infantry weapons like? How fast is infantry movement compared to other games? Are there throwable hand grenades? Details?

It's just like BF, BFV, DC... cept now there are iron sights and there's a sprint. There's drop off on the sniper rifles now and its a bit harder to hit long range...
The guns seem like counterstrike, only with less recoil. I love the Special Ops class, the rifle is a real pleasure to use, feels just like an M4 in counterstrike with a scope and less recoil.
I like the demo and I already had it pre-ordered (the DVD version).

But I think BF2 and AOE III are my last purchases. I just don't like upgrading every year.

I think it will be a great game though.
UnlimitedMP said:
Sometimes my guy "slides".. any of you notice it?

If you're talking about how you can let go of the controls and the guy will continue moving in that direction, yeah, I've noticed it. However, I've been having massive problems with my computer lately so my experience shouldn't be regarded as typical.
am i doing something wrong here? i'm running the game at 1280x960 and it seems too laggy and jaggy :(
The shadows are all messed up on mine. It plays ok at 32player servers but it lags real bad on 64 player servers. Some servers lag real bad.
Conker said:
The shadows are all messed up on mine. It plays ok at 32player servers but it lags real bad on 64 player servers. Some servers lag real bad.

That's probably mostly because people are running non-dedicated servers on consumer-level connections. Every game has that problem initially until dedicated + fiber servers spring up.