Battlefield 2 not saving stats


Limp Gawd
Oct 10, 2004
Battlefield 2 not saving.after a game is done. i actually turned sergeant like 3 times.and my points didnt save. Any suggestions or is this a bug.?My bud had the same problem happen to him where his awards, medals and rank did not save after a game.

is this to happen even if you disconnect from a server?
not sure, but I had a similar thing happen twice. I was able to be commander for a few rounds and had actually racked up around 500 points. I went online the next day and nothing was saved. Npt even the medals. So I waited a week and still nothing. Emailed EA and never got a reply.

So, I haven't really played it much since then because crap like that and the lousy support from EA.
tue that. anyone else have anything to add to this im sure alot of people are pissed about this.
I've been on servers where stats never save and I've been on servers where stats are saved when a new map loads. For whatever reason, some servers don't send new stat information to EA. It may be a bug in the server client part of the new patch. :confused:
BF2 hasn't saved my stats for a while now, according to the EA support page they acknowledge that it happens, but they don't know why.

Guess that's what happens when treat you coders like crap.
just to be on the safe side, if i have been doing good, i always wait for the next map to load, luckily i have never had this problem, i have found 6 good ranked servers that never lag, and always send stats after each round, i stick to them. but you have to reload the game for your stats to show up, although my rank progress bar never increases, i just watch my global score and know when my next rank is due. it always comes.
I usually check my stats here....

Also I'm sure you already know for stats to count it has to be a ranked server and you have to finish the round for them to take. That said I have seen a few rounds on ranked servers not count. Meh, I don't really care about the stats anyway! :)
Sesheron said:
just to be on the safe side, if i have been doing good, i always wait for the next map to load, luckily i have never had this problem, i have found 6 good ranked servers that never lag, and always send stats after each round, i stick to them. but you have to reload the game for your stats to show up, although my rank progress bar never increases, i just watch my global score and know when my next rank is due. it always comes.

I've played through several complete map cycles, on several different ranked servers over several days, and everything on my stats page has remained exactly the same.
