Battlefield 2142 =Warning=


Oct 26, 2004
So I bough BF2142. EA and DICE missed the mark with this one. {no grenades in your basic load out} And thats just one of the reasons I did not like it. I own all the other Battlefield titles and loved them all.
So, I sold it. Little did I know that you cannot delete your online account. This means that the person I sold the game to has to use my account info.

This was EA's response to me
EA games said:
Thank you for contacting Electronic Arts.

We apologize for the inconvenience caused to you but the account registered once cannot be unregistered/deleted. The registration code can only be used to create one account. If you've previously created an account using the code, then someone else cannot use it again to create a new account. He/she will need to login to the game using the same account name and password with which you have registered the game.

If there is anything else we may do to assist you please let us know.

Thank you,
EA Online Support
this is the new way to make sure you dont sold your games... just like steam
Shouldn't matter

Change your password to something you don't normally use, sell the account details, the new person can simply change their name.
I recently bought a used copy of 2142. You have to use the other person's account, yes, but you can change all the details and you can create a new soldier, if you really want to. I didn't, just because he already had some points.

BTW, this isn't like Steam, on Steam you can send a picture of the cd-key to Valve and have them reset it, as long as you have the physical data you're okay.
So I bough BF2142. EA and DICE missed the mark with this one. {no grenades in your basic load out} And thats just one of the reasons I did not like it.

the upgrade points are alot quicker in BF2142, you can get the first promotion in about 40pts
so yer VERY basic first kit, but very quick to get a full unlock (one weekend of play).
the fact that you cited not having grenades in default loadout as a reason you don't like the game proves you are an uber noob. Play the game for 10 minutes and get some unlocks you putz.....

2142 is a very fun games with hours of lasting fun. It didn't get boring for at least a couple months. I got my money's worth.
yea i played bf2142 for like 60 hours or so i think, but its nice getting upgrades, because you get them much faster. I havent played in a few months but its a fun game. I played bf2 and its expansion for around 150-200 hours or so.
the fact that you cited not having grenades in default loadout as a reason you don't like the game proves you are an uber noob. Play the game for 10 minutes and get some unlocks you putz.....

2142 is a very fun games with hours of lasting fun. It didn't get boring for at least a couple months. I got my money's worth.

That's how I feel. Great game, and no nades? Lol, you only need 40 points to get your first rank that would get you nades, plus since you say that you own all battlefield games, you could do the BF22 veteran program that would get you your unlocks without even playing. Quit whining and grow a dick :)
this is the new way to make sure you dont sold your games... just like steam

You can sell or transfer games with steam.

I believe EA is doing this so people don't have multiple accounts to stat pad with, hack with, team kill with, and to play normally with.
2142, to me, is nothing like the other Battlefield games. It seems like a rushed POS game to me... not much fun.

I never bought it, never will... it blows hard.

I still play BF2 a lot, so I cannot say EA blows.
the fact that you cited not having grenades in default loadout as a reason you don't like the game proves you are an uber noob.

I will take you on anytime. To make that assumption proves your an uber douchebag. I also did not like the in game adds. There is more that bothered me about the game than that. If you read my post {if you can read} you would have noticed that I have been playing BF since it came out NOOB.
2142, to me, is nothing like the other Battlefield games. It seems like a rushed POS game to me... not much fun.

I never bought it, never will... it blows hard.

I still play BF2 a lot, so I cannot say EA blows.

anyone else see contradiction all over this post?
there, fixed it for ya.

I can't decide what sucks more, 2142 or EA.

Comon, quit whining. If you take fuckin 2 hours and play the game instead of looking for the things wrong with it, you will like it, period. The fact that most of the folks here are so ignorant, frustrates me to no end.