Battlefield 3 - $23.65 + $4.89 Shipping @ Amazon

Once you add it to your cart, it shows:
"We're sorry. The item Battlefield 3 is no longer available from the seller you selected. To see if it's available from another seller, click here to return to the item's product detail page."
Funny. It worked for me @ 9:27 PM:

Total Before Tax: $28.54
Estimated Tax To Be Collected:* $0.00
Order Total: $28.54

Delivery estimate: Nov. 16, 2011 - Nov. 21, 2011
1 "Battlefield 3"
Video Game; $23.65
In Stock
Sold by: GeeksWholesaler

Wow, maybe I bought the ONE copy they had in stock, LOL!
Once you add it to your cart, it shows:
"We're sorry. The item Battlefield 3 is no longer available from the seller you selected. To see if it's available from another seller, click here to return to the item's product detail page."

Same for me.
Yeah, you beat me by 4 minutes. I had just posted this too heh.

Anyways, it looks like it might be a price mistake. They now have it as $59 or so.
I still have the web page up showing the $23 price, and it also says "only 6 left in stock, order soon".

So it was legit.