Battlefield 3 General Discussion Thread

I didn't get a chance to try out the beta. How well is it gonna run at 2560x1440 with the rig in my sig?
I didn't get a chance to try out the beta. How well is it gonna run at 2560x1440 with the rig in my sig?

You will definitely want to get another 580 for resolutions like that. It would be a shame to compromise on image quality with that big beautiful monitor of yours.
lol at people complaining about prone. It reminds me of when BC2 came out and people complained about not being able to go prone.
lol at people complaining about prone. It reminds me of when BC2 came out and people complained about not being able to go prone.

Seemed a lot of people were also happy prone was excluded. Really can't make everyone happy.

Besides BC2/BF3 are different "universes" really. Hence no prone in the BC series games.
Anyone else get this feeling? I loved the BF3 Beta, but it didn't feel quite like a true 1942/BF2/2142 sequel. The game has definitely moved forward leaps and bounds since Battlefield's inception- gaming always evolves over time. I am not complaining in any way, just trying to pinpoint the feeling.

To me, BF3 is the result of BC2 and BF2 having a baby, yet are confused about the whole 'baby daddy' thing because BC2 cheated on BF2 with MOH, all the while flirting with COD...
So we're just supposed to stand there and fire away, not take cover, or do anything that might extend our life time?


Prone is the best part of BF3 to me. There are so many times I could have survived in BC2 if prone was in the game.
Just scan all areas before you enter them. When players go prone their lateral vision is limited. That's why I crouch when defending flags.
I have knifed many people in prone because they can't see you coming from the side or behind them.
Prone is the best part of BF3 to me. There are so many times I could have survived in BC2 if prone was in the game.
Just scan all areas before you enter them. When players go prone their lateral vision is limited. That's why I crouch when defending flags.
I have knifed many people in prone because they can't see you coming from the side or behind them.

Yeah, I was playing BC2 after BF3 and , at the begining, I was trying to prone everynow and then to hide from firefights. It is a great feature of BF3.
To me, BF3 is the result of BC2 and BF2 having a baby, yet are confused about the whole 'baby daddy' thing because BC2 cheated on BF2 with MOH, all the while flirting with COD...
Now that made me laugh, lol, thank you.
But I do think your right. I never played BF2 but BF3 beta did seem like BC2 to some extent, not that its a bad thing :).
Anyone else get this feeling? I loved the BF3 Beta, but it didn't feel quite like a true 1942/BF2/2142 sequel. The game has definitely moved forward leaps and bounds since Battlefield's inception- gaming always evolves over time

I think you answered your own question in the second sentence.
It would have been disappointing if they just reskinned BF2 with a new engine.

BC2 was wildly successful, and it would be stupid of DICE to ignore that fan base.
I'm glad it's not a "true" sequel to any of the previous Battlefield games.

I fired up BF2 for the first time in over a month the other day, and it was an awful experience. A lot of people cry about BF3 and how it isn't exactly like BF2, then recount all their fantastic flawless BF2 gameplay moments.

Truth be told, BF2 has a lot of annoying, overpowered, and just plain bad gameplay mechanics that didn't really exist in the BF3 beta.
Are you one of those guys who gets inside a heli and promptly do a back flip and crash? :p

I've never mastered the whole flip thing, I just fly backwards a ways and crash, that's why you wont see me near a helo.

FYI, picked up a MS XBOX360 controller today and flying helicopters in BC2 just became much more manageable. i went from a "chances are you're going to die as my gunner" pilot to a "this guy's pretty good, he just needs to keep it steady" pilot. in BC2, of course.

edit: this is in comparison to M/KB, and also the logitech extreme 3D pro flight stick i picked up yesterday.

So if I hooked one of the 360 controllers to my desktop I might go from embarrassing in helos to just slightly horrible?
I've never mastered the whole flip thing, I just fly backwards a ways and crash, that's why you wont see me near a helo.

So if I hooked one of the 360 controllers to my desktop I might go from embarrassing in helos to just slightly horrible?

Well if they enable vertical fly in BF3, in the beta it was broken, it will help alot. Up is Up, Down is Down.
With vertical fly off, I fly backwards then nose dive everytime. Up is Down, Down is Up.
I want to preface this post by saying I like women in the prone position. End of debate.

CVG has a very vague article about Dice having a massive DLC program slated for BF3. Even has a nice lil video on the page with APC's (I guess... I don't really know military lingo) in the tunnels of Metro.

Oh and if it's old... Sorry didn't read the last few pages. :)
yeah that's how it works. to me the X360 controller is hands-down better than M/KB and a flight stick i tried out as well.
I might have to get a new 360 controller now. My flight stick, a Logitech extreme 3D pro also, seems to be broken. Now I can't wait to try piloting again :).
12 more days!!! Should go quicker since I will be gone this weekend... man this wait is reminding me of what it felt like when HL2 was coming out.
At this point I'm meh about the game, not as excited as I was a few months ago. Just gimme Sharky Peninsula and Return to Kirkland so we can have some real infantry wars.

And the attack choppers need TV missiles and the machine gun from the MI-28 from BF2.
I don't think any of the vehicles in their current state scare any infantry at this point.
I am stoked to play on Karkand with destructible environments. That place is going to be a madhouse on a full server.
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Something I really miss from BF2 is the TV missiles and also transport helicopters.

I don't think BF3 has BlackHawks or any transport helicopter.
I am assuming you can use your mouse and keyboard and then when it is time to fly you can use the controller. If so, I may be doing this for BF3 because flying helicopters and jets in the beta was a nightmare for me using KB&M

So if I hooked one of the 360 controllers to my desktop I might go from embarrassing in helos to just slightly horrible?

I might have to get a new 360 controller now. My flight stick, a Logitech extreme 3D pro also, seems to be broken. Now I can't wait to try piloting again :).

a word of caution: BC2 doesn't recognize the right thumb stick. i had to use a program called xpadder to work around this. supposedly BF3 will have full support for the 360 controller but if you're planning on using it in BC2 as well, google some of the issues before you go out and drop $60 on the controller. not a big deal IMO but some might not want to deal with it.

:D and DarkStar_WNY, that's exactly what it did for me. flying becomes instantly easier and with a little practice i should be a decent pilot.
Wow! I didn't see that part No BlackHawks :(

UH60 Black Hawk


The UH60 Black Hawk is the main transport helicopter of the US military units, and has been confirmed for Battlefield 3. It can seat 5 soldiers, with a pilot, two gunners and two passengers. UPDATE: it has been confirmed that the Black Hawk won’t be in Battlefield 3, however it is still possible that we’ll see it in the Back to Karkand expansion.
WHAT?! NO BLACKHAWK? How am I suppose to kill goats without blackhawks, seriously people jeesh!

Wow! I didn't see that part No BlackHawks :(

UPDATE: it has been confirmed that the Black Hawk won’t be in Battlefield 3, however it is still possible that we’ll see it in the Back to Karkand expansion.

the same link shows the UH-1Y Super Huey for transport:
"The Bell UH-1Y Venom, a.k.a. Super Huey, is the main transport helicopter for the US side in Battlefield 3. The chopper can transport 5 soldiers: 1 pilot + 4 passengers."
I want to preface this post by saying I like women in the prone position. End of debate.

CVG has a very vague article about Dice having a massive DLC program slated for BF3. Even has a nice lil video on the page with APC's (I guess... I don't really know military lingo) in the tunnels of Metro.

Oh and if it's old... Sorry didn't read the last few pages. :)

Yeah, but I prefer then kneeling.

I can't access the link, it's blocked from work, but could that be from the alpha? In the alpha the attackers have an apc on the metro map and occasionally someone would drive it down into the subway tunnel.
looking interesting thats for sure

link not working.
ah i see, on the blog:

edit: TEHRAN HIGHWAY sounds like my kind of map:
"It plays length-wise and starts semi-open with plenty of room for vehicles, but ends on a much more urban and tight note with less focus on vehicles and more on infantry."

and it's a night time map which should be interesting.
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link not working.
ah i see, on the blog:

edit: TEHRAN HIGHWAY sounds like my kind of map:
"It plays length-wise and starts semi-open with plenty of room for vehicles, but ends on a much more urban and tight note with less focus on vehicles and more on infantry."

and it's a night time map which should be interesting.

Sounds a bit like Karkand, as far as flow of the map goes.
With all the "talk" about BF3 being the offspring of BF2 and BC2.............I'd like to suggest that Metro 2033 and BF3 also have some offspring...what would that look like?
Visually, probably just a white screen, since everyone would just be using flashlights in a narrow dark tunnel.