Battlefield 3 General Discussion Thread


The map with the 500 ft base jump sounds interesting.

Pretty excited about a night time map.

Yeah, I had wished that the metro map would be during random times of the day/night and possible even have random weather effects. Think about how different the park and/or city section of that map would be on two seperate rounds one where it was bright dayligtht and the other at night of with a rainstorm limiting visability.
Yeah, I had wished that the metro map would be during random times of the day/night and possible even have random weather effects. Think about how different the park and/or city section of that map would be on two seperate rounds one where it was bright dayligtht and the other at night of with a rainstorm limiting visability.

I can imagine that. I imagine myself being the only one without a flashlight. Eliminate the muzzle flash on my gun and wait like a thief in the night...
Yeah, I had wished that the metro map would be during random times of the day/night and possible even have random weather effects. Think about how different the park and/or city section of that map would be on two seperate rounds one where it was bright dayligtht and the other at night of with a rainstorm limiting visability.

Agreed. It would be nice if all maps had day and night options with changing weather conditions.
Yeah, I had wished that the metro map would be during random times of the day/night and possible even have random weather effects. Think about how different the park and/or city section of that map would be on two seperate rounds one where it was bright dayligtht and the other at night of with a rainstorm limiting visability.

This sounds awesome and I've always wondered why a multiplayer FPS has never really done this. It seems like something relatively easy that would add a ton to the game. You always end up playing the same maps over and over again anyway, so why not add in dynamic weather shifts and day night cycles to keep things relatively fresh? Sure this may be the hundredth time you've played this map, but maybe this is the first time you've played it at night during a thunderstorm.
Yeah, I had wished that the metro map would be during random times of the day/night and possible even have random weather effects. Think about how different the park and/or city section of that map would be on two seperate rounds one where it was bright dayligtht and the other at night of with a rainstorm limiting visability.

I'd love to see this. It would add an entirely different twist on air combat. Stealth jet strikes and such. Sounds fun.
OMFG WHAT THE SHIT. IM ABOUT TO RAGE AT WORK. HOW THE FUCK DO I CANCEL MY ORIGIN PREORDER? Also do you get ALL the DLC;s if you preordered early from Origin?

Dude I almost spit out my pizza here at work. lol. I am sure there will be a big announcement before it comes to Steam (if at all)
Dude I almost spit out my pizza here at work. lol. I am sure there will be a big announcement before it comes to Steam (if at all)

Well the issue with it being available on Steam is that it would still need to be played via Origin, so I am not sure how offering it on Steam would really be helpful.
Who the fuck has time to sit down and put that shit together on Photoshop. If they do they need to go get a job or something, cause that looks damn good and time consuming.
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Nope....nice prank thought.

Even if it was on Steam, it would be for $59.95, and EA/Origin will not allow Steam to sell future DLC.
Soooooo yeah, best way to get these unlocks is join up on a points farming server.

You can sure as hell bet no one is gonna want to pilot a chopper if the gunner doesn't have TV missiles unlocked.

Really? Really? You think NOBODY is going to fly a chopper in BF3 unless the TV missiles are unlocked? Really? LOL :D

I can't tell if you're being serious or sarcastic...
Really? Really? You think NOBODY is going to fly a chopper in BF3 unless the TV missiles are unlocked? Really? LOL :D

I can't tell if you're being serious or sarcastic...

Well I dunno man, TV missiles were hella fun in BF2. Probably the best part of BF2 for me, especially when people would immediately jump out of their tank or APC and try to flee on foot cuz they knew what was coming when they saw you in the chopper. :cool:

I can see experienced pilots losing patience if someone without TV missiles hops into their chopper and gets pwned immediately in the chopper vs chopper TV missile battles that are bound to happen.
Well the issue with it being available on Steam is that it would still need to be played via Origin, so I am not sure how offering it on Steam would really be helpful.

I'm not so sure it would require Origin moreso than Battlelog. Steam would be the method of DRM in this circumstance in lieu of Origin.
I'm not so sure it would require Origin moreso than Battlelog. Steam would be the method of DRM in this circumstance in lieu of Origin.

EA is basically using this game to launch Origin - no way will it not require Origin.
Dude I almost spit out my pizza here at work. lol. I am sure there will be a big announcement before it comes to Steam (if at all)

I still think they are waiting for people to rush to Steam in the last week before launch.
If it doesn't launch on Steam, then EA was really serious about all of this, which is a shame.

Well the issue with it being available on Steam is that it would still need to be played via Origin, so I am not sure how offering it on Steam would really be helpful.

I feel the same way. DRM isn't popular and adding another layer is ridiculous.
If EA backs down off the Origin requirement to run, then Steam would make sense.