Battlefield 3 General Discussion Thread

This is correct, it breaks the laser lock completely for a few seconds.

Really what I need to do is unlock Below Radar for the jets...I just got it for the attack helo not that long ago, but when I get locked I tend to go low anyway. Sucks that it does nothing unless you unlocked Below Radar (which TBH should have been a standard thing in the first place).
Really what I need to do is unlock Below Radar for the jets...I just got it for the attack helo not that long ago, but when I get locked I tend to go low anyway. Sucks that it does nothing unless you unlocked Below Radar (which TBH should have been a standard thing in the first place).

Below Radar only affects air to air lock. Stingers/SOFLAM+Jav will still be able to shoot you.
§·H·ï·Z·N·ï·L·T·ï;1038137706 said:
Damn nice setup bro, your GF is amazing lol! What do you do at your fortune 500 company, I also work for a fortune 500 company, I'm Regional IS Manager :D

Software engineer :p I'd like to eventually get into product management as some of our product managers still push us to do something when we have told them that is technically impossible, they still insist that it must be possible and that we're just not trying hard enough :rolleyes:

Also, relating to BF3, I have found that I love flying the MAV with the xbox360 controller, makes diving a much more enjoyable experience :p. Still haven't figured out/found an empty server to test out flying other vehicles though, not to mention finding out what buttons are mapped to what.
You can use it on other maps than's very effective for tight quarters (Grand Bazaar).

Not that Im any good with it, but I love to change it up and play with the shotguns. I only have the 2nd one unlocked and for kicks I run around caspian forest with it...or firestorm just in the buildings. It can be terrifyingly badass to bust up on 2 or 3 enemies at once with buckshot.
I've heard 8AM GMT, so 3AM on the east coast and midnight on the west coast.

So by the time I get to play tomorrow night, all the stay-at-homes will already have 10 hours in and know all the maps like the back of their hands, while I'm fumbling around trying to find the capture points. I guess I'd better prepare for a couple of crappy nights until I achieve map knowledge parity.
So by the time I get to play tomorrow night, all the stay-at-homes will already have 10 hours in and know all the maps like the back of their hands, while I'm fumbling around trying to find the capture points. I guess I'd better prepare for a couple of crappy nights until I achieve map knowledge parity.

Just stop caring about your stats. Bigger deals, no? I came nearly a month late to the game and half the time I play I'm stupidly drunk. I was sweating my stats for a while but realised it's more fun to be the guy taking the falls for the team.

As soon as I stop caring my stats started climbing. Nearly at 2.0 KDR and W/L, or would be if I hadn't already lost interest in the game.
Just stop caring about your stats. Bigger deals, no? I came nearly a month late to the game and half the time I play I'm stupidly drunk. I was sweating my stats for a while but realised it's more fun to be the guy taking the falls for the team.

As soon as I stop caring my stats started climbing. Nearly at 2.0 KDR and W/L, or would be if I hadn't already lost interest in the game.
I find that my KDR is higher if I don't look at the scoreboard during the game; once I start pressing tab every other minute, I become too concerned with not dying and I die :p
I really wish they's go back to making everyone equal like BF42 and Desert Combat.

I could really give a shit about medals and ranks. The fact that I am at a disadvantage because I do not have the better weapons/armor/gear is annoying. I don't have time to play near as much as most people do.

BTW everyone who is bitching about heli physics in BF3 obviously didn't play Desert Combat. I really liked the heli flight controls in DC though. Also, where the hell are the ships and submarines?

The game is fun to play although my k/d is usually 1/2. I still manage to get high scores from capturing bases and playing as a team.
I'm 100% with you on this. Getting old sucks huh? haha Too little time to game and keep up with the kids these days. The chopper controls in DC were the best ever implemented in a BF game. I wish we could choose that as our default controls... "legacy mode". Had so much fun in DC and really miss it. I could fly the Apache backwards better then some of the peeps could fly forward. I don't even mess with it now in BF3. Too many camping and waiting to fly when there are control points to take.
I could fly the Apache backwards better then some of the peeps could fly forward. I don't even mess with it now in BF3. Too many camping and waiting to fly when there are control points to take.
There was no chooper camping in bf1942? Why?
Reread the discussion, .... rkatapt and I were talking about the mod of BF1942 that inspired BF2 called "Desert Combat" aka DC. Of course there wasn't any choppers in 1942.
Just stop caring about your stats. Bigger deals, no? I came nearly a month late to the game and half the time I play I'm stupidly drunk. I was sweating my stats for a while but realised it's more fun to be the guy taking the falls for the team.

As soon as I stop caring my stats started climbing. Nearly at 2.0 KDR and W/L, or would be if I hadn't already lost interest in the game.

I don't care about my stats, I just hate running around not knowing where to go, and not knowing where the enemy is likely to be. With my high-ping connection and low reaction speed I'm never going to beat people with quickness, so I need to play smarter and be more tactical - and that requires map knowledge.

What's the canister shell like guys? How does it compare to the coaxial?

Canister is the bomb. Much better than coax in my opinion. One shot kill, slight area effect (like a shotgun, so you don't have to be right on target), and decent range. Strangely enough, it doesn't appear that the canister shell suffers from bullet drop either - you have to aim two different places to hit someone far away with canister and the main gun.
Few hours left to know if Dice shrink Karkand to the same size of the one in Battlefield 4 free, cause, from the footage ( even from console ) it's seams the Russian base and the flags are at the same place as in Battlefield 4 free. 5 on the first part before cross the river.
I really, REALLY want to like this game. But every time I play it's just a matter of time before I get supremely pissed off by some "feature" that DICE put in, or some deficiency that DICE has neglected to fix. I'm seriously considering quitting for awhile until DICE gets their shit together and does some serious patching.


And today's adventure with a TOTAL AND COMPLETE IDIOT was on Kharg Island. I was riding shotgun in an Abrams when all of a sudden an RPG-7V2 projectile slammed into us from the side. No big deal -- I hopped out and began repairing, like the faithful engineer that I was. Dumbfuck McStupidass decided it would be better to pursue the enemy engineer on foot, so he hopped out of the tank and promptly got a face full of 7.62x51mm from the enemy's SCAR-H. A second enemy who had already been approaching the tank, most likely with the intention of C4ing it, realized in that split second that the tank was empty and managed to get in it before I did. Mind you that this all happened in a matter of about two seconds. I tried to kill the now-hostile Abrams with my repair tool, but the first enemy shot me from behind. So whoever you were, mentally-deficient tank driver on Kharg Island.... thank you. :eek:
something I just found out today:

Where ever you point your turret in a vehicle will be the direction your player will be facing when you exit.
I guess I was just an idiot but when ever I bailed to repair a tank or IFV I would always be between the enemy with SMAW/RPG and my vehicle and get pummeled everytime.

Now I know to point my turret to the rear then exit and repair.

A random squad mate helped me out with that after seeing me get killed multiple times trying to repair him.
something I just found out today:

Where ever you point your turret in a vehicle will be the direction your player will be facing when you exit.
I guess I was just an idiot but when ever I bailed to repair a tank or IFV I would always be between the enemy with SMAW/RPG and my vehicle and get pummeled everytime.

Now I know to point my turret to the rear then exit and repair.

A random squad mate helped me out with that after seeing me get killed multiple times trying to repair him.
Someone mentioned that in this topic last week. Definitely a very neat trick to know and use ;)

Ugh, I played my worst in a long time just now. My left mouse button is starting to stick after nearly 6 years of dedicated service and the cord kept getting snagged on my desk. Not trying to make excuses or anything but mouse troubles definitely cost me quite a few kills today. Time to upgrade to a G700.
I really, REALLY want to like this game. But every time I play it's just a matter of time before I get supremely pissed off by some "feature" that DICE put in, or some deficiency that DICE has neglected to fix. I'm seriously considering quitting for awhile until DICE gets their shit together and does some serious patching.


Lol...Battlefield 3: 25% Fun, 75% Infuriating. ;)
So remember how I used to complain about iron sights?

Yeah. I finally shot an M4 today with the red dot sight and backup iron sight...such a huge difference in real life, too. I'm so much better with a red dot than the BUIS.

Not that I'm not still a terrible shot, heh.
So BTK should be unlocked right now... but it's still seeming as if it's not unlocked, and I'm not showing any servers in Battlelog.


ETA: Oooops, somebody *ahem* did their time conversion wrong. It's actually 33 minutes from now :)
Holy crap, they absolutely massacred tanks in this game with all the nerfs. One jet missile or Javaline turns the tank burning @ like 20% health left and they can launch that crap from half a map away. That is with a SOFLAM that has god eyes all over the map and is near impossible to destroy. I absolutely hate things in this game that takes zero skill to use and get kills. They freaking went overboard in this game with those items. This game is way too noob friendly.

I need a CS:GO beta key :(
So I finally caved in and purchased BF3 from the most recent Orgin sale. Apparently I can't play campaign if battlelog is down? hah please tell me this isn't true :p:rolleyes::confused:

edit: I figured it out, although it does seems absurd I have to force Orgin into offline mode to play the campaign if Battlelog is down
So I finally caved in and purchased BF3 from the most recent Orgin sale. Apparently I can't play campaign if battlelog is down? hah please tell me this isn't true :p:rolleyes::confused:

It literally just went down for an update lol. Getting ready for BTK I suppose.
So I finally caved in and purchased BF3 from the most recent Orgin sale. Apparently I can't play campaign if battlelog is down? hah please tell me this isn't true :p:rolleyes::confused:

Actually you can. Just go into offline mode and launch the game. But make sure you have "enable cloud storage" unchecked ;). It should then work just fine for campaign mode.