Battlefield 3 General Discussion Thread

Is anyone having any stuttering problems recently. It was fine until i started playing CQ last night. After a lot of searching, ive found that my i5 2500k @4.5 is being maxed out during gameplay, causing really bad stuttering. Any possible fix for this?

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With these settings on a GTX460/Q6600 my cpu gets maxed but there's no stuttering. Perhaps an issue with CQ, but then you'd think others would be experiencing it :confused:.

I doubt very much it's your 4.5Ghz 2600k.
Hey I want you to look at this guy's profile and tell me if you think he is a hacker. I just played a TDM with him where he was 135-23.

it's pretty difficult to tell based on stats alone. most of the people that were recently banned have very typical looking stats. BF3stats gives more data. here's his profile: he has 100% accuracy with the M320 which seems pretty unbelievable considering he's fired it 63,000 times. that doesn't necessarily confirm he's a hack though.
it's pretty difficult to tell based on stats alone. most of the people that were recently banned have very typical looking stats. BF3stats gives more data. here's his profile: he has 100% accuracy with the M320 which seems pretty unbelievable considering he's fired it 63,000 times. that doesn't necessarily confirm he's a hack though.

Even that can sometimes be a little hard to tell with. 1 shot hitting two people = 200% accuracy. Kinda lame. If he plays alot of Metro it could happen. Its so hard to tell if someones hacking. It seems to be strictly case by case.

Even some sort of session monitoring by admins would be difficult. Ever watch someone on kill cam who you suspect to be hacking cuz their gun is glitching all over the place? Then you look at their stats that round and they ahve a .5kdr.
it's pretty difficult to tell based on stats alone. most of the people that were recently banned have very typical looking stats. BF3stats gives more data. here's his profile: he has 100% accuracy with the M320 which seems pretty unbelievable considering he's fired it 63,000 times. that doesn't necessarily confirm he's a hack though.

63k shots and he has 100% accuracy? if that doesn't prove that hes hacking nothing does.

With these settings on a GTX460/Q6600 my cpu gets maxed but there's no stuttering. Perhaps an issue with CQ, but then you'd think others would be experiencing it :confused:.

I doubt very much it's your 4.5Ghz 2600k.

I figured out the problem. I disabled the windows splash screen on startup, and while messing with settings, only enabled 2 cores. Fixed it to run on all four and shes running like a champ. It was definitely one of those doh moments.
So there isn't a 16 player limit on the PC like I originally read a few months ago?


Battlefield has allowed for large amounts of players for a long time. Heck there was hue and cry because Bad Company 2 only allowed 32 players.

No the PC version allows for any amount the server admin wants from 2 to 64 players. 32 player stuff is pretty common, but 64 player (or 48 player or other like things) are plenty.

Battlefield has allowed for large amounts of players for a long time. Heck there was hue and cry because Bad Company 2 only allowed 32 players.

No the PC version allows for any amount the server admin wants from 2 to 64 players. 32 player stuff is pretty common, but 64 player (or 48 player or other like things) are plenty.

It was originally claimed to be "locked" because the new destruction wouldn't allow for more players (resource hog). It was listed on the official PC site as only supporting 16 players. So that is why there's some confusion. "Officially" I think it's 16 players, unofficially the server admins can do what they want up to 64.

63k shots and he has 100% accuracy? if that doesn't prove that hes hacking nothing does.

I don't see that as being so much hack as being a statistical anomaly. It's statistically improbable (hacking or not) to have 100% accuracy on something. One miss and it'll forever be 99.999999999%/etc. - however, in DICE code (as someone else said), if you fire one round and hit two people, it counts as 200%.

Also remember, that's a grenade launcher. So all he has to do is "hit" someone, not kill them. He may miss with one round, but "hit" four people on the next round. That's 200% accuracy (or 100% theoretical max).

You're better off looking at gun stats. All hover around 20%.
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won my first game of Gun Master so that's good, i can unlock the M5K soon. i'll probably never go back to Gun Master unless i'm feeling bored.
Does anyone know what kind of flexibility admins have on gun master? For example, can they change what order the guns go from, how many kills to the next, etc.? I really hate starting with pistols.
Is it possible to just buy CQ? On Origin all I see is spam for Premium. I don't want the label, tags, knife, or any of that other crap, nor do I even know what the other DLC's contain. I'm not going to drop $50 on an unknown when there are plenty of dirt-cheap games out there and I've still got a 20 game backlog.
Is it possible to just buy CQ? On Origin all I see is spam for Premium. I don't want the label, tags, knife, or any of that other crap, nor do I even know what the other DLC's contain. I'm not going to drop $50 on an unknown when there are plenty of dirt-cheap games out there and I've still got a 20 game backlog.

You can buy it when it comes out in a couple weeks.
the maps are somewhat fun but i'm already itching to get back to the BF style maps. the CQ maps will be good for when i'm in the mood to play a CODish game. so far they feel like COD with med packs and ammo sort of like RTCW.
the maps are somewhat fun but i'm already itching to get back to the BF style maps. the CQ maps will be good for when i'm in the mood to play a CODish game. so far they feel like COD with med packs and ammo sort of like RTCW.

This is how I feel too. CQ is CoD, and I guess I will 'come out' and admit that I used to enjoy playing CoD for its fast passed action. These CQ are fun for about 5 minutes for me so far, although this is the first night an I've only played each one less than a few times.

I think even for a CoD clone, the maps seem almost too maze like.
This is especially annoying in Gun Master, which should be called Hide'n Seek. The constant running around seemingly minutes to find one guy is even more frustrating when you miss out on the first couple of kills. As already mentioned, if you miss out on the early kills you are pretty much screwed for the remainder of the game.

Overall I don't hate CQ, but I must confess that I am somewhat disappointed.
This is how I feel too. CQ is CoD, and I guess I will 'come out' and admit that I used to enjoy playing CoD for its fast passed action. These CQ are fun for about 5 minutes for me so far, although this is the first night an I've only played each one less than a few times.

Maybe even Counter Strike what with the gun master mode. I do not care for the expansion at all, but no big deal since it isn't as though it messes with the original game. I've no problem with them offering more kinds of games and maps to appeal to other kinds of gamers.
CQ is hectic... Gun Master is a nice distraction from Conquest. However I will ONLY play the CQ maps with lots of friends....
63k shots and he has 100% accuracy? if that doesn't prove that hes hacking nothing does.

splash damage. His HS accuracy with the KH2002 is only 24% and gun accuracy is 26%. Hardly says hacker. Good and plays a lot. m16A4 is similar.
I'm seriously sick of people saying all over the internet, bf forums, etc etc that 'omG Bf3 iS liek CoD! LOL SO GAY!' etc etc.

It's just stupid and makes me think the whole BF community are 14 year olds with a very low IQ and are not very perceptive...

The only similarity's here are the fact that the maps are SMALLER, in this DLC, that is IT. Cod has small maps and people irritatingly seem to think BF3 is now COD... Is the gunplay the same? graphics? Destruction? Does Cod use the best looking game engine I've seen ever? No.

They are both FPS games, in both games you shoot people. they will always be 'similar' but if you know anything about games and have been playing FPS games for years and take an interest/understand how they are made, you should know that they are nothing alike, at all.
I'm seriously sick of people saying all over the internet, bf forums, etc etc that 'omG Bf3 iS liek CoD! LOL SO GAY!' etc etc.

It's just stupid and makes me think the whole BF community are 14 year olds with a very low IQ and are not very perceptive...

The only similarity's here are the fact that the maps are SMALLER, in this DLC, that is IT. Cod has small maps and people irritatingly seem to think BF3 is now COD... Is the gunplay the same? graphics? Destruction? Does Cod use the best looking game engine I've seen ever? No.

They are both FPS games, in both games you shoot people. they will always be 'similar' but if you know anything about games and have been playing FPS games for years and take an interest/understand how they are made, you should know that they are nothing alike, at all.

Exactly. BF3 has far better gunplay and gameplay. Just go play an hour of cod then hop on bf3 you'll lovvvve it lol
Gun master is a nice game mode.

Smaller maps, ehhh.... will stick to the BF/B2k maps, but every now and then i might go play the smaller maps
The new CQ maps just feel way too small..I feel like I can get from one side of a room to another in just a few steps...I mean Metro was bigger.
WTF - I DL a 2GB patch last premium, and am downloading the 2gb CQB.......was the patch last week not CQB?
WTF - I DL a 2GB patch last premium, and am downloading the 2gb CQB.......was the patch last week not CQB?

The patch was for bug fixes and the new weapons. Today's update would have had the rest needed for CQ (maps, etc).
WTF - I DL a 2GB patch last premium, and am downloading the 2gb CQB.......was the patch last week not CQB?

There was about 2GB of shit that DICE had to fix, it was that bad. This latest patch is getting BF3 where it needs to be. Still needs some polish, but its getting close. I would say 1 or 2 more patches and BF3 will be amazing, but that is assuming they don't do a major fuck up again. Just like all previous Battlefield games, it takes almost a full year to iron out most of the bugs. BF2 had about 8 or 9 patches till it really came into its own with patches v1.3 - 1.4 almost exactly a year after release.
I'm seriously sick of people saying all over the internet, bf forums, etc etc that 'omG Bf3 iS liek CoD! LOL SO GAY!' etc etc.

It's just stupid and makes me think the whole BF community are 14 year olds with a very low IQ and are not very perceptive...

The only similarity's here are the fact that the maps are SMALLER, in this DLC, that is IT. Cod has small maps and people irritatingly seem to think BF3 is now COD... Is the gunplay the same? graphics? Destruction? Does Cod use the best looking game engine I've seen ever? No.

They are both FPS games, in both games you shoot people. they will always be 'similar' but if you know anything about games and have been playing FPS games for years and take an interest/understand how they are made, you should know that they are nothing alike, at all.

i agree there are some differences between the two, but i don't agree in saying they are nothing alike. it's clear DICE is going after the COD crowd with this DLC. that's fine by me, i like fast and frantic gameplay every now and then. the smaller maps, random spawn points, short-capture flags etc. all lead to CODish gameplay.

some other thoughts regarding CQ vs COD:
when i played COD i played mostly Domination, S&D, and Sabotage. so i really like that DICE added Conquest Assault (COD's Domination). these smaller maps lend way to COD game modes and some of them could be really fun. i wish they would have added a Sabotage style game (1 central bomb, both teams fight to acquire it and plant at the enemy's base). S&D i can live without, but a Capture the Flag game mode would have been fun. the CQ maps are well laid out and look phenomenal. the smallest CQ map feels larger than MW3's largest map. Ziba Tower is my favorite so far, Operation 925 is great too and it's a nod to Mirror's Edge in art style. overall i'll still spend most of my time in the vanilla and B2K maps.
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i really enjoy the new maps in the few hours I had to play

i really love scrapmetal which seems to be the internets LEAST favorite
Yes calling BF3 COD because of CQ is stupid. They used to say the Internet is for porn. Apparently it is for whiny bitches.
Played some 48 man Operation 925. (clever name given the map, did you figure it out?) I think OP Metro will finally die. Hectic but fun and always changing
I'll say one thing for sure, unless admins can change up Gun Master it'll be a wasteland after everyone gets their assignment for it. Everyone I've played with said they don't want to play it again. Even some YT commentator's like lvlcap say the same thing.
I like Gun Master... it's fun little mode to play with friends competitively. I wouldn't play it more the conquest but it's a great distraction, like I said, with friends.