Battlefield 3 General Discussion Thread

I played a bunch more CQ last night. It's still fun, but the rounds are so quick and the map rotation is subsequently really quick, so I'm becoming tired of the maps really quick.

I need to find a server that has Vanilla/B2K/CQ rotations.

1000-2000 Ticket servers should show up "after" the two week exclusive for Premium members is up.
Damn, and I thought getting 3,000 points in 10 minutes just rezzing was good on Wake Island haha.

I still don't get why people don't go out of their way to revive...each revive gets you the same amount of points as a kill and it's not like in BC2 where the other guy gets a death each time he falls over again.

Support is the next class that probably gets the most points IMO(unless you play engineer in a vehicle) by just spamming ammo drops :D
I need to find a server that has Vanilla/B2K/CQ rotations.

This is going to be hard to find. And another reason why I think DLC like this is bad. It splits the community.

What about the people who dont buy premium but see ONE expansion they like and get it? What about servers running different combinations of expansion packs?

This has the ability to seriously split up the community.
This is going to be hard to find. And another reason why I think DLC like this is bad. It splits the community.

What about the people who dont buy premium but see ONE expansion they like and get it? What about servers running different combinations of expansion packs?

This has the ability to seriously split up the community.

Without a doubt the potential for that is huge. I would say that is one of the big benefits of them packaging all expansions in "Premium" though. If you can have a large portion of your user base buy the expansions as a pack, I think it will help to unify those people on servers. [Of course, this generally makes the whole queue thing pointless, but that's probably good in the end.] I'm hoping that the "Premium" server filter can yield results for multiple expansion servers.
anybody go from a HDD to a SSD and notice smoother gameplay or anything in BF3?
Yes! I had that experience yesterday and I kinda wonder if I'll get the win again. I had the knife for maybe 15 seconds before I got my kill. I remember thinking - Holy shit, now what? Should I hide and pop out when someone runs by or just run at someone like a crazy man... then boom I'm face-to-face with an enemy and hit my knife button and it actually worked and my character grabbed him and pushed the knife into his chest. Game over!

I had the knife for like 30secs and it spawned me in the under garage and I crept up behind someone, heh. Its definitely a good place for a knife. :D I hope I get to play some more tonight. If not I'm going to LANapalooza this weekend, there will be plenty of gaming time lol.

Btw, anyone else pissed they bought B2K again in this pack?...
That's what I figured, just wanted to be sure. :p

Well to be honest, it made sense before. People don't revive because that would mean you are actually helping the team, and not your own K/D ;)
Well to be honest, it made sense before. People don't revive because that would mean you are actually helping the team, and not your own K/D ;)

Thought about that too as I was posting earlier. People who focus solely on K/D aren't really playing the game to it's potential. This isn't counter-strike.
Well to be honest, it made sense before. People don't revive because that would mean you are actually helping the team, and not your own K/D ;)

Lol, good point. I kinda thought that's what you were saying, since without the "don't" in there it seemed like it could kinda go either way. This game is really focused around teamwork, but unfortunately a lot of the people who play seem to be stat whores. :(
Lol, good point. I kinda thought that's what you were saying, since without the "don't" in there it seemed like it could kinda go either way. This game is really focused around teamwork, but unfortunately a lot of the people who play seem to be stat whores. :(

Which is why stats are a teeeeriible idea and add nothing to games. They stop fun being the main point of the game. It turns into "I must not ever do things or enjoy myself, because it shall look bad on my resume that no one ever looks at. I must camp here with my sniper rifle so my headshot ratio and k/d is perfect so I am the ultimate player! If I go out there or try new things I shall die!! :eek:" I wish stats were just a $200 perk.
Lol, good point. I kinda thought that's what you were saying, since without the "don't" in there it seemed like it could kinda go either way. This game is really focused around teamwork, but unfortunately a lot of the people who play seem to be stat whores. :(
Stat tracking destroyed the BF series. It took it from being a fun, open, team-based game to the shell it is now. Anyone who played capture the flag with planes in the original BF1942 knows exactly what I'm talking about. However, there's many more people with inferiority complexes/whose parents never hugged them enough who will be drawn into virtual competition than those who just want to hang out and have fun.

Stat tracking destroyed the BF series. It took it from being a fun, open, team-based game to the shell it is now. Anyone who played capture the flag with planes in the original BF1942 knows exactly what I'm talking about. However, there's many more people with inferiority complexes/whose parents never hugged them enough who will be drawn into virtual competition than those who just want to hang out and have fun.


I remember in BF2 I only cared about being top player in the round. To this day I do not know if BF2 tracked your K/D or not, because I didn't give half of a shit. As long as I was doing my job with my squad and capturing points I was happy :p
Stat tracking destroyed the BF series. It took it from being a fun, open, team-based game to the shell it is now. Anyone who played capture the flag with planes in the original BF1942 knows exactly what I'm talking about. However, there's many more people with inferiority complexes/whose parents never hugged them enough who will be drawn into virtual competition than those who just want to hang out and have fun.


^^This. Requesting Stuka pickup! There is no denying that CTF had a lot of good teamwork moments. The timing of sneaking into their base (before they destroyed the idea with the 3d Spotting), waiting for the right moment to grab the flag and get to the open while your buddy swooped down and snagged you.

Heck, the Expansion Packs for that game were epic in their own right. Road to Rome was a blast.
Stat tracking destroyed the BF series. It took it from being a fun, open, team-based game to the shell it is now. Anyone who played capture the flag with planes in the original BF1942 knows exactly what I'm talking about. However, there's many more people with inferiority complexes/whose parents never hugged them enough who will be drawn into virtual competition than those who just want to hang out and have fun.


I hate that it tracks k:d, but I like the weapon achievements. In shooters of yore I used to find a favorite and play with nothing but that weapon. I've been working on starring every gun before settling in to regular "builds". I'm still under 100hrs played so I don't have all of them done yet, but its nice to see some progress after getting an hour in here or there.
Well, for all the CQC haters complaining its like is. I mean, COD is a FPS set in semi-real environments using realistic looking/named weapons at the infantry level. BF3 is an FPS set in a semi-real environment using realistic looking/named weapons at a battlefield level. If you strip BF3 down to the infantry level, then yes, your going to get something akin to COD.

What I find amazing is that they didn't have to tweak any part of the game's engine to speed up the feel of the game, they just shrunk the levels down and pacing shoots WAY up.

I've been a Battlefield fan since the EPIC original 1942 was released and I am thoroughly enjoying the CQC release. It's similar to old school COD before streaks and gimmicky crap over ran the basic premise of what COD MP was. Operation 925 is probably the best map of the bunch though every one of them is really well done and all of them work really well in both the new game modes. While not a gaming aficionado anymore, I don't think anyone's done a game mode like Gun Master before and its great to see something unique hit the FPS genre...even if small (I definitely can be wrong though). I REALLY hope they bring HD destruction to the vanilla modes and if not, continue to implement it into the other three expansions they release.

Now for the prerequisite self-defense, I am not an infantry heavy player in vanilla/B2K Battlefield. My BF3 stats can more than prove that ---> USMCGrunt0307. In fact, im usually the one spamming the join button on the jets or in a mad dash to try and jump into mobile AA or an attack heli slot.

Side note: I've noticed a lot of twitter messages of people asking for a dinosaur mode...I REALLY hope they add something like that in the Aftermath or Endgame expansions...I think that would be hilarious.
Laggy ass bullshit man.

Just joined a map and was getting 5 FPS.

It was like in HS when you drew animations in your books and flipped the pages, except much slower

Need one more CQ DM before i get my sniper rifle
I would love it if they would just enable the ability to SHUT OFF RANDOM ASS SPAWNS. Virtually kills any tactical play on any of the maps.
I would love it if they would just enable the ability to SHUT OFF RANDOM ASS SPAWNS. Virtually kills any tactical play on any of the maps.

They took the worst design choice (claymoring a spawn for the win) for levels and decided to make a DLC with it.

I would have rather seen each team get a base that wasn't accessible with multiple exits to prevent too much choke point camping.

I don't think anyone's done a game mode like Gun Master before and its great to see something unique hit the FPS genre...even if small (I definitely can be wrong though)

Been done. COD even has the mode. It originated before that though.
Stat tracking destroyed the BF series. It took it from being a fun, open, team-based game to the shell it is now. Anyone who played capture the flag with planes in the original BF1942 knows exactly what I'm talking about. However, there's many more people with inferiority complexes/whose parents never hugged them enough who will be drawn into virtual competition than those who just want to hang out and have fun.


I don't agree with this at all. I see it from several people around the web, but we've had stat tracking in BF2, BF2142 and now BF3. I loved BF2, and I loved BF2142, and hell dare I say that BF3 rubs me the right way every so often.

Both had stat tracking, there's certainly things that are destroying the series, but stat tracking isn't one of them.
Anyone else having trouble logging in to Origin?

Yes, says Origin Network could not be reached

The Battlelog forums show others having the same issue. Could be a problem, could be maintenance. Normally though they let you know when maintenance is going to be done.
Just got banned from a CQC server for "hacking". There were only 2-5 players during the round and I had a 28-6 score. The one server admin there wasn't able to kill me with the pistol when he had the drop on me and bitched about how nice it was for new programs out there that detect hackers. Then he said my KDR was approaching the limit for when the new servers automatically ban players. My reset stats KDR is sitting around 2 and my universal KDR is sitting at 1.84. If that's the truth then what's gonna happen to the 70-80% of the players that are better then me out there...

ATiElite was the server name btw, I suggest avoiding them unless you want to be banned for being semi-decent...
Just got banned from a CQC server for "hacking". There were only 2-5 players during the round and I had a 28-6 score. The one server admin there wasn't able to kill me with the pistol when he had the drop on me and bitched about how nice it was for new programs out there that detect hackers. Then he said my KDR was approaching the limit for when the new servers automatically ban players. My reset stats KDR is sitting around 2 and my universal KDR is sitting at 1.84. If that's the truth then what's gonna happen to the 70-80% of the players that are better then me out there...

ATiElite was the server name btw, I suggest avoiding them unless you want to be banned for being semi-decent...

HAHAHAHAHHAA - BFF's come to life hahahahha:
BF3 has to be the buggiest game I've ever played in my life. Shot an enemy tank four times square perfectly in the back with my tank and it didn't do anything (1 hit to rear is suppose to turn burning and disable). Then I shot another tank twice straight up the tail pipe and nothing again. Then some random noob will appear in a tank face to face with me and insta-disable my tank with one hit to the front (which is suppose to take 4+ rounds to the front). I have no clue why I still play this game, the horrible programming and bugs are just too infuriating.

Does anyone else notice utter crap like this or am I delusional?

The only thing I can think of are the following:

People notice stuff like said above but don't care


I am losing my mind


My client and/or account is bugged or I am lagged out so bad that hit detection is a complete joke.
BF3 has to be the buggiest game I've ever played in my life. Shot an enemy tank four times square perfectly in the back with my tank and it didn't do anything (1 hit to rear is suppose to turn burning and disable). Then I shot another tank twice straight up the tail pipe and nothing again. Then some random noob will appear in a tank face to face with me and insta-disable my tank with one hit to the front (which is suppose to take 4+ rounds to the front). I have no clue why I still play this game, the horrible programming and bugs are just too infuriating.

Does anyone else notice utter crap like this or am I delusional?

The only thing I can think of are the following:

People notice stuff like said above but don't care


I am losing my mind


My client and/or account is bugged or I am lagged out so bad that hit detection is a complete joke.

Don't get me wrong I love vehicles and want more than a COD experience in my BF3 gaming, but vehicle maps/servers fucking blow chunks now. It's the buggiest aspect of the game. It seems exactly as you say to me also sometimes. I can't kill a tank from behind for the life of me, but shoot a chopper out of the sky randomly. Then I get noobed by OP choppers the rest of the game and 1 hit to the front of my tank by anything disables me outright. I played a few vehicle rounds since the patch and it seems a little better. Still leaves much to be desired.
So I've just had a look through the content for Premium as I've not really wanted it - the BF franchise definitely felt like it was moving into MW territory, and Premium has just confirmed the jump with the inclusion of any old weapon type they feel like, along with wanky gimmickry like the weapon digital camo skins and silly knife and all the sort. I was already irritated with DICE for the nonsense they've included in their design as well as not fixing bugs, but seeing the inclusion of the ACR shooting 6.5, a round designed to improve upon the 5.56 and provide a good middle ground between that and the 7.62 NATO actually does less damage per round, I just can't help but wonder what the actual fuck is going on at DICE. Did they even fix the MASS glitch? The issue with the L96's sights? This is depressing, Battlefield was the best and now it's like a circus. I'm tempted to get Premium to try some of the new content when it comes out, but I just don't feel right giving them money for this stuff, like I would be encouraging the monetisation of every element of the game, and design intended for mass, lowest-common-denominator appeal.
So I've just had a look through the content for Premium as I've not really wanted it - the BF franchise definitely felt like it was moving into MW territory, and Premium has just confirmed the jump with the inclusion of any old weapon type they feel like, along with wanky gimmickry like the weapon digital camo skins and silly knife and all the sort. I was already irritated with DICE for the nonsense they've included in their design as well as not fixing bugs, but seeing the inclusion of the ACR shooting 6.5, a round designed to improve upon the 5.56 and provide a good middle ground between that and the 7.62 NATO actually does less damage per round, I just can't help but wonder what the actual fuck is going on at DICE. Did they even fix the MASS glitch? The issue with the L96's sights? This is depressing, Battlefield was the best and now it's like a circus. I'm tempted to get Premium to try some of the new content when it comes out, but I just don't feel right giving them money for this stuff, like I would be encouraging the monetisation of every element of the game, and design intended for mass, lowest-common-denominator appeal.

yes the acr does less up close but more at range, which KIND OF makes sense since its a hotter round and will blow right through a target at close leaving a cleaner wound. but it does more damage at range with its min damage being 16.7 instead of 14.3 for the 5.56

if it did more damage everywhere, and kept its ROF and nice recoil stats it would be super OP.

I cant comment on its RL recoil because I'vbe never shot the grendel round, though its hard to imagine that its bigger bullet and higher powder count makes it more controlable :p

M26 is fixed. I havent used the L96 enough to notice if its fixed or not, I think so as I was raping with it on canals the other day and not notcing the laser being off
So I've just had a look through the content for Premium as I've not really wanted it - the BF franchise definitely felt like it was moving into MW territory, and Premium has just confirmed the jump with the inclusion of any old weapon type they feel like, along with wanky gimmickry like the weapon digital camo skins and silly knife and all the sort. I was already irritated with DICE for the nonsense they've included in their design as well as not fixing bugs, but seeing the inclusion of the ACR shooting 6.5, a round designed to improve upon the 5.56 and provide a good middle ground between that and the 7.62 NATO actually does less damage per round, I just can't help but wonder what the actual fuck is going on at DICE. Did they even fix the MASS glitch? The issue with the L96's sights? This is depressing, Battlefield was the best and now it's like a circus. I'm tempted to get Premium to try some of the new content when it comes out, but I just don't feel right giving them money for this stuff, like I would be encouraging the monetisation of every element of the game, and design intended for mass, lowest-common-denominator appeal.

I believe I watched an episode of Future Weapons the 6.5mm round/some other gun(or it was another show) and if I remember correctly the knockdown power was about the same as that of the AK.

That said realism != BF3. I mean snipers have more of a drop than pistols, and assault rifles with a bipod + semi auto = best snipers in the game.