Battlefield 3 General Discussion Thread

I haven't played tons of CTF but from what I've played it's pretty boring thanks to the maps. Most of the games I have played just ended up with it becoming a sniping match and only a few people actively trying to capture the flag. And because the maps are so open it's very difficult to get to the other side without getting sniped.

My friend had a good idea on how to fix it. Make it so your flag is beyond the area you can go and make it so that you can't go to your flag unless you have the other persons flag. That way people can't just camp their flag and have incentive to capture the others flag.
My in-game mouse controls are now completely fucked. The mouse works fine in the menus but I can't use the mouse to look at all. Every now and then it will look in a random direction then lock into that one. I can move around, but mouse look is borked. My mouse works fine in other games.

Every time I start up this game, it gives me another reason to hate it. For all of the hate COD gets, at least that game fucking works.

Worst multiplayer FPS ever.
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I haven't played tons of CTF but from what I've played it's pretty boring thanks to the maps. Most of the games I have played just ended up with it becoming a sniping match and only a few people actively trying to capture the flag. And because the maps are so open it's very difficult to get to the other side without getting sniped.

My friend had a good idea on how to fix it. Make it so your flag is beyond the area you can go and make it so that you can't go to your flag unless you have the other persons flag. That way people can't just camp their flag and have incentive to capture the others flag.

Honestly, no.

It just takes a little teamwork, and it really isn't hard. Yea, there sure as shit can be a lot of sniping. Use a vehicle. I generally have no trouble actually getting in to an opposing teams base and getting the flag. Getting out now that everyone knows you got in and have an icon on you can be more troublesome, but a little teamwork goes a very long ways.
Also, it's amazing grabbing a dirt bike and coming up behind those camping snipers and running them over or knifing them. It gives me many chuckles
Obligatory running someone over with a dirt bike to put BF3 to rest again. I hate the movement in this game, I really do. Gonna try some Air Superiority.
I think its come time that I realize I've outgrown this game. Me and my group. We're not competitive, but we're borderline. We play casually and we're at the point that the moment we enter a server it becomes and absolute steamroll. None of us really have the desire to play competitively though. the game just isn't fun anymore in its current state.
The ridiculous thing isn't people camping their own flag, it's them literally standing in your spawn since you can't spawn anywhere else. When you have a team full of retards that is pretty annoying
I do not like endgame. You can't get 30 meters without getting javelined in the motorbike

And that's part of the game -- you have THE fastest and most maneuverable vehicle in the game there has to be a trade off somewhere. Unless you are firing on the bike at the right angle with a gun -- it's pretty difficult to take a bike out that's going 50mph and flying up and down hills.

Besides -- I don't know of any dirt bikes in the real world that have a built in counter measure system or attack detection system. :p:p:p

I'm really having fun with EndGame -- i REALLY wish I had the time or the social connections to be part of a fully functioning squad or clan that actually plans out their raids. Knowing you are part of a fully functioning unit is badss - and knowing your buddy is going to be there to heal you, pick you up, or NOT fly the chopper like a retard would make the game so much better.
They really messed up with jets in BF3.

air superiority is really, really bad in my opinion.

I do like CTF though, even with its downsides.
They really messed up with jets in BF3.

air superiority is really, really bad in my opinion.

I do like CTF though, even with its downsides.

I tried playing a round of air superority -- and every sever I went into it was IMPOSSIBLE for me to get into a jet.

Did someone think it was a good idea to cram 32 players into a game mode where only 20 of them could be active or have a jet to fly? (i don't know the exact numbers) but I have gotten zero seat time in air superiority mode because of the way the game or the servers were setup.
I tried playing a round of air superority -- and every sever I went into it was IMPOSSIBLE for me to get into a jet.

Did someone think it was a good idea to cram 32 players into a game mode where only 20 of them could be active or have a jet to fly? (i don't know the exact numbers) but I have gotten zero seat time in air superiority mode because of the way the game or the servers were setup.

I think the standard is supposed to be 24 players. 12 to a jet, that way there is no overflow.

The mode is fucked though. They should just remove heat seekers. Is it possible to not allow them on a server?

Not to mention they're a broken feature.

edit: Also, they should have some sort of match-making system. So I don't have to play with shitty pilots all the time.
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I enjoy end game. The new maps are beautiful but pretty tough for rush games. At least on a decent server , it's very tough to break through the first set of mcoms on almost every map.
Does anybody know of any servers that run the Premium DLCs and DON'T empty out to nothingness every fucking time the map changes? It's so frustrating being in a 64/64 server and then you start playing the next round and there's 10 people on your team and 9 on the other... and then you stick around in the hopes that it fills back up, and it never does...
That never, ever happens to me. Ever.

Make sure you're joining NA region servers maybe?

Seriously? That happens to me almost every time I play. Maybe it's because I play in the evenings and on weeknights. These are some of the servers I regularly play on: #3 ED [1KTickets/Noobs/Votemap]
[GSN] #02 Conquest : Adaptive Size : All Maps | 24/7 BACK 2 KARKAND!! 1000 TIX | 64P | NO LAG

ETA: Just happened again. The TBG Clan server above. I joined at 64/64 on Sharqi, onto the losing team with 9 tickets left (thanks EA), and then the map switched to Oman and the population dropped to about 20 per side. I stayed in and played but as usual when this happens, the server became COMPLETELY one-sided and the enemy took all seven flags in a matter of minutes. You're telling me this has "never happened to you, ever"?

And what's the secret with using the ECM? When I use ECM, I have to do it IMMEDIATELY upon a lock tone otherwise I will get hit and killed. When it's the enemy though, they can ECM AFTER I fire my missile and it'll send my missile careening off into space. WTF is going on?

Third question: How does a guy in a Viper armed with Guided Rockets, Heat Seekers, and ECM Jammer per the killcam kill me in one shot with NO lock-on tone whatsoever (twice in a row) when I'm flying at full speed in a Little Bird? What is he doing?

Am I really this bad at the game that I am missing out on these humongous gameplay factors? I just came back to BF3 after a long hiatus when Premium went on sale for $30, and there's so much BS that I don't remember from when I played before. What is going on here? I'm really thinking about just considering that $30 money in the garbage and uninstalling the game again.
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And that's part of the game -- you have THE fastest and most maneuverable vehicle in the game there has to be a trade off somewhere. Unless you are firing on the bike at the right angle with a gun -- it's pretty difficult to take a bike out that's going 50mph and flying up and down hills.

Besides -- I don't know of any dirt bikes in the real world that have a built in counter measure system or attack detection system. :p:p:p

But would a Javelin be able to lock onto a dirtbike IRL?

I must admit though, getting an easy double-kill from jav'ing a two-man dirtbike is pretty nice.
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I want to see the air to ground missile (from the jets) hit a two-man dirtbike loaded with c4 that is flying through the map at full speed.

That would be wonderfully satisfying. Still think the AGM explosion is the best effect in the game
I want to see the air to ground missile (from the jets) hit a two-man dirtbike loaded with c4 that is flying through the map at full speed.

That would be wonderfully satisfying. Still think the AGM explosion is the best effect in the game

I use it all the time with the scout helicopters...its fun in CTF jumping into the heli at round start and you have this lone bike nearly to your flag ahead of the pack and you blow his hopes and dreams away lol.
Bought the Premium game this friday for 5$ (who could I pass on that deal!) and played with my brother. Enjoying the new addons.

I already had B2K due to owning the Limited Edition of BF3.

I just need to learn the maps from the expansion that people are playing from longer than me ;)
But would a Javelin be able to lock onto a dirtbike IRL?

I must admit though, getting an easy double-kill from jav'ing a two-man dirtbike is pretty nice.

I play an engineer on the CTF maps and just sit back at my base with the javelin and lock onto bikes and BAM!!!!!

Also I have had it where a bike is coming right at me, I kill the rider and the bike keeps coming and runs me over and I die. It's happened about 10 times now.
I play an engineer on the CTF maps and just sit back at my base with the javelin and lock onto bikes and BAM!!!!!

Also I have had it where a bike is coming right at me, I kill the rider and the bike keeps coming and runs me over and I die. It's happened about 10 times now.

Happened to me on my first game using the dirt bike... got killed but Roadkilled my killer :p

I like sniping guys on their dirt bikes tho :cool:
I went on a head to head with a hostile bike rider, he bailed the bike to start shooting at me, I switched to the rear seat and started shooting. I won. :D
I went on a head to head with a hostile bike rider, he bailed the bike to start shooting at me, I switched to the rear seat and started shooting. I won. :D

LOL did you get accused of hacking? I love CTF....
I can only find the Premium Edition (with BF3, Premium Service and had start codes) for $30, but if someone know of a place to just get Premium Service for cheap, please let me know. I have some friends who wanna get it and play through some of the new content.

One thing that bugs the heck out of me, a couple of friends and I cleared the the co-op in the first few weeks of the game and really enjoyed it and have been waiting for them to add more co-op content with one of the DLC, yet still we have nothing.
I can only find the Premium Edition (with BF3, Premium Service and had start codes) for $30, but if someone know of a place to just get Premium Service for cheap, please let me know. I have some friends who wanna get it and play through some of the new content.

One thing that bugs the heck out of me, a couple of friends and I cleared the the co-op in the first few weeks of the game and really enjoyed it and have been waiting for them to add more co-op content with one of the DLC, yet still we have nothing.

Sadly, you won't get any more Coop content. I, too, would have really enjoyed more Coop content.
Are there any non-crappy Air Superiority servers? Every time I join it's just unfair to the other players.
Every time I join an air superiority server I'm Yellow Leader.

I can't shake 'em!!! I'm hit! Aaaarrrhhaa....

Why yes, yes you did read my Battlelog profile correctly; I've been in a total of one air superiority games.