Battlefield 3 - Official Thread

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Good Beta, though there are some highs and lows that i'll probably be giving as feedback( considering thats what Betas are for lol)

It could be only in the Beta but the physics destruction isn't what i fully expect originally, as i was expecting a near fully destructible environment, i would shoot the columns and they'd break but the walls would only show a small bullet indentation like every other game, the water had barley any animations at all either, i'd shoot it and a small sprinkle of water would come up.

But that's all probably just early renditions for the Beta. One glitch i noticed was that sometimes the gun the other play is holding(like then you die and see the player that killed you), their gun is floating in the air in front of their body, doesn't happen all the time though. Another issue i saw was before respawning after you i killed, instead of showing who killed me the camera pointed to the sky and was ''twitching'' all over the play until i deployed again.

The game also feels not as demanding as people hyped it up to be, ran on Ultra with my 470 and 1055T, ran smooth as butter.

It's a very fun game, though nothing insanely new or groundbreaking, felt sort of like BC2 rush but with more of everything, and it's a lot more detailed. I'm really eager to try out the 64 player maps!

Oh ya and Battlelog annoyed the shit out of me.
What I don't like is the fact that you have to spawn first before you can tweak the options. I died numerous times while tweaking settings.
Ok, I'm not sure if I'm just seeing things, but I'm seeing very subtle differences in Low vs Ultra. Hopefully "ultra" will have more oomph in the final - seeing the d/l size I'd assume they can have some larger textures there. That being said, I'm already getting 40 FPS with my current rig in 2560x1600... :eek:

Ultra Settings:
Low Settings:

What to look for here: Look at the volume of the smoke, the thickness of the foliage of the trees in the distance. Also, look at the difference in the geometry of the chair legs - on low they are much more simple and it cuts out some pieces.

Ultra Settings:
Low Settings:

I see practically no difference here. I was thinking I might see the foliage density decrease, but I'm assuming because this tree is in the foreground the game gives it full priority.

Ultra Settings:
Low Settings:

Again, look at the foliage density and shadow complexity, this shot shows a big difference.

Has the puppet from Origin that resides on this thread anything to say/confirm/acknowledge about the issue between Low and Ultra detail?
Good stuff! And for all complaining its a B E T A....

Beta: preliminary or testing stage of a software or hardware product
Good stuff! And for all complaining its a B E T A....

Beta: preliminary or testing stage of a software or hardware product

A marketing preview, actually... this is hardly a real beta. It's a glorified demo :). Regardless, it's under a month from release. Do you believe in miracle patches... and the tooth fairy?
The Vysnc does not work IN Game or if i set it outside in my CCC, i get flickering running in Tri-Fire occasionaly, I cant seem to tell any major differences from the Alpha. On e other thing, is it just me or do the Colors seemed washed out a little? Not as vibrant.
With Crossfire im not experiencing an FPS drop, rather it sorta of hiccups and comes back then hiccups again

its like the frame rate is lagging
There are so many simple features that are broken in function it's unbelievable. This game is nowhere near being completed. Shouldn't be released till Summer 2012 at the earliest IMO.
Has the puppet from Origin that resides on this thread anything to say/confirm/acknowledge about the issue between Low and Ultra detail?

why would an Origin rep have any input on that? calling him a 'puppet' is a bit obnoxious...
Performs surprisingly well on my 7 y/o rig (upgrading after seeing bf3 benchmarks)
Battlelog is actually pretty well thought out

Squad play and teamwork is destroyed
1) You can't choose your squad therefore you can't join your friends
2) No team strategy and directives (thanks to no commander)
Feels like a generic FPS console game's online mode, not like BF2
Seems DICE decided to try to beat MW at their own game instead of improving their own
typical bigass company screwing up a perfectly working model of play in the name of "progress"

Yeah it's beta, but you would think that three weeks before the game launches they would have a fully working and bug free way of changing the god damn resolution? Taking away the perfectly awesome feature of CHOOSING to spawn in your squad/friends or somewhere else -- fucking lame.

yeah it's beta software, but if this is indicative of where the game currently sits it feels like there is easily another 6 months worth of work.

BETA is the time to focus on tweaking netcode, and making sure your system can handle the influx of people logging on. Everything else should be 95% polished and done.

This reeks of a kid who woke up the night before and realized his science project is due the next morning.
typical bigass company screwing up a perfectly working model of play in the name of "progress"

Yeah it's beta, but you would think that three weeks before the game launches they would have a fully working and bug free way of changing the god damn resolution? Taking away the perfectly awesome feature of CHOOSING to spawn in your squad/friends or somewhere else -- fucking lame.

yeah it's beta software, but if this is indicative of where the game currently sits it feels like there is easily another 6 months worth of work.

BETA is the time to focus on tweaking netcode, and making sure your system can handle the influx of people logging on. Everything else should be 95% polished and done.

This reeks of a kid who woke up the night before and realized his science project is due the next morning.

This x 1000.

Game is no where near complete. No fucking way it should be released before mid/late 2012.
Squad play and teamwork is destroyed

Yeah, I could not figure out how squads work in BF3. I can join the squad but I cannot select which one. I can't see what squads are there etc.

Squads usefulnes: BF2>BFBC2>BF3
typical bigass company screwing up a perfectly working model of play in the name of "progress"

Yeah it's beta, but you would think that three weeks before the game launches they would have a fully working and bug free way of changing the god damn resolution? Taking away the perfectly awesome feature of CHOOSING to spawn in your squad/friends or somewhere else -- fucking lame.

yeah it's beta software, but if this is indicative of where the game currently sits it feels like there is easily another 6 months worth of work.

BETA is the time to focus on tweaking netcode, and making sure your system can handle the influx of people logging on. Everything else should be 95% polished and done.

This reeks of a kid who woke up the night before and realized his science project is due the next morning.

What are you talking about??

I have no problems changing resolution.

You CAN choose to spawn on squad mates or on a base. They didnt change that at all. People need to calm down because it IS a beta whether you like it or not. The point of releasing to a massive community is to get more bugs worked out before release. Does this really not make any sense to you?
I am amazed at the progress dice/EA have made here.First they beat themselves and bring in their best work BF2.Then add in the futuristic crap angle with BF 2142.Then comes BC2 after they taste the ass of console $$.Now BF3.I am not worried about the graphics glitches an bugs.They have utterly destroyed the gameplay.In alpha everyone was playing like a bunch of mad rabbits.
Yeah, it's somewhat disappointing even though I know it's still just a beta. I just can't see how they let some very obvious bugs such as the resolution issue happen in alpha and still it hasn't been fixed in beta.

Everyone has to remember that with at least BFBC2, when the game actually released it was full of bugs, after a few months a majority of them were resolved. I'm guessing the same will happen here.
Yeah, it's somewhat disappointing even though I know it's still just a beta. I just can't see how they let some very obvious bugs such as the resolution issue happen in alpha and still it hasn't been fixed in beta.

Everyone has to remember that with at least BFBC2, when the game actually released it was full of bugs, after a few months a majority of them were resolved. I'm guessing the same will happen here.

Dice already has a 1st day release patch planned.
Dice already has a 1st day release patch planned.
I'm glad they are being proactive. I really hope the bugs and glitches are fixed fast so they can focus on the actual game play. I've played every BF game and I felt the money was well spent. I still feel confident they know what they are doing.

PC Gaming is officially dead.

:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
If you are basing that off a beta then that's sad..
Its been said once before before worth saying again, a lot of the gfx options don't come into effect till the map reloads. The difference between low and ultra is pretty substantial when the settings get applied properly after the map reloads.
Its been said once before before worth saying again, a lot of the gfx options don't come into effect till the map reloads. The difference between low and ultra is pretty substantial when the settigns get applied properly after the map reloads.
So can we actually play in high/ultra settings right now in beta? Not that it matters to me right now since my rig is already struggling. Hopefully by the time the real release is out the next gen GPUs will be around the corner. I'm having a hard time not going 580 SLI right now
I read that some users here may have extra keys, if so and you are kind of heart, could you please share with those of us who are supposed to have keys but have been delayed for some unknown reason?

When/if I ever receive mine, I can continue the chain!
So my friend ordered the game on the 25th and he still hasnt recieved a key. Anyone else in the same boat?
BC2 beta was a lot like this one. Just wait on the final build.

We are probably seeing pretty old code still.
When I was playing the Alpha I asked, "Wonder how Battlelog will hold up with a few hundred thousand logging in? Or at launch with a few million?" I guess we found out.

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