Battlefield 3 - Official Thread

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I don't know if it's because it's just a beta or whatever, but I've found the sound to be quite unimpressive. The guns don't have anywhere near the same "oomph" to them that they do in BFBC2 and MOH.
Ok, I'm not impressed by this BETA at all. First, why the fuck do we have to use the internet browser to search for a game? Why didn't EA/DICE not include an ingame server browser for this game unlike the previous versions? And if I try to do something else it will disconnect me from the game. Epic fail from EA/DICE.
The interface for class and kit selection is fucking awful. The one for BFBC2 worked fine...I do not understand the logic for the BF3 one at all. You'll know what I mean once you test it out for yourself.

i agree the BC2 kit selection system was better. "fucking awful" is being a bit of a drama queen. it's worse, but livable.

A weird bug - a couple of times the game would not let me aim down the sights. Had to hip-fire until my next respawn.

this happens to me on PC. if you fire one or two rounds and then reload you can aim down the sights again.
Am I doing something wrong or is the options menu inaccessible without deploying? Pressing Esc only brings up the game menu if I'm deployed.
Am I doing something wrong or is the options menu inaccessible without deploying? Pressing Esc only brings up the game menu if I'm deployed.

Yup. Probably the worst design decision. Wasn't it the same in BC2 though?
Keep in mind, graphically, that we are all playing a 4GB'ish client... the final release will be 25GB IIRC.

Meaning, textures will be higher res.

Also, the kit selection is inuitive, what problems did you have with it?
This is cause the server hosts arent properly restarting the maps and your running into holes made from the previous rounds by explosives. Some of the hosts are doing it properly but some arent.

Oh that makes sense. I fell into a couple the other night, very annoying.
Keep in mind, graphically, that we are all playing a 4GB'ish client... the final release will be 25GB IIRC.

Meaning, textures will be higher res.

Also, the kit selection is intuitive, what problems did you have with it?

Kit selection is okay. You just have to be mindful that you can switch weapons and gadgets from the deploy screen, but I believe you have to actually go into the loadouts to change the add-on, scopes, flashlight, etc.

If you're not sure what I mean when you get the deploy screen look in the lower right of the main window. You'll see your loadout stuff displayed horizontal. You can click on them to change.
Am I the only one who loves the web browser use in this game? The BF2 menus were always so slow and buggy even after many patches. It only opens windowed once and then you set it to full screen from then on. I really dig it.
I experimented with creating a party with friends and using the in game voice chat for the party and it actually works very well. It was also very easy to create a party and join in the same server on the same team with my friends.

I like the battlelog the more I mess around with it.
Am I the only one who loves the web browser use in this game? The BF2 menus were always so slow and buggy even after many patches. It only opens windowed once and then you set it to full screen from then on. I really dig it.

As a first implementation of this technology and the benefits it can and does provide, I am looking forward to how they evolve it into an even better system.
Must be changing the password again. Just saw a few servers go empty and now videokilledtheradiostar says wrong password.
Ho hum, played metro for 20 minutes and went back to work. Sad day when I would rather be productive and earn a living then play BF3.

They need to break out Caspian border for the masses, and do it quickly because Metro doesn't cut it versus the million other shooter options we have. I'd rather spend my limited free time playing halo reach, Killzone 3 in 3d, or BFBC2 on PC then fire up metro again. Weak sauce.
Am I the only one who loves the web browser use in this game? The BF2 menus were always so slow and buggy even after many patches. It only opens windowed once and then you set it to full screen from then on. I really dig it.

I think it's unnecessary to have two programs doing something that one (the game) could do. I think they should just have tried harder to make a functioning in-game browser. As it is now, the game requires Origin, a browser, and a plugin for the browser. I'm no programmer but I'm sure there must be a better solution.
Anyone think the whole Battelog thing would be better if it was integrated into Origin, instead of needing a regular web browser? (much like the server browser in Steam, etc)

Just a thought.
I would never miss work time for a video game.. not anymore. I did missed some when i was in school tought.

I'am gonna try it tonight. I generally hate Multiplayer, because most of the time it's a chase to the first one that cheat the most and it's ruin my impression of multiplayer because it's always like that, but i did found a couple of fun server with Bad Company 2 so maybe i'll enjoy B3.. maybe..
Ryoohki360 ^^^^^ I have my own business and work out of my house...My eyefinity gaming rig doubles as my work rig...and I love my morning commute lol.

Anyway, has anybody tried 3d with this? It show the option in video setting, but I'm not about to lug my rig across the house to try on my 3d tv...Im waiting on a 3d projector for my game room, but am curious
This is cause the server hosts arent properly restarting the maps and your running into holes made from the previous rounds by explosives. Some of the hosts are doing it properly but some arent.

regardless a bug on dice's side that hopefully will be addressed. Dont want to leave that up to the host do we? :)
Anyone think the whole Battelog thing would be better if it was integrated into Origin, instead of needing a regular web browser? (much like the server browser in Steam, etc)

Just a thought.

hell yeah it should've been much better
Yup. Probably the worst design decision. Wasn't it the same in BC2 though?

You can in BC2 but not in BF3 which is just atrocious. I died multiple times while tweaking options since I have to spawn first. Also, remember that video settings will not take effect until a new game is started.
I would never miss work time for a video game.. not anymore. I did missed some when i was in school tought.

I'am gonna try it tonight. I generally hate Multiplayer, because most of the time it's a chase to the first one that cheat the most and it's ruin my impression of multiplayer because it's always like that, but i did found a couple of fun server with Bad Company 2 so maybe i'll enjoy B3.. maybe..

Wait you went to school?
i agree the BC2 kit selection system was better. "fucking awful" is being a bit of a drama queen. it's worse, but livable.

I'm referring to the console UI. It requires you to press the bumper buttons (LB/L1 and RB/R1) to move across the different equipment slots and the B/Circle button to open a slot up, and then the analog sticks up and down to choose something, then B again...but if you knock the stick/d-pad left or right accidentally it chooses a different class and the whole process starts again. It's really painful.
Anyone else having trouble playing the game? If I do quickmatch, it stays stuck on "matchmaking" in the corner of the browser. If I try the server browser, every server is full.
I'm referring to the console UI. It requires you to press the bumper buttons (LB/L1 and RB/R1) to move across the different equipment slots and the B/Circle button to open a slot up, and then the analog sticks up and down to choose something, then B again...but if you knock the stick/d-pad left or right accidentally it chooses a different class and the whole process starts again. It's really painful.

No one cares about console.
No one cares about console.

This, wrong forum for that. I will say that the main spawn menu needs an accessory button so we can quickly change out gun accessories without having to jump through three different menus. Really not that big of a deal as I don't change them much but when you have to change them it's a lot of clicks.
lol @ plane campers, if the plane spawns and your in the respawn menu you can spawn inside the plane and kick them out. they sat there for nothing.
There's a total of 9 posts about BF3 in the console subforum...

I feel for you. But all you're doing here is posting to complain. Which is okay except that your console issues don't affect the PC game... in any way.

So what good is it?
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