Battlefield 4: Official 17 Minutes of Gameplay

Lens flare brought to you by J.J. Abrams.

Eh, probably a buy but probably not a pre-order. Not sure yet. For the most part, I liked, and still do like, BF3. But I'm not sure about a buy if BF4 is simply more BF3.
I liked the 3gun competition style sights - it's always seemed like an artificial constraint that your AR had to be rigged for short OR long range.

Also, I don't think the truck would sink that fast and if it did, I'm not sure a catastrophic pressure change like that would just let you swim to the surface - you'd be lucky to be alive, let alone conscious.

Is it just me or do they seem almost completely unconcerned with not making noise when people are presumably very close and looking for them?
I actually enjoyed the BF3 single player, and the co-op missions as well. It's a shame none of the DLC added more co-op.

I enjoyed the SP play in BF3 as well..... It wasn't perfect, but it reminded me of how much I like that kind of "assignment based warfare" I loved in COD4:MW (last COD I ever played btw). The co-op part of BF3 is a total FUCKUP on DICE's part though....!!!! How in the FUCK did they even decide to include a CO-OP mission pack with NO FUCKING WAY of COMMUNICATING with your CO-OP buddy?!?!?! No chat, no built in VOiP... WTF were they thinking ....

I enjoyed the SP play in BF3 as well..... It wasn't perfect, but it reminded me of how much I like that kind of "assignment based warfare" I loved in COD4:MW (last COD I ever played btw). The co-op part of BF3 is a total FUCKUP on DICE's part though....!!!! How in the FUCK did they even decide to include a CO-OP mission pack with NO FUCKING WAY of COMMUNICATING with your CO-OP buddy?!?!?! No chat, no built in VOiP... WTF were they thinking ....

Yeah, admittedly that was a huge problem with the co-op. I still enjoyed the missions themselves, though.
Surprise, day one DLC, and playing the game on a console/console controller...And I'm done with EA after the the crap with Dragon Age, and Mass Effect (No not the storyline, just the constant "buy the DLC for the full story, now that you have done that, here is the ultimate edition with all of the stuff you paid extra for").

Looks good for a console version, but modern warfare has been done to death, maybe a re-visit to WWII is in order.
Instead of wasting money on this COD clone I'll just call the series dead, then I'll just spend the money on a real rifle or some ammo. Or maybe by a supercross bike. EA is doing their level best to lower pc gaming the lowest common denominator, fuk it.
I've been playing the series since BF1942 for the multiplayer, never imagined I would be more interested in playing the singleplayer portion of the new games; it looks amazing.
Eh, it doesn't look much of an upgrade to BF3... Getting bored of BF now
Also if I do buy, it will be 6 months after release, I'm tired of paying full whack only for them to release endless expansion packs that 6 months down the line are bundled together for the same amount.

I'm very very tired of their endless expansion packs.
Looks like preorders are up and more misleading ads. I love the EXCLUSIVE Beta Access if you preorder the Digital Deluxe Edition, exclusive unless you preordered MOHWF or your a member of GameSpot or certain other sub based gaming magazines.

I should mention I preordered the Digital Deluxe Edition before they announced the preorders were live on Origin :D
I may be the only person in the world but I didn't really mind the SP campaign in BF3. It was a good way to introduce the gameplay and I had some fun with my friend on the co-op but the main aspect of BF games for me is the MP, which in BF3 I didn't like. It was CODish (infinite sprint? really DICE?) and the blue filter really ruined the aesthetic of the game.

The removal of commander and 4-man squads also rubbed me the wrong way. I didn't like the Premium stuff either. I shouldn't have to pay $110 for a $60 game orbe like a second-class citizen. I probably won't be buying BF4. I don't like the direction Battlefield is going and I hate the way EA, the destroyer of everything good, works.
Also if I do buy, it will be 6 months after release, I'm tired of paying full whack only for them to release endless expansion packs that 6 months down the line are bundled together for the same amount.

I'm very very tired of their endless expansion packs.
But maybe this time, you'll find it as a bonus if you adopt that strategy. Now that you know there is a real possibility that the same thing will happen again, you are poised to take advantage of it financially. Me, I hope they give some sort of premium allowance(discount) to people already on premium and I'll glady pay for a pre-order. I had a blast playing BF3 and I expect to hit 120hrs by the time BF4 comes out.

I may be the only person in the world but I didn't really mind the SP campaign in BF3. It was a good way to introduce the gameplay and I had some fun with my friend on the co-op but the main aspect of BF games for me is the MP, which in BF3 I didn't like. It was CODish (infinite sprint? really DICE?) and the blue filter really ruined the aesthetic of the game.

The removal of commander and 4-man squads also rubbed me the wrong way. I didn't like the Premium stuff either. I shouldn't have to pay $110 for a $60 game orbe like a second-class citizen. I probably won't be buying BF4. I don't like the direction Battlefield is going and I hate the way EA, the destroyer of everything good, works.
I figured this may be too late in your eyes, but there has been a 3rd party filter mod that really improved the visuals for people annoyed with the same thing you were. You also had options to tweak it to your liking. It was fairly popular.

Secondly, you should try adopting matteos's plan for buying the game. This might solve some of your worries in that aspect as well.
Bf has pretty much run its course. Same as cod. They just refuse to fix the major issues. So yeah, here's to hoping something, any damn thing, can take my attention away bc I still play the shit out of this game and hate myself a little for it.
I used to be a huge fan of the Battlefield games. EA murdered the franchise, just as they have done with countless others.
Well I have not bought any games in a long time, but watching this video I like it. I mean I have heard bad things about the games, but so far I like it. Only time will tell. (for me at least.)
The whole joy of the Battlefield series is that you're given a couple of simple objectives and your given a massive map and 1000 different ways to get that objective. The game I just saw was not only a "rail shooter," but there were sections where you literally (in the car) were not in control of where you were going. bleh....
I think what I really hate about these modern military shooters is that they all play out like a linear, two bit action movie. There is almost NO room for strategy, it's all "follow the preordained path, run, run, run, pop up your head for a few random shots, run some more, hide some more, watch something blow up, watch something fall, run some more, cover some more.....".

I feel more like I'm watching a B movie that has to use explosions and non stop action to keep the feeble minded entertained. Ever since everyone tried to be COD it's all frenetic run and gun, all military shooters are now the same except for "Spec Ops: The line".

And personally, I'm overly tired of the fucking Team America bullshit.
Yeah, admittedly that was a huge problem with the co-op. I still enjoyed the missions themselves, though.

I shook my head in disbelief. It takes one publicly-matched co-op session to realize that you need some form of chat, how that got through development, I do not know. Might as well just gave me a bot teammate.

They also need to allow people to play the maps with bots, like all the previous games before BF3. It's the best way to learn the maps and use the vehicles. You don't have to ruin public games trying to learn to fly.

From the looks of this, it's a BF3 expansion pack. Although they're branding the engine as Frostbite 3 now, I noticed that in the press release.
I think what I really hate about these modern military shooters is that they all play out like a linear, two bit action movie. There is almost NO room for strategy, it's all "follow the preordained path, run, run, run, pop up your head for a few random shots, run some more, hide some more, watch something blow up, watch something fall, run some more, cover some more.....".

I feel more like I'm watching a B movie that has to use explosions and non stop action to keep the feeble minded entertained. Ever since everyone tried to be COD it's all frenetic run and gun, all military shooters are now the same except for "Spec Ops: The line".

And personally, I'm overly tired of the fucking Team America bullshit.

I agree with the Team America stuff. Switch it to Nato. BF1942 had all sorts of countries and their vehicles. We're stuck with US stuff over and over and over. How many different times are they going to model the M1 Abrams? Give me a Merkava or something.

My guess, this time around we'll get the AH64 Apache and Blackhawk for Team USA.

Also, for SP, I'd prefer a Brothers in Arms approach. Small squad, you can give orders. Relatively open map for tactical variety. Plus, the AI wasn't that dumb. That game was done right.
Wanted BF4 to be a sequel to 2142.

Kinda bored with modern combat shooters.

Looks like a expansion for BF3 more than anything.
I am still enjoying BF3 mutliplayer. I played about 30 minutes of the single player and that was it. I also have not bought any of the expansion packs. The game only had a few multiplayer maps at release. Then within a few months they had a map pack for sale that I felt should have been included in the game. I also have earned all the items I have. I will not pay to own all the guns and vehicles. There are still plenty of servers that host the original version of the game with out the expansions. I will stick to those for now.

I miss the days of Unreal Tournament. The days that I could buy a game and:
1) I got boat loads of multiplayer game modes
2) I could set up my own servers
3) Everyone was on the same level regardless of how much you did or did not play (ie no experience points, if you were good then you were good, if you sucked, well....)

4) People could create their own mods
Wanted BF4 to be a sequel to 2142.

Winter 2014 is when we're likely to see BF2143, unless they're jerking us around pointlessly with the BF2142 easter egg in Operation Riverside. Statements have also been made about BF being an annualized franchise now -- which doesn't mean a new BF2/BF3/BF4 every year, but simply a Battlefield branded title every year.
Yea people love to hate on stuff and won't waste a single opportunity to do so. Just check into any thread that even mentions the words, windows & 8.

I enjoyed the single player campaigns personally but I really wish they had an offline vehicle practice mode so I can not suck at airplanes and choppers and ruin someone else trying to win on a server so that I can practice.

Just remember when you take off those rose-colored goggles of yours and many others, BF was known for one thing really. It was fun as hell when it wasn't being a buggy piece of shit. BF2 had more than it's share of bugs and issues.

I as well. I hated that one coop mission where you started off having to escort a VIP. The part after that was just hell.

One of the most sensible posts in this thread.
I can't believe how everyone whined for the best part of a decade for a new BF game. BF3 being the 1st true follow up from BF2. Now we have one, everyone is whining that we're getting another one only 2 years after the last :confused:
It has a long way to go before it can be called a COD clone, don't forget we've had 6 long years of COD re-releases, one after another. Ok underneath, although they're calling it Frostbite 3, it's actually just a tuned Frostbite 2. Yes underneath its the same game, but just look at it, it's visually stunning. Graphics like that don't just grow on tree's, DICE have put a huge amount of work into this game engine to get visuals like that.
With COD we got exactly the same game each year, it was just a re-skin/map pack, nothing more. Would've taken them a few months to throw together each new release. The last looking no better than the 1st. I wont mind parting with my hard earned cash for BF4 at all, COD:Ghost.......not a f&*k1ng hope.
Yes EA will milk to DLC, but can we really blame them for wanting to make some money from the game? The development for the Frostbite engines must have been immence. It has taken years of work to get it where it is today.
For them to release gameplay footage 6 months before the game is due for release is a good sign imo. If the game is looking this good at such an early stage it means they have lots of time for bug fixing, tuning, and tweaking. I think they'll give us some of the things we've been asking for in the multiplayer too, maybe not all, but some. I wouldn't be surprised to see the return of the commander etc.
Whats this about console footage too ???? There is no way this was rendered on a console, not a chance. This is on a high end PC, with the game not fully optimised and without properly optimised drivers. The console version wont be a patch on this. Except maybe the next gen may get close.
I'd like to point out that the guy hanging from his leg right before they fall from the building has the UGLIEST FACE i have ever seen in my life.

Also, is battlefied just going to become an anual shit-fest like the COD series? I don't need the same game released every year. BF2 is the same as BF3 only BF3 was on a new engine they spent years tweaking. There were reasons to release an improved version. The story will be stupid. You cannot make a very original videogame generic war story. Unless you use the pocahauntis plot...

This is really a shame, it took them 2 years of beta testing a 'final' product to deliver the true bf3, RABLE RABLE RABLE
I would love 128 person multiplayer maps on ridiculously large maps to support that many. Modern hardware could handle it just fine if its coded well. Therein might lie the problem, but it'd still be fun to have a battle of this magnitude.
I still prefer Battlefield 2 over 3. Also prefered BF2 Special Force expansion rather than the DLC for BF3.

This looks like it's just more of BF3.
Graphics look nice, I can tell you that because DICE did a good job with Frostbite engine, but the gameplay looks linear and generic, just like every modern FPS shooter.