Battlefield Heroes


Think Battlefield 1942 + Updated Cartoony graphics + even less realism, cut to 1/10 of its size, and "free-er" (though I've heard micro-transactions will be present in this game).

Think Battlefield 1942 + Updated Cartoony graphics + even less realism, cut to 1/10 of its size, and "free-er" (though I've heard micro-transactions will be present in this game).

I dont even think it will be as good as that !

Think BF1942 (yes the original and not BF2) cut to 1/100th of its size and add it 3rd person (not 1st person) gameplay + cartoon disney graphics + characters that try (but fail) to rip off TF2 and thats what you have..

The only merit it has is that its free... but then some guy comes along with that big gun he bought and blows your head off. Hmmmm.

I just wish DICE/EA would make a proper BF3... I reckon the directors at EA must look back at their sales catalogue and see the whopping sales figures that BF2 and BF1942 made, then simply have a collective 'retard' moment whilst they deliberate making yet another crappy sequel from one their other franchises. Duh.... Just make BF3... its a licence to print money !

BF Heroes is a joke.
The only merit it has is that its free

Its also its biggest downfall, as it means there is nothing you can do to stop people cheating, all they have to do is create another account. Also with no repercussions or cost, its likely there will be more of it.
Oh and not mention it looks like a kids game. 10 year olds will love it!
I've been playing it... it's a fun casual game. What's nice about it is that you can jump in really easily and have fun quickly. It's fun to customize your character, and to choose your weapon loadout. I think most of the microtransaction stuff will be geared towards making your character look unique (the look of your character is persistent and attached to your account).

It's also got what is possibly the most addictive theme tune ever.

I think it's aiming to be the 'Sims' of FPS games, so it's not really comparable to TF2 except in visual style and a degree of humour. So while it might not have the longevity of CS:S, TF2 or BF2 for hardcore players, it should have busy servers for a long time due to casual people. It's certainly a game I can see myself jumping into every once in a while.
Its also its biggest downfall, as it means there is nothing you can do to stop people cheating, all they have to do is create another account. Also with no repercussions or cost, its likely there will be more of it.

Not like any of the other BF games have any recourse for cheating. They never ban people's key and they just change thier hash or GUID and they are back in.
it looks likes it's going to be fun. All I know is I'm going to download it when it comes out but thief laging it