BattleField V Ryzen CPU and Vega testing


Supreme [H]ardness
Apr 14, 2010
This could go in the CPU section, AMD section etc. so following [H]ardOCP lead here. System is in my sig, Ryzen 2700 OC to 4.1ghz, 32gb mem at 3200mhz on an ASUS C6H motherboard. Vega Frontier Edition using the latest Pro Drivers 18.Q.4 with the latest Pro gaming driver 18.9.3. Using FPS Monitor to show actual frame times, CPU usage and other performance measurements while playing part of a Campaign single player. For the most part, very smooth game play with one stutter point which for this setup has been rare but was captured so let it show. No DXR or raytracing stuff here due to AMD at this time does not support such neat features.

I do not see this performance type format being used that much for evaluation, so any comments would be most appreciated, positive negative, useful? what is missing? etc. Goal was to show in real time (recorded) actual performance while playing a game so you will know the experience as close as possible.

If anyone wants a 1440p performance run through, no problem, just let me know. HDR is beautiful in this game but have not found a way to capture it for those with HDR monitors.

Second but short video using DX 11. Here you can see over 11gb of Vram being used. 1440p, Ultimate settings with a slightly bumped HBM memory OC, everything else is the same. Ryzen 2700 OC 4.1ghz, Vega FE 1600mhz/1030mhz GPU/HBM. I normally play using DX 12 vice DX 11 as a note with HDR turned on which makes this game look much better.

Sorry RTX owners with 8gb of VRam or the unlucky 6gb :p. It looks like the game engine is just pre-loading assets into the available ram, so how it would play on lower end, I mean lower VRam cards would have to be determine card by card. This is single player on Hardcore difficulty - seems like Hardcore ups ram usage some.

Two video's, Part 1 is testing DX 11 in BFV while Part 2 is testing DX 12 all with the same video and machine settings. Which one is faster?

Part 1: DX 11

Part 2: DX 12
