
Fully [H]
Apr 10, 2003
On December 4, 2018 DICE is taking down the Battlefield V servers for maintenance to roll out the new Battlefield V Tides of War Chapter 1: Overture Update for all platforms. This update will include a new map, a fresh untold War Story, and new rewards for completing challenges. The update is free for all Battlefield V owners.

The Last Tiger, a new single-player War Story, lets you join the German crew of a Tiger I tank, operating a near-indestructible vehicle in an unwinnable battle on the homeland's borders. Chapter 1 also brings the Panzerstorm map to Battlefield V multiplayer. Clash with the steel beasts of World War 2 on the Belgian countryside's rolling hills on this vehicle-based fighting ground. Also coming in Chapter 1: the Practice Range, vehicle customization, and new Chapter progression rewards.
Man the content that came with this game blew away COD: Crap Ops. I'm not a fan of EA but this delivered so much more.
Man the content that came with this game blew away COD: Crap Ops. I'm not a fan of EA but this delivered so much more.

It is called Black Ops. If you are going to crap on a game at least use the proper title so it shows up in search results :p
Man the content that came with this game blew away COD: Crap Ops. I'm not a fan of EA but this delivered so much more.
I gave up on COD when the game became another Counter-Strike.
Started playing last night. Definitely looking for some regulars to play with. Fairly warning I suck. It always takes me a while to GET GUD at new battlefield games. I hate all these fuckers who have unlocked everything and are k/d 25-1 in the first week or two that the game is out. Though I will say one of the things that draws me to Battlefield over CS and COD is that you can suck and still have a good time and gain levels by helping capture points and being a nuisance.
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Wait... we can play as ww2 germans now? ill have to dig out great-grandpas secret suitcase and dress the part!

so fukking funny ... EA releases an empowered for woman's game, doesn't launch with ANYTHING remotely German and they wonder why no one is buying it. I have a rather large group of gaming buddies and these dudes talk about anything hot, fun and exciting. Battlefield 5? Yeah ... no one word from any of them.

Let's get these clowns that are running EA the hell out of these and put in people that really truly understand gaming.

And I am shocked more women are not calling out EA for using them in the first place. EA is all about profit. They could give a fuk less about women, lesbians, etc represented in their games. They used this angle to sell games and it back fired.

Look, do you see mean marching the streets asking EA for a "Man Cave" Sims add-on? NO ... no you don't.
Started playing last night. Definitely looking for some regulars to play with. Fairly warning I suck. It always takes me a while to GET GUD at new battlefield games. I hate all these fuckers who have unlocked everything and are k/d 25-1 in the first week or two that the game is out.
Though I will say one of the things that draws me to Battlefield over CS and COD is that you can suck and still have a good time and gain levels by helping capture points and being a nuisance.

Honestly all the starting guns are pretty damn good, and come fully specialized.

Only shoot when you can get a kill, and when you do get a kill you show up on enemies minimap, so don't stay still unless you want to get hosed.
so fukking funny ... EA releases an empowered for woman's game, doesn't launch with ANYTHING remotely German and they wonder why no one is buying it. I have a rather large group of gaming buddies and these dudes talk about anything hot, fun and exciting. Battlefield 5? Yeah ... no one word from any of them.

Let's get these clowns that are running EA the hell out of these and put in people that really truly understand gaming.

And I am shocked more women are not calling out EA for using them in the first place. EA is all about profit. They could give a fuk less about women, lesbians, etc represented in their games. They used this angle to sell games and it back fired.

Look, do you see mean marching the streets asking EA for a "Man Cave" Sims add-on? NO ... no you don't.

Everyone is jumping on the PC and progressive bandwagon. From games and movies to even commercials. This will be the norm until the masses finally wake up and get fed up with it. I do miss the BF series.
so fukking funny ... EA releases an empowered for woman's game, doesn't launch with ANYTHING remotely German and they wonder why no one is buying it. I have a rather large group of gaming buddies and these dudes talk about anything hot, fun and exciting. Battlefield 5? Yeah ... no one word from any of them.

Let's get these clowns that are running EA the hell out of these and put in people that really truly understand gaming.

And I am shocked more women are not calling out EA for using them in the first place. EA is all about profit. They could give a fuk less about women, lesbians, etc represented in their games. They used this angle to sell games and it back fired.

Look, do you see mean marching the streets asking EA for a "Man Cave" Sims add-on? NO ... no you don't.
You can't sell games with Nazi stuff in some countries, but theres plenty of German stuff so not sure what all the cry babying is about.

And all the whining weenies complaining about being called out on being total weenies is hilarious. It's like they don't realize video games are 100% BS and have maybe .05% basis in reality.
It is called Black Ops. If you are going to crap on a game at least use the proper title so it shows up in search results :p

I thought it was Black Cops?

Get woke go broke. It's almost like the people who read polygon and the verge all day are not running out and buying BFV. Strange...

I rented the game for the last month but every time I see the attractive blonde girl running with guns on the start screen I think to myself this just aint right. sorry but I'm not accepting this as the new normal. this is wrong.
... and it was delayed. No time table for release at this moment.

Was greeted by that message this am, when I walked into my office. Was having issues with Origin updating yesterday night and left it running when I went to bed.