BC2 and slow loads with ATI cards

mr helpful

Apr 2, 2010
does anyone know if ATI are still working on the problem?, it's insane to not have a fix by now. BC2 isn't exactly some obscure title, and why should we wait 3 times the loading time what someone with a Nvidia card?
I play BC2 on an ATI card, and I honestly don't give a shit. The load times aren't unbearable, and it just means you get into the map a little later than everyone else.

That said, I'm sure ATI is working on it. It was also hinted in the thread Kyle started that it was a DX11 issue and not an ATI one - implying Fermi suffers from the same slow loads. Did anyone hear anything about slow loads with the GTX 470/480?
yeah lets be honest DX9 is less complex and far more optimised than DX10/11, so shader compile will take longer and get better as DX11 matures, this would be confirmed in GTX470/80 show similar issues :)
same problem with dx10 though...just an ATI driver thing (shakes fist)

Just passing along what Kyle said: http://hardforum.com/showpost.php?p=1035487028&postcount=91

That said, its really a game problem. The long load is due to the shaders compiling, which the game *should* be caching (meaning you'd get a slow load the first time only, and subsequent loads would be fast) - caching compiled shaders is something DX9 supported, its ridiculously stupid that DICE doesn't cache the compiled shaders.
since the problem exists on DX10 and DX11, and no problems with Nvidia, it must be a ATI/AMD driver problem. Whenever I join a map there are no vehicles lol.
Load times are not too bad now. Horrible before the patch. Now the problem is that the server browser frequently drops to the desktop. This game needs a lot of polishing. But it is fun.
Load times are not too bad now. Horrible before the patch. Now the problem is that the server browser frequently drops to the desktop. This game needs a lot of polishing. But it is fun.

Just played for an hour. Aways last compare my friends with Nvidia....
"Just played for an hour. Aways last compare my friends with Nvidia...."

I have 5850 and I found that I'm frequently first. Don't know who's using Nvidia vs ATI but everyone uses me as their first spawn point.
"Just played for an hour. Aways last compare my friends with Nvidia...."

I have 5850 and I found that I'm frequently first. Don't know who's using Nvidia vs ATI but everyone uses me as their first spawn point.

You're the odd man out then. I'm normally the last guy loaded, same with my friend who has a 5970. My team can damn near sometimes cap two points before my game loads. Friends with nvidia are always first in.
I play BC2 on an ATI card, and I honestly don't give a shit. The load times aren't unbearable, and it just means you get into the map a little later than everyone else.

If your not trying to be competitive then I would agree, by personally I play FPS's pretty competitively and don't enjoy the huge disadvantaged.
Are the slow load times every single time you load a map? Or is it just on the initial loading of a certain map?(i.e. Map A comes on, couple map rotations later Map A comes back again, with slow load?)
Are the slow load times every single time you load a map? Or is it just on the initial loading of a certain map?(i.e. Map A comes on, couple map rotations later Map A comes back again, with slow load?)

Every loading session between games or joining a server. Maps from several rotations ago aren't still cached by the time the same map comes up again.
yeah lets be honest DX9 is less complex and far more optimised than DX10/11, so shader compile will take longer and get better as DX11 matures, this would be confirmed in GTX470/80 show similar issues :)

this could not be further from the truth

it's an ATI problem, shader compiling is done by the driver.

Just passing along what Kyle said: http://hardforum.com/showpost.php?p=1035487028&postcount=91

That said, its really a game problem. The long load is due to the shaders compiling, which the game *should* be caching (meaning you'd get a slow load the first time only, and subsequent loads would be fast) - caching compiled shaders is something DX9 supported, its ridiculously stupid that DICE doesn't cache the compiled shaders.

basically no games do this anyway, it's not a DICE thing.
Why doesn't someone from this forum who knows the guy reviewing these 480gtx cards ask him how the load times are in multiplayer with 480gtx in dx 11???
Why doesn't someone from this forum who knows the guy reviewing these 480gtx cards ask him how the load times are in multiplayer with 480gtx in dx 11???

Load times are long for DX10 for ATI and short for nvidia. This is strictly an ATI problem.
ATI card ... I'm the last guy out on every map

9450 Quad Core
4Gig G-Skill
ATI 5770
Load times are long for DX10 for ATI and short for nvidia. This is strictly an ATI problem.

Kyle lest a cryptic message in another thread saying how he think's it's a DX11 problem. MYybest guess as to what he meant is that he was having slow loading in BC2 with the 480 in DX11. Since the 480 isn't out in the wild, we can't know for sure.
Kyle lest a cryptic message in another thread saying how he think's it's a DX11 problem. MYybest guess as to what he meant is that he was having slow loading in BC2 with the 480 in DX11. Since the 480 isn't out in the wild, we can't know for sure.

he also followed it up with a post regretting he ever said anything, and not to read to much into what he was stating.
is it just BC2 for you guys? feels like all my games are affected by this. even loading into windows with my SSD is slower now....
is it just BC2 for you guys? feels like all my games are affected by this. even loading into windows with my SSD is slower now....

That would be your brain playing tricks on you. Shaders aren't compiled to boot into Windows ;)

Either that, or your system has just gotten slower due to cruft.
Does anybody get their sound cut off and then crash?

No, and that also doesn't sound like its related at all to ATI cards having slow load times. You might want to ask in a new thread...
No, and that also doesn't sound like its related at all to ATI cards having slow load times. You might want to ask in a new thread...

Well after the slow loading it causes my game to cut off the sound for some reason. This happens occasionally, so either way it seemss like an ati issue.
Great, I was just about to ditch my GTX 260 for a 5870 tomorrow and then I come across this. Super slow loading of my favorite game - totally unacceptable ATI. Argh. Does it load still load slow if you force directx 10 ?
It's not that bad to be honest.. Yes it's noticably longer than Nvidia, but it's only at the start of matches. I upgraded from a gtx260 which I played on during the beta, and I don't regret it. Everything else the card gives you is well worth it.

*edit, I upgraded to a 5870 that is.
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If your not trying to be competitive then I would agree, by personally I play FPS's pretty competitively and don't enjoy the huge disadvantaged.

Rofl, I guess not because it's obvious by your stupidity that you have yet to play a real organized match. I've done a few scrims so far and its pretty simple. Everyone loads the map, selects their kit loadouts, team leader spawns, sits in base, talks with the other team leader, simple count down, game start, everyone spawns.

There is no disadvantage in organized clan matches, TWL ladders, any other ladder, and the PAX online/TWL tournaments. If you were disadvantaged by hardware, the ladders wouldn't be very good at setting up fair gameplay now would they?
yeah, i was having this problem im game too in dx10 mode on my 4870.

i just set it to run on dx9 mode and i can get into maps much quicker with minimal eye candy loss because i can only run it on medium at my resolution.
Super slow loading of my favorite game - totally unacceptable ATI. Argh. Does it load still load slow if you force directx 10 ?

DX10 is slower than DX11. Put it to DX11 mode.
I was running in DX9 mode, but one problem in DX9 is that the window on the stationary MGs is covered in DX9 for some retarded reason.
Rofl, I guess not because it's obvious by your stupidity that you have yet to play a real organized match. I've done a few scrims so far and its pretty simple. Everyone loads the map, selects their kit loadouts, team leader spawns, sits in base, talks with the other team leader, simple count down, game start, everyone spawns.

There is no disadvantage in organized clan matches, TWL ladders, any other ladder, and the PAX online/TWL tournaments. If you were disadvantaged by hardware, the ladders wouldn't be very good at setting up fair gameplay now would they?

Is there really a reason to call him stupid? that's not cool.

and I agree with him, I play in "pubs" cuz that's what I like to do, and I find it a disadvantage when I spawn and half my team is gone, as are all the vehicles. it's at least annoying for the first few minutes
Has anyone timed the difference and put numbers to all this?

For example is it Nvidia - 20 sec, ATI - 60 sec

or more like Nvidia -20 sec, ATI - 30 sec?

I have yet to try the game yet so I'm curious
I too have long load times with:

i7 975 @ 4.2ghz
5970 920/1300
12GB DDR3 1333mhz

I get extremely good FPS in games but loads are taking 3-4minutes. Also when playing MP I get the system to lockup during the Loading screen. Can't get it to do anything if I let it sit there for minutes. And of course damn screen flickering :(
Has anyone timed the difference and put numbers to all this?

For example is it Nvidia - 20 sec, ATI - 60 sec

or more like Nvidia -20 sec, ATI - 30 sec?

I have yet to try the game yet so I'm curious

My buddy with his 8600gt takes up to 10 seconds to load.
My other buddy with a 5870 usually take 30-45 seconds.
I've got a 5770 and take around 30-45 seconds.

And those are our GOOD load times. I've had many times where it took a minute or more to get in.
My buddy with his 8600gt takes up to 10 seconds to load.
My other buddy with a 5870 usually take 30-45 seconds.
I've got a 5770 and take around 30-45 seconds.

And those are our GOOD load times. I've had many times where it took a minute or more to get in.

I doubt your buddy is playing in dx10 with his 8600gt. I had a hard time running dx10 on my gtx260. Not arguing that Nvidia loads faster, but your card would load in under 10 seconds on dx9 as well.