Be Wary Of Ending A Text Message With A Period


Aug 20, 2006
It is truly the end times if being grammar conscious makes others suspicious of your intent.

…a sentence ending in a period suggests the other person put at least a little time and effort into composing their reply. If you take time to consider your answer, it opens the possibility of mendacity. In contrast, if you answer spontaneously and informally, the message presumably reflects your instantaneous gut response — which is honest by definition.
Some day kids will have to take internet speak as part of their english class.
So I guess not capitalising 'I' and taking the time to fully spell out 'your' and such words is also a sign of honesty and trustworthiness.

Shocking news, really :eek:
My gut response is if you are incapable of forming a coherent and mostly grammatically correct reply then you are a fucking moron and your response is not worth considering.
Whats worse is there is people on the forums that will shorthand simple words.
The evolution of language is heading towards capital letters with an emoji besides them to give them context.

Nouns, adjectives, adverbs, and verbs are sooooo yesterday.

IKR... :rolleyes:
The evolution of language is heading towards capital letters with an emoji besides them to give them context.

Nouns, adjectives, adverbs, and verbs are sooooo yesterday.

IKR... :rolleyes:

smh. yolo, rt?
My gut response is if you are incapable of forming a coherent and mostly grammatically correct reply then you are a fucking moron and your response is not worth considering.
It's as if stupidity and laziness are being elevated to virtues. It's shit like this which should bring no surprise that people look down on the so-called "Millennials".
What? Because I always jump at those Craigslist ads that read: "Hav a tampoleen 4 sale u pik up brng cash"
Anyone who criticizes me for taking the time to fully type proper English sentences with a period will be on the receiving end of a flurry of ... I digress.
Assuming you put 2 spaces after a sentence, my keyboard adds a period automatically.
For those not acquainted with 2 spaces:

My gut response is if you are incapable of forming a coherent and mostly grammatically correct reply then you are a fucking moron and your response is not worth considering.

This is pretty much my response as well. I use SMS because I am required to do so. However I still heavily dislike it.
I'll admit I'm guilty of text speak, especially on the work Whatsapp group we have setup. There are some people on the group who legitimately get annoyed when someone uses formal language. It looks hilariously out of place, even though I don't mind, since I tend to type formally outside of texting.
So I guess not capitalising 'I' and taking the time to fully spell out 'your' and such words is also a sign of honesty and trustworthiness.

Shocking news, really :eek:

Text 1: (Insincere, obnoxious, total dick wad)
How are you doing today? I gave your mother a present for you.

Text 2: (Awesome guy, I'd wander into his van for free candy if I saw him
How ru tday
gave u moms stuff 4 u
I always took a bit of pride in that when I text I do my best to be grammatically correct with punctuation. Always have, same as how I'm posting this comment from my phone.

And for a anecdotal statement, I find it's the older generation that more often abbreviates. But that's my tiny circle of friends.

Regardless if someone wants to be suspicious of me because I dislike sounding like a punk too lazy to present myself as having half a brain I don't want to do business with them.
Assuming you put 2 spaces after a sentence, my keyboard adds a period automatically.
For those not acquainted with 2 spaces:


The double space after a period is from the mechanical typewriter era and no longer relevant. Computers have fonts with the spacing done automatically.
I'm not a font snob or a typesetter or anything like that, but the double space at the end of a sentence drives me nuts.

I will use mostly proper punctuation and spelling.
Text 1: (Insincere, obnoxious, total dick wad)
How are you doing today? I gave your mother a present for you.

Text 2: (Awesome guy, I'd wander into his van for free candy if I saw him
How ru tday
gave u moms stuff 4 u

I see nothing wrong with how ru, though i'd use 2day over tday.
The 2nd one is kinda bad. Why not gave ur mom stuff 4 u?

It's not how i typically write, but I don't have a problem with it among friends.
The double space after a period is from the mechanical typewriter era and no longer relevant. Computers have fonts with the spacing done automatically.
I'm not a font snob or a typesetter or anything like that, but the double space at the end of a sentence drives me nuts.

I will use mostly proper punctuation and spelling.

As Opus said, it's a wedge issue.
I used to go out of my way to correct peoples messages and send them back. It didn't matter if it was family or not, I would correct them. I realized that it really didn't make a lick of difference to them and they never changed, if anything they got worse.

Nowadays I sit here, calm and collected, knowing that I spell and punctuate my sentences for my Grandmother as I would one of my closest friends. Purposely sending incoherent messages should never be alright.
Nowadays I sit here, calm and collected, knowing that I spell and punctuate my sentences for my Grandmother as I would one of my closest friends. Purposely sending incoherent messages should never be alright.

With this revelation, I will purposely go out of my way to make complete sentences with correct punctuation when I text people in the future, if only to spite the receiver. I believe that we should go out of our way to make the receiving end uncomfortable by insisting on proper diction from here on end.
Text 1: (Insincere, obnoxious, total dick wad)
How are you doing today? I gave your mother a present for you.

Text 2: (Awesome guy, I'd wander into his van for free candy if I saw him
How ru tday
gave u moms stuff 4 u

And there's nothing wrong with us being totally obnoxious through structuring our sentences with some thought.

This article has only confirmed that we should show just much we "care" about our response by wording in such a way that it becomes outright insinuating and insulting to the receiver as we insist on demonstrating that we've done the work in word formatting.
I remember a time years ago when I was listening in on G. Gordon Liddy's radio talk show and I heard one guy doing nothing but bitching, moaning, and whining about Liddy's pointing out at how stupid most people are/were, how they couldn't form complete sentences or express their thoughts with any sufficient clarity, and of course how badly people were fucking up things with their grammar and horrid spelling. The caller was saying things like "Who do you think you are telling other people they're stupid..." and Liddy's response was short and sweet with words to the effect of "Seeing as that's how I learned to read, write, and communicate, I have every right to expect no less from others."

He put the ignorant fool in his place and I laughed about it at the time, and I still laugh whenever I recall that memory.

For me, even in spite of it being a bit more of a chore when it comes to text messages more often than not, I do insist on holding myself to a higher standard: I use proper punctuation (perhas too much at times), I use proper grammar (public education, it wasn't what it could have been but that's long in the past now), and I do use proper spelling - I'm also not ashamed to admit that I will look up a word if I have any doubts about the spelling or the meaning which is rare but it does happen.

All we have to communicate is our language and I see it being demolished and mauled constantly by ignorant fools that just don't give a damn and it's a problem, a big one.

Indeed, I have every right to expect no less from others.
It's a bit funny, out of the people I 'communicate' with via texting, my wife and I are the only ones that actually spell things out.

It is amazing how 140-160 characters can be devoured, and you still need two or more extra messages to finish your conversation with someone.
We can think positively over how to make effective use of the 160 characters while maintaining some semblance of literacy.

We can consider answering those acronym and emoji filled messages with haiku if push comes to shove.
This is quite possibly the dumbest thing I've read all week. Only 5 more days to go!


this is the dumbest thing ive read all week 5 days to go

Yeah, that second one looks so much better and really conveys my point. :(
Somebody was really bored and feeling irrelevant.
What a load of crap.
^ note the lack of full stop :p
With this revelation, I will purposely go out of my way to make complete sentences with correct punctuation when I text people in the future, if only to spite the receiver. I believe that we should go out of our way to make the receiving end uncomfortable by insisting on proper diction from here on end.

I'm more concerned that you find proper sentence structure uncomfortable.
I would hope any child that has completed grade school would be punctuating every sentence they write or type automatically.

If you have to think about it, there might be something wrong. If you're a writer that has to think about it, you're not a writer.
I like how everyone is trying to respondi as grammatically proper as possible in this thread, but if you go look at the majority of postings here, we all shorthand. People getting butthurt over a lack of punctuation and short-hand need to get over themselves. I dont personally care of SMS, forums, etc if i use punctuation or shorten even easy words, eg, you/u. If I am writing an email or document for an official function, work, presentation, of course it will be properly written.
I like how everyone is trying to respondi as grammatically proper as possible in this thread, but if you go look at the majority of postings here, we all shorthand. People getting butthurt over a lack of punctuation and short-hand need to get over themselves. I dont personally care of SMS, forums, etc if i use punctuation or shorten even easy words, eg, you/u. If I am writing an email or document for an official function, work, presentation, of course it will be properly written.

Thank you for proving the point.
I always took a bit of pride in that when I text I do my best to be grammatically correct with punctuation. Always have, same as how I'm posting this comment from my phone.

And for a anecdotal statement, I find it's the older generation that more often abbreviates. But that's my tiny circle of friends.

Regardless if someone wants to be suspicious of me because I dislike sounding like a punk too lazy to present myself as having half a brain I don't want to do business with them.

Fact is the "kids" grew up with a cell phone in their fist. They were probably texting one another in grammar school before they learned proper spelling and punctuation. This plus the fact most of these kids are a bunch of lazy bums. Just to suggest they apply themselves at anything and they are insulted. I have a friend that teaches college classes. She said these kids actually turn in papers with that idiotic texting "script" .
She said she can't fail them; but has to let them rewrite. They are that oblivious.

My son is 10 now and a lot of his friends already have cell phones. When he hinted "how cool" it could be to talk and text his friends; I didn't say no. I said "Hell NO!"
His NOT going to be one of those kids that won't even look you in the eye when you speak to them. He has a few more years with Mom and Dad, and I want him to remember these years as a great childhood. NOT full of divisions because of bad behavior.
Time and effort to double tap the space bar? This article is retarded.
This study is flawed. They used a single word response as their test instead of using actual sentences. Their conclusion that "Sure." is less sincere than "Yeah" can't be taken seriously when both are fragments. Also the word "sure" is taken as less than 100% positive response in general.

I hate "studies" like this that over-reach with their conclusions and skew the results so horribly. There should be a study on how sincerely people accept any type of research done by retarded drunken college students like the ones at Binghamton University.

Stay out of school kids.
The message is not sincere if I end my text with a period?!? What if I end it with a series of periods?
I always try to use proper spelling and grammar when I write, be it in a text message or not. I'm not always perfect (after all I grew up and went to school through high school abroad, in a foreign language) but I try.

I hate being cavalier with language.

What's wrong with thinking before you speak? Isn't that supposed to be a GOOD thing? I don't think I ever write or speak without first thinking through what I am about to say.