Beat Doom 3 allready


Limp Gawd
Aug 8, 2001
So anyway I stayed up most of last night and played though Doom 3 on normal mode, I just started it over, but this time though I want to get everything possible.
That didn't take very long...I was hoping it was kinda substantial...

If you are not BSing of course.
Mulitplayer baby.

After beating a game comes multiplayer, the mods, and all the other goodness multi brings :)
i can't wait to try multiplayer. i watched an interview last night with fatal1ty (best 1v1 FPS player in the world) and he said some promising things. plus my friend is getting a server sponsored for free so i already have somewhere to practice ;)
No no bsing, really beat it. The game was great, but I think I played it on to easy. Thats why I'm doing it again.

BTW I could beat fatal1ty in cs, plus he's got a pretty big ego... I'd like to pop it with a 12 gage.
hahah nirv strikes again!!! (n3rv.... whatever)

i dont doubt that you beat it already tho

p.s. everyone knows that fatality sucks in team games, and counterstrike is dumb :D
How can it be possible to beat the game already,

is suppose to have 23 hours of gameplay

and other people that are currently playing it say you have to go slow because if you rushed, you get owned by the game
N3rv said:
So anyway I stayed up most of last night and played though Doom 3 on normal mode, I just started it over, but this time though I want to get everything possible.

Aztlan said:
How can it be possible to beat the game already,

is suppose to have 23 hours of gameplay

and other people that are currently playing it say you have to go slow because if you rushed, you get owned by the game


lol. I dunno. Just throwing it out there.
what does i beat fatality in cs mean? its a team game.. did a team he was on beat a team fatality was on once? did he frag fatality in a pub... (cuz ive done that in UT2k3 once kinda luck but hey :rolleyes: ) or did he 1v1 him and win... cuz cs isnt designed for that.. so really that is a stupid thing to say, unless he played against a team fatality was on in an organized CPL match or seomthing and won.
congrats.... but if you're good at another game, you shouldn't go in on the normal or easy modes, I am not playing it except to start out on marine difficulty. Then unlock nightmare and play it on that.
yea saying you could rage fatal1ty in CS is nothing, he bascially cant play team games, he was on a major CS clan (might have been team 3d, not sure tho) and he got kicked out because he was a really bad team player.
and besides, my friend is in the #2 wolfET clan in north america and he cant play CS for shit because of how radically different it is than quake3 and Unreal based games, the bullet spread is so hard to get used to.
I was wondering how soon someone would fly thru this game without taking a good look at all the eye candy. Way to go screw up a great game by having ADD.
How do you beat the Guardian? I take out his little seekers but I can't seem to kill him.
No I'm not nirv, I know who that ass clown is and I hope he never comes back.

Secondly I did beat it on normal, and it was pretty easy. I do plan on playing though at least 2 times more, on marine and of course nightmare.

DaVisionz knows who I am, and use to play on their bf server, also use to work for Hardgaming... But yeah that was a while ago, old news of course. Anyway, I don't want to spoil anything for anyone, so I'm keeping the details out. But the game did scare the shit out of me, and I did spill soda on my self more than once.

I would also like to mention that it took me just over 20 hours to beat the game, which I purchased yesterday at best buy in Saint Louis, Missouri. I drove damn near 80 miles just to pick the game up from a friend who works there. Shese, how sad is that eh.
SkullE said:
I was wondering how soon someone would fly thru this game without taking a good look at all the eye candy. Way to go screw up a great game by having ADD.
Doom is a GREAT game for the attention deficient! Have you ever seen those videos of Doom 2 beaten as fast as possible? They're quite entertaing; I suggest you check them out and then maybe you'll realize that there are more than one good way to approach a game.
those demos of beating them as fast as possible are done in slow motion and they are done over and over so they can edit out mistakes... those types of things are humanly impossible at regular speed.

Wondernerd-Spoiler(Guardian) don`t read if you don`t want to know.

To take out the guardian kill the seekers first then BFG and Rockets. He is blind and uses
the seekers to locate you. Also use the 4 pillers as cover to hide your butt, while you kick his.
Jäger said:
i can't wait to try multiplayer. i watched an interview last night with fatal1ty (best 1v1 FPS player in the world) and he said some promising things. plus my friend is getting a server sponsored for free so i already have somewhere to practice ;)

My friends said he got wasted in the final match by his oppentant.
Is BestBuy gonna get fined for selling it early? Kinnda ticks me off so many people get it before i have the chance to, i already pre-ordered it thinking i would be sitting pretty to get first crack at it. But alas, i'll be the last one to get the damn
dad11345 said:

Thanks... I finally was able to work out that he doesn't like it when you shoot at him. I'm in the caverns somewhere now.
V0ltage said:
yea saying you could rage fatal1ty in CS is nothing, he bascially cant play team games, he was on a major CS clan (might have been team 3d, not sure tho) and he got kicked out because he was a really bad team player.
and besides, my friend is in the #2 wolfET clan in north america and he cant play CS for shit because of how radically different it is than quake3 and Unreal based games, the bullet spread is so hard to get used to.

dude you brag about that kid a lot.....who cares man :(
CleanSlate said:
those demos of beating them as fast as possible are done in slow motion and they are done over and over so they can edit out mistakes... those types of things are humanly impossible at regular speed.
No. That's near impossible for a 3D game, and they generally make several noticeable mistakes.
BTW I could beat fatal1ty in cs, plus he's got a pretty big ego... I'd like to pop it with a 12 gage.

i saw that guy at e3, and out of the 80 peopel that had played him ONE person got ONE kill.

i walked up talking shit, and left a believer. that guy is GOOD.
CleanSlate said:
those demos of beating them as fast as possible are done in slow motion and they are done over and over so they can edit out mistakes... those types of things are humanly impossible at regular speed.


i agree that they are done repeatedly to nix all the mistakes, but AFAIK the only games that are beaten in slomo is emulated nintendo and stuff like that (mario3 in 11min).

most 3d games are done in real time, check out "the rabbit run" video in quake 1.... skill at its purest form.
Deadguy said:
i agree that they are done repeatedly to nix all the mistakes, but AFAIK the only games that are beaten in slomo is emulated nintendo and stuff like that (mario3 in 11min).

most 3d games are done in real time, check out "the rabbit run" video in quake 1.... skill at its purest form.

Ok, I must ask..where are these videos....

Did you eat? sleep? Did a eyeball fall out?

So you bought it yesterday and you spent 20 straight hours playing?


you could just search for "video game speed runs" or "rabbit run quake" in google
N3rv said:
No I'm not nirv, I know who that ass clown is and I hope he never comes back.

which I purchased yesterday at best buy in Saint Louis, Missouri. I drove damn near 80 miles just to pick the game up from a friend who works there. Shese, how sad is that eh.

How much is it??