befsx41 doesn't like jet-direct card. . help. . .

Dec 7, 2001
I have a befsx41 w/ the newest firmware and an old jetdirect printer on the network. If the thing is on, my ability to see anything but the printer dies. Not sort of, but host unreachable. :( I haven't seen ANYONE talk about this problem and I wondered if anyone had any suggestions. I'm certain it's the printer and certain that it isn't a bum cable or something. I don't see why it should be anything other than some weird configuration thing that I've got wrong somewhere. I've cleared both the router and jetdirect card and started over 2x.

Fyi, I have the router doing DHCP and the printer hard set to an IP address outside the DHCP range, so it's not an IP conflict or anything.

help is appreciated. :-D
Have you tried setting the printer to obtain its IP via DHCP? It may not be the long-term solution you're looking for, but it would help troubleshoot.