Ben Affleck Will Not Direct “The Batman”


Aug 20, 2006
The next Batman film was being hyped to high heaven due to Affleck’s directorial involvement, but that is no more, as Ben has left the chair and proclaimed that it is all just too much for him to handle. Supposedly, the decision has nothing to do with the fact that his latest directing effort “Live by Night” bombed both critically and financially, but it really seems to me that he is playing things safe—I mean, how would he even recover if he were to make a disappointing Batman movie? The memes alone would kill him. I heard that Joel Schumacher is available…

Ben Affleck has decided to step down as director of “The Batman” and remain on as a producer and star of the project. Affleck is still on board to play the superhero, but sources close to the talent said Affleck and Warner Bros., after discussing how to best make the film possible, came to the decision together. “There are certain characters who hold a special place in the hearts of millions,” Affleck said in a statement. “Performing this role demands focus, passion and the very best performance I can give. It has become clear that I cannot do both jobs to the level they require. Together with the studio, I have decided to find a partner in a director who will collaborate with me on this massive film. I am still in this, and we are making it, but we are currently looking for a director. I remain extremely committed to this project, and look forward to bringing this to life for fans around the world.”
All he has to do is ensure the Batsuit has nipples and they are visible in every shot. How hard can that be?
While what he says makes sense it does make me worry about the movie. With all the rumors of things going poorly behind the scenes at WB, especially with the DC movies, I'm waiting to hear that Affleck has decided to drop out of the movie. His contract is only for Justice League and Justice League 2, so he isn't forced to do Batman if he doesn't want to.
Can he step down as actor as well????

After his 2 performances as Batman I would prefer Michael Cera as Batman over Affleck.
All he has to do is ensure the Batsuit has nipples and they are visible in every shot. How hard can that be?
They couldn't get the rights to Bat card:

Can he step down as actor as well????

After his 2 performances as Batman I would prefer Michael Cera as Batman over Affleck.

The hell, 2 performances? I only saw in him Batman vs Superman and he was bloody awesome in it. Way better than Bale and his small physique along with that damn voice that Pete Holmes mocks quite well.

The level of beatings he delivered was just so much more applicable, batman in i believe it was Millers comic set a bunch of guys on fire and then got it on with some female superhero right next to their burning bodies....
I think Affleck could've directed a great Batman movie (and, while generally disappointed with BvS, I thought Affleck was a highlight as Batman). My concern is that Affleck declined to direct the movie due to studio interference prohibiting him from making the movie he wanted to make.
I think Affleck could've directed a great Batman movie (and, while generally disappointed with BvS, I thought Affleck was a highlight as Batman). My concern is that Affleck declined to direct the movie due to studio interference prohibiting him from making the movie he wanted to make.

I am sure that is what it comes down to. Most of the big tent pole movies get shaped by the execs. They often have to rubber stamp close to everything from scripts, design, casting hiring of important people like composers, cinematographer ect. Then when they put the movies in they order reshoots and script changes. When the movie hits good or bad the director gets all the praise or all the heat.

He has just started to get some actual Hollywood pull and has been allowed get projects he believed in made. Being the guy getting all the public heat for a bat flop would have set him right back to his gigli days. Just acting in a bat flop though wouldn't effect him at all. So if its going to be the studios movie anyway, let someone else attach their name. Seems smart to me.
The hell, 2 performances? I only saw in him Batman vs Superman and he was bloody awesome in it. Way better than Bale and his small physique along with that damn voice that Pete Holmes mocks quite well.

The level of beatings he delivered was just so much more applicable, batman in i believe it was Millers comic set a bunch of guys on fire and then got it on with some female superhero right next to their burning bodies....

Yeah, BvsS and Suicide Squad. I just didn't care for him at all. Could be I don't like him in general but his batman did nothing for me much like Kilmer and Clooney's. Kevin Smith playing Batman was more enjoyable IMO.

I liked the action in BvsS but anyone could have done that TBH. That is the great thing about cinema; everyone comes out with a different insight and opinion.

I believe the studio(s) will be gun shy with anything Affleck directs due to his last bomb. It tanked hard and got a ton of negative press. Not what the studio needs/wants considering how the press/reviewers were a little overly harsh on the last few WB/DC movies.
such a bs actor for Batman. Will never see his batman movies. Snowflake actor doesn't need my $
I'm in the minority.

I think he makes a great Batman, but a shitty Bruce Wayne. On the opposite side, I thought Keaton was an awesome Bruce Wayne, but a poor Batman.
Meh. The best portrayals of DC for me are not in film or TV, but in all of the Arkham games. The characters and voice acting in those games are fantastic.
He has been on the fence a long time over this. Guess he finally tipped enough to fall to one side.
I'm sure if he didn't have that rock solid contract he would have stepped away from playing Batman as well...I did like him in BvS but he's no Michael Keaton, Christian Bale or even Val Kilmer
I'm in the minority.

I think he makes a great Batman, but a shitty Bruce Wayne. On the opposite side, I thought Keaton was an awesome Bruce Wayne, but a poor Batman.

I very much agree with this too.

As for BvS, Batman and Wonder Woman were the highlights. Superman, they just never do him right. Cavill looks great as Superman and does him well, but I think Superman the persona itself just doesn't work well in today's movies. It's hard to make a character like that likeable.
Never understood the Affleck hate. The Town, Argo, Gone Girl are great movies. He's a better Batman than Bale. Yes I said it. Bale was cool at first but that voice has become too much of a joke to take seriously.
when ever i hear his name.. all i can think of is a white duck trying to sell health insurance.. and then i laugh
Never understood the Affleck hate. The Town, Argo, Gone Girl are great movies. He's a better Batman than Bale. Yes I said it. Bale was cool at first but that voice has become too much of a joke to take seriously.

It was from his younger days (hello jlo) before becoming a solid director.

But man, I do not wish for Joel Schumacher, terrible fucking idea.
Never understood the Affleck hate. The Town, Argo, Gone Girl are great movies. He's a better Batman than Bale. Yes I said it. Bale was cool at first but that voice has become too much of a joke to take seriously.

Watch his Daredevil movie. You'll understand.
I did. Still don't get it. Great actors do bad movies. It's called a paycheck.

So, wait. You concede the movie was bad, then you don't understand why people would be wary of his involvement in other movies of the same genre? Huh?
So, wait. You concede the movie was bad, then you don't understand why people would be wary of his involvement in other movies of the same genre? Huh?

Yes because he has proven he is capable much beyond Daredevil. It's not even the first time he's playing Batman!?
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Yes because he has proven he is capable much beyond Daredevil. It's not even the first time he's playing Batman!?

He has only produced failures in this specific genre. What he's done in others is irrelevant. Just as a game developer can make really good racing games but awful RPGs, so too can a director be really good at drama films but awful at superhero movies.
Worst Batman....EVER! they had to digitally change his voice.... why not just get a actor that can play Batman and sound like Batman and not a school girl?

Batman VS Superman was the worst movie I recall seeing in 2016
He has only produced failures in this specific genre. What he's done in others is irrelevant. Just as a game developer can make really good racing games but awful RPGs, so too can a director be really good at drama films but awful at superhero movies.

Acting matters and he is a good actor. The director is to blame for Daredevil, not Affleck. Same guy who did Ghost Rider.
Acting matters and he is a good actor. The director is to blame for Daredevil, not Affleck. Same guy who did Ghost Rider.

He's actually limited, that is why his best films are those of limited roles. He excels at playing the angry townie with an accent or the emotionless agent. There are very few instances where he's had success when venturing away from his formula. He's not bad to be fair, there are a lot worse though he didn't help himself when his ego blew up during those Gigli and Jlo days lmao. He's turning it around with his directing though, more emotionless angry townie guys... except Argo who is an emotionless agent guy. lol
He's actually limited, that is why his best films are those of limited roles. He excels at playing the angry townie with an accent or the emotionless agent. There are very instances where he's had success when venturing away from his formula. He's not bad to be fair, there are a lot worse though he didn't help himself when his ego blew up during those Gigli and Jlo days lmao. He's turning it around with his directing though, more emotionless angry townie guys... except Argo who is an emotionless agent guy. lol

Perfect for Batman.

The character isn't that deep.
Perfect for Batman.

The character isn't that deep.

He isn't the best at comic book hero movies. That's why he himself declined to direct the next installment. Not sure you are understanding the man's decision.
He isn't the best at comic book hero movies. That's why he himself declined to direct the next installment. Not sure you are understanding the man's decision.

The man declined because he is under a microscope and wants to focus 100% on acting. Makes sense to me. I'm sure he feels the weight of the world and if he messes this up it could mean his career. Just look at George Clooney.