Benchmark Reviews link on front page.

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Sep 3, 2004
Just wanted to toss something out there. I'm not often critical of this site, and really this isn't a criticism so much as a heads up. The Benchmark Reviews article on the Logitech Cordless Desktop linked from the front page reads like an infomercial. There was no reviewing, just canned photos and basically a cut and paste job directly from Logitech's promotional materials. Given the [H]'s hands-on, thorough review process I was a bit surprised to see you guys linking such a blatant advertisement posing as a review. I'm assuming the review wasn't looked over thoroughly and you guys have some sort of traffic agreements with the sites you do link (and there's nothing wrong with that at all), but I just thought I would bring it up because I know how hard you guys work to avoid that review process and I wasn't sure if you were aware of it.
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I just happened to stumble onto this thread my accident, but I am glad that I did.

nigerian_businessman, I'm glad you made it over to my site, and read my review of the Logitech mouse and keyboard. While I can see your point of view, I am curious why you wouldn't offer feedback to the author (me), as well? It's difficult to improve something if you go and talk about it to an affiliate. Like I said, it was accidental that I even found this.

So regarding the review, which was comprised of four pages, I did in fact use many of the media kit images. While I did place some of my own, their's were much better, and somehow managed to avoid the glare from lighting.

The content is both my review opinions, and their media footnotes. While it would be difficult to fill four pages of a mouse and keyboard review with my opinion alone, some of their own media info was added. Sure, their marketing material is apparent, so perhaps I could reward some of it will my own spin.

I looked around this site for a similar review, but no luck. Perhaps if I knew exactly what you were looking for in a keyboard and mouse review, I would be able to improve future reviews. Any and all feedback is welcome.
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