BenQ 2400W fried?


Apr 10, 2005
Long story short: roommate uses computer over weekend, claims there was a lightening storm, monitor doesn't want to display anything other than "Signal Not Found!" (my monitor is plugged into a shop-quality surge protector, which was turned off during the storm).

The frustrating thing is that the monitor knows when the DVI cable is plugged in. If I plug/unplug the DVI cable, the display goes from showing "signal not found" to "cable unplugged." I know it's not my videocard because the same thing happens when I plug the monitor into my MBP.

Thoughts? I'm going to try it in HDMI after work to see what happens. Did my roommate somehow put it in sleep mode or something? Anyone with this monitor want to chime in?

Thanks in advance.
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Try your VGA and HDMI connections out.

If both work with your MBP and PC then it's definitely the screen. Call them up and claim it under warranty, if it turns out to be faulty.

Do you think your friend fried your screen somehow?
Seems to be something with the DVI port on my monitor. I attached a DVI ---> HDMI adapter to my DVI cable and plugged it in to my monitor's HDMI port and everything works fine.

What do you guys think? Hard power reset somehow reset everything to factory defaults or something? Don't know how this could have happened.
Seems to be something with the DVI port on my monitor. I attached a DVI ---> HDMI adapter to my DVI cable and plugged it in to my monitor's HDMI port and everything works fine.

What do you guys think? Hard power reset somehow reset everything to factory defaults or something? Don't know how this could have happened.

I think your room mate did something to screw up the DVI port. I mean they don't just fail mysteriously for no reason, and there is no way that a power surge would fry a DVI port anyways. Not to mention, if the power strip was off, then the surge wouldn't have hit the monitor anyways. He probably knocked it over, tried to yank the cord out, or something like that. I would put money on it.
Wow. I had the exact same problem with mine. A friend at my house was using my V2400W when I went to sleep and the next day when I get up I had the same issue you have. I ended up sending it to BenQ and they sent it back working, not sure what they did to it exactly. So you might as well send it. But even now once and awhile (rarely) I still have an issue with DVI, it will say 'no signal', but there definitely is one. I usually end up unplugging the DVI cable and turning off and unplugging power to the monitor. Sometimes I have to do it two or three times to get it working again. But it's never permanent like it was when I had to ship it back.

Now last week the same bullshit happened again, same person used it when I wasn't around and now I had a different problem with it. The auto-adjusting wasn't working for some reason. In Windows with the res set at 1920x1200, I would have black bars across all four sides, and fuzzyness. With PS3, games that would always go into full-screen automatically weren't anymore. PS3 games still worked fine, I was having problems with PS2 games and downloaded games that I never had before, so something was definitely up. I sent it back to BenQ again yesterday. Any ideas what happened?
Now last week the same bullshit happened again, same person used it when I wasn't around and now I had a different problem with it. The auto-adjusting wasn't working for some reason.

Auto adjust is automatically disabled when you are using DVI. That's the case on all monitors. It's only used for VGA connection. The bars around the image seems like a simple setting.
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