BenQ E2200HD only sold at one store?


Aug 29, 2008
was this monitor just released for a short time i can find it any where except BenQs site

Is there and upgraded model that took its place

I really want a 1080p monitor with HDMI so 21.5 is perfect but seem to find it cheaper than there site lists it
Nope, no there is no newer model.

Hmmm.... I see what you mean. It used to be on and, but now it's on neither. But it's probably best to buy direct from BenQ anyways just for the extra sense of security.
sometimes companies will make exactly the same thing with a few changes (such as a different model number) so that box stores do not have to price match competitive smaller retailers.

the reason for this could be something similar, such as not pissing the box stores off by undercutting their prices with a certain model on the on-line company store.

change bezel and model longer the same thing!
Their availability is good in Finland. Not many stores have them, but it certainly is available. Just ordered mine last sunday, should be getting it tomorrow.
btw, my previous monitors are 2x IBM G74 17" CRT, 1024x768. For some reason I decided that buying a new display wasn't worth it when I bought my PC 2 years ago :D
I don't know about other countries but in US I was told so by BenQ.
Well I'm in the U.S. and several weeks ago it was being sold on Newegg. It was also being sold at up until a few days ago. I have no idea why they stopped.
I personally think it's safer to buy directly from manufacturer.
I agree.