BenQ FP241W Humming


Apr 22, 2008
I just got my BenQ FP241W yesterday and image quality wise it's perfect for me in every way. The only minor problem I've found is a faint humming noise coming from the monitor when set below 75% brightness, is this normal for this LCD? does anyone else's FP241W do this or is it completely silent even with your ear up close?

I'll probably forget about it over time but for now it's quite annoying, just wondering if it's common or worth getting an replacement.
My FP241VW does the exact same thing. I've read about it going away for some people after time. We'll see.

The humming, along with a few pixel defects particular to mine, are going to cause me to return mine.
Hmm, so it's not just mine then. I'm still undecided whether to go for a replacement or refund. Apart from the humming this monitor is perfect, it'd be a shame to have to go back to trying to find a decent monitor. I know I said I'd probably forget about it over time but it seems to be getting more annoying as time progresses...

So there's no one that can say their FP241W doesn't hum?