BenQ V2400W Broken - Need New Monitor


Limp Gawd
Sep 28, 2008
About 3 years ago when I got my new comeputer I needed a monitor and decided to get the BenQ V2400W. It was a really good monitor out of the box imo and I got it for a good price. But my little brother broke it somehow, probably through something at it! :mad: Now I need a new monitor quickly. Had a quick look and have no idea which one to get! Dont have the time now to look at all the differnt ones and reviews, I need some help.

What would you reccomend as a replacment for the BenQ V2400W?

Thanks for the reply but not to keen on ASUS. :\ Any other suggestions?
Acer has 3 year warranty. Its my monitor of choice for work computers. BenQ, I bought one of those a long time ago and it lasted 4 months. Support was a joke, and couldn't get an rma.
I need a monitor that will be good straight out of the box, like the V2400W.