BenQ V2400W perfect panel-need to sell due to eye disease


Aug 6, 2006
If anyone is interested, I have a mint condition, barely used, no dead or stuck pixels V2400W. This monitor is perfect and I loved it for gaming, but I am in my 40's and recently was diagnosed with a serious eye disease and having trouble reading small text. So I had to buy a larger 27" monitor with lower resolution of 1920x1080 so I can read webpages. At first I was going to put the V2400W on ebay, then I decided it was too nice of a monitor and I would keep it till my kids get old enough for a computer. After seeing knowlegeable people on this site wanting this great monitor, if you have paypal and email me a good offer, I would consider selling it and you would have no worries about bad pixels since this panel is perfect. Email me at [email protected] if interested.
I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure this thread belongs in the "for sale/ trade" section.
Yeah, this should be posted in the "For Sale / Trade" section of the forum.

Sorry to hear about your eye disease. I suppose there is no corrective surgery (at least affordable surgery) for condition.
That didn't work, it said I need 50 posts before I can post in for sale??
Well I guess this makes about 10
AMD is not the computer chip company, I wish.

Age related Macular Degeneration

I am only 44, my grandfather was blind in early 50's so I am not too happy.
Hope they can cure this in 10 years, I hear now they give you shots in your eyeballs, scary.
Isnt there a font enlargening function in windows, for those with bad sight? Makes text in pretty much everything larger.
Yes, but it pretty much screws up webpages since the words are bigger than the pictures and you can't fit a lot on the screen at once, kind of like browsing from your cell phone, a pain. The best solution is just to keep buying larger monitors every year. This year 27", next few years probably need 30", then go to 32" HDTV or something.
Save the time and money and go straight to +40" HDTV. :D Ah well, in any case, good luck with the sale.