BenQ V2400W User Reviews @ [H]Forum

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Pick me as a reviewer because I am perfectly happy with my current monitor, and I don't really need an upgrade. I would give an objective review from the perspective of both an avid gamer and artist. When I complete the review, and I don't absolutely love it, I'll send it back.
My vote goes to ToastyX as he is an invaluable monitor resource for this site.
BenQ is a company I have always been curious about. With there branding and roots in Acer its exciting to see them become a household name.
The V series monitor is so elegant and smooth on the outside. The curves and asymmetrical lines come together to form an extraordinary yet simple monitor.
Let’s hope that its picture quality is representative of the company and the energy put into its kinetic design.
I would love to contribute a review to [H]ardOCP on the V2400W. I think my passion for technology and attention to details will help anyone desiring such a product.
You should pick me because I use a Dell 2407FPW everyday and have been for the last 2 years. I know a good monitor when I see one because I have been through about 10 of them. I will be able to compare it completely and fairly to Dell to see if it can trump it or not.
I am a long time member of these forums and contributed to the testing of the Killer NIC article in Austin. I am a Test Engineer with Dell and would be able to provide a critical eye towards the monitor. Also, I would be able to directly compare it against the new Dell 2408WFP.

System Specs: Intel Q6600@3GHz, XFX 790i Ultra, 2x2GB Patriot Viper DDR3, BFG 8800GTS OC2, Vista Ultimate 64.

Why should you pick me? That is a great question. While I don't have anywhere near the knowledge or experience as other forums members when it comes to monitors, I consider myself an articulate person when it come to writing reviews for products and I try to be as objective as possible when looking at products I'm writing about. I consider myself to be an enthusiastic writer that always tries to add some personality and uniqueness to his reviews. I try to make my reviews sound like I'm putting a lot of emotion and thought into each line. If I'm picked (even if I'm not probably) I will do extensive research about different monitors and learn as much as I can to help me write a competent review that will do myself, the product, and this community justice.
I have many different platforms in which to test the new monitor out with. From PCs, to Macs, to XBox360s and PS3s. I do a fair amount of photo and video editing in Photoshop and Premiere. I also have a grand time of games that range anywhere from FPS to RTS and TBS.
I can test it in many different environments such as a home office and to a corporate environments. I can do a comparison between LCD and CRTs (some of us old dinosaurs still use CRTs T_T).
I promise to thoroughly test the monitor and let the community know if BenQ products are as strong as Samsonite. Sharp objects, 800lb gorillas, and tall buildings may be used during my evaluation.
I have been very reluctant to make the move to a flat panel monitor for my workstation because I've been addicted to the responsiveness and image quality of my 21" Trinitron flat CRT. What does this monitor have that will win me over, other than more real estate?
I should review these monitors because I stare at some kind of a monitor 15 hours out of a 24 hour day. I know what it takes for a monitor to perform well. I calibrate medical grade monitors as part of my job. I also know what it takes for a monitor to perform well under demanding gaming and media conditions. I am eloquent, articulate, and descriptive and will give a damn funny review.
I'm a big gamer/musician and my wife is a pro blogger. I think between the two of us we would cover a good deal of testing types just by going about our daily routine. My wife would care about the text clarity and how easy it is on her eyes, I would explore the gaming and use the extra real estate for my composition where I need multiple windows open at the same time.
Pick Me because i will lie and make up all kinds of fablous information to seem like i can do a good review:)
but in the end im just a greedy bastard that wants a monitor:=)
I would be a perfect choice for reviewing this monitor. I worked for eight years in the computer retail management, making sure that my customers got the best products for the money. I refused to sell crap,no matter how hard the company tried to push it on the customer.

Currently I am a student working to get my teaching license, a gamer, computer enthusiast and a photographer. I can put it through a wide range of real world tests and let the readers know exactly how this monitor is, or is not, going to benefit them.
I currently own a 22" BenQ monitor at home and I'm very happy with it. At home I use monitor for HD DVD playback, Blu-ray playback, video editing, photo editing, gaming, and other computer tasks. I have high-end monitor calibration sensor and software that I use all the time. I also manage hardware for my company and I have worked with dozens of LCD monitors over the years. I have a BA in English and I write well. I have done other product reviews like this one:

Finally, I'm a huge fan of K.Y. Lee, Jerry Wang, and BenQ as a company!
Not unlike many members here, I’ve been dabbling with computers almost since I could walk. Web design, photo editing, video editing, broadcast production, coding, gaming – you name it, myself, and by extension my monitor do it. I am currently pursuing a PhD in English, and I operate a small computer repair business to support myself. Before I opened my own company, I worked in retail for six years selling and repairing, among other things, CRT and LCD monitors. I promise to write an objective review and include several viewpoints from friends both older and younger than myself.
Pick me if you want someone to review the toughness of the monitor. I have allergies and I'm going to cough all over it and bang it around a bit as I move it from living room to computer room. Don't worry I'll clean up all my mess and try and bring it back in one piece.
Why me: because Im tough on Hardware and i know where the faults lie in most hardware I enjoy playing w/ new hardware and testing out their specs! :)
I've had many LCD monitors, since my old NEC 19" and BenQ FP2091, Dell 1905, Dell 2001FP, Dell 2405, and now my NEC 20WMGX, I've always had an eye for quality, alot of my in between monitors didn't last long due to quality issues. so I think I can review a monitor with the right intentions. I use my monitor for games, movies , 3d design, video editing, and some photoshop.(wide range of applications!)
I have a Dell 2405 FPW monitor and would like to compare it with the BenQ monitor. It should be an interesting comparison since today's LCD displays should be able to hold their own with it.
I do not believe LCD technology to be superior to CRT technology. For one, response time does not come close to the performance of refresh rate. Second, LCD colors are washed out and digital. My LaCIE Diamondtron monitor, with Fine Picture Mode, displays colors in a lush fashion. My games look like beautiful oil paintings. Want to convert my opinion BenQ? I'll give you an honest review.
You should pick me, because as an IT Director, I evaluate and purchase many products. Monitors are obviously a serious point of failure (at least at my business) and are replaced frequently. When you are dealing with hundreds of displays, some four to six years old, we are always looking for the best model to replace the failures with.

I feel that I could write an honest, in depth review.


I think I should be picked because I'm black.(affirmative action?) If you want a brother's point of view of what is really good in the hood, I can be that voice. Can this sell in urban environments? What would a person think of this monitor if they have no idea what refresh/response rate is? I can extrapolate that for you. And just so that we're clear on this, I'm a heavy PC user. I've owned various different LCD's since my first one, the Dell 1800FP back in like 2000. I used to have a Gateway HD2400 but it's terrible black-light bleeding made me return its sexy glossiness. I now have a decent Dell 2208FPW with a TN panel that I am happy with. I have one of those fancy business degrees in MIS, and I work for a hospital installing tons of LCD's, PC's, and PC related equipment. There's more to a monitor than its specs and performance. What about extra features, aesthetics, accessibility, etc etc?

I am a college grad and have been a [H]ard member since 2000 or so. I do some editorial writing, and can definitely post my review on the website I write for, Shoutwire, after confirmation from either camp if needed. Lastly, I am in the market for a 24in LCD and this Benq might be my next purchase... depending on the reviews of course. =)
My wife, 3yr old and I play lots of games on our computer. We can't afford a larger or newer monitor because my son as an affection for computers and would probably ruin it. I think i would be a good candidate because I could examine it from a gamers point of view, my son from a destructive and durability pov and my wife from a cleaning and maintenance pov. My wife games all day while I'm at work and I game all night so it would definitely be getting a work out.
Should I be selected to test the monitor, I plan on using it as my office/business monitor (using Photoshop, web design, some video editing, some gaming) in the darker office, and testing it on my HTPC to replace the aging 480p CRT (viewing Media Center television, watching movies, playing games) in the brighter living room. I may dig up a way to test my Wii on it as well
Discerning People want Quality, Value and above all Fair Representation. With that in Mind, I believe I can best surreptitiously analyse, and succinctly describe the optimum Qualities that we as [H]ard Readers have come to expect in our Gear. If I am chosen, I will be honest, and with a Callous eye toward Quality and Color Representation give a most Valuable report on this fine Monitor. So in summation, Choose me as your Reviewer, and we will "Seek the Truth" together!
I would like to review this as I am in the IT field for a very large business and see many different models of LCD and am always looking for the best model for my own needs as well as the needs of the business. I also used to sell large displays professionally
Won’t letting the user buy the monitor for 350 off MSRP slant the reviews?

Anyway I wouldn't mind reviewing the monitor. A bad display will make the best computer in the world unbearable to use and believe a lot of users skimp on what is the primary human - computer interface.

Primary use: Photo work / video / programming

I own two other 24' LCDs (Samsung-dell branded and an Acer one). I'll be able to give people comparisons to both of those in gameplay and media editing.
I would like to review this display as I could give a good perspective from a "financial user's" point of view. I currently use a 24" gateway display in my role as a financial research analyst, but also use it in conjunction with my other rig to game, stream movies, etc.

I can review the BenQ for both gaming and media applications, as well as for day to day "work usage". I can also compare this unit to my current display, the 24" gateway.
You want people to buy your new product? Convince me it is a worthy product and I'll write in clear and vivid language that the slimmest, sleekest 24" LCD by BenQ is worth your dollar.

If it's mediocre, pick one these other cross-eyed yahoos, not me.

I've always been suspicious of BenQ's shuttering technology and prediction algorithms (impressed that I know these things, eh?) but I also think that BenQ is light years ahead of the competition in getting their alternative practices to market, affordably and with a cutting edge style that appeals to its market. Now this gimmick...I like the effort, it keeps them in my mind as a choice.
I should be chosen because of my excellent writing ability and the fact that I have a BenQ on my desk at the office and on my desk at home!
I'm a gamer who can build and tweak a computer but monitors is where my knowledge is slim.

I can review from the perspective of someone who's largest monitor to date is 19" and share the view of a end user learning the ins and outs, pros and cons, ease of setup and if it made any difference in my gaming experience from somewhat of a beginners POV.
I should be granted the opportunity to review this monitor because it would be a pleasure to help further the name of BenQ making quality products. This monitor's style right off the bat is attractive which that alone would justify paying 499$. To review this monitor would be a small token of appreciation that BenQ would extend to me and have me only pay a small fraction of the cost for this new piece of hardware that would adorn my desk, and mystify my mind during gaming.
I would be a good choice to review this monitor due to my past experience evaluating products and providing independent quality assurance testing for Motorola, Logitech, and Jabra. I am not employed by or affiliated with any organization that would provide a conflict of interest or prevent me from offering an honest review. I would also be using the product as my primary display for a number of uses including gaming, photo editing, and general office use. This would enable me to provide a relevant real world review.
Pick me because I invented the current testing methodology for testing monitor input lag. I obviously know how to test monitors and I obviously have too much time on my hands.
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