Best < $100 video card?


Sep 23, 2004
My 60 year old father had shown some interest in getting a video card for his PC (it's quite nice, a DUO dual core running vista etc...) but after I had told him decent cards start around $200 and he lost all interest in getting one. Are there any OK video cards around this price range? He has the game WoW I think... he read somewhere that he could make $ selling items... but otherwise I don't think he's much of a gamer so he wouldn't need like 15,000 3dmark06 points.
My 60 year old father had shown some interest in getting a video card for his PC (it's quite nice, a DUO dual core running vista etc...) but after I had told him decent cards start around $200 and he lost all interest in getting one. Are there any OK video cards around this price range? He has the game WoW I think... he read somewhere that he could make $ selling items... but otherwise I don't think he's much of a gamer so he wouldn't need like 15,000 3dmark06 points.

Lol, if he is not a gamer, and has no interest in WoW, he won't lvl high enough to sell items :rolleyes:
Anyway, I would browse the forums here, you might be able to find something used and quite nice in that price range.
I'd like to avoid used i think. I bought a card on here a while back and it died on me within just 6 months.
I'd like to avoid used i think. I bought a card on here a while back and it died on me within just 6 months.

Well, if his motherboard is PCI-e, search newegg. X800xl, it is what I have for now, is less than $100 on there. It is quite nice, runs wow really smooth, and ran LOTRO and STALKER quite well, worth the money.
I saw a thread in hot deals for a X850 XT for like $60 shipped. That would still be a pretty good card.