Best 19" LCD Monitors?


Mar 7, 2005
Going to be grabbing two 19 inchers for Christmas, but I really don't know what's the best/worst/whatever right now. I have been doing some looking around, though.

I'd like to keep total price under 700 dollars. I'll mostly be doing gaming and some image editing/design work with this set-up.
i'd have to say the Samsung 930b for a 19". Good looks, good price and a reliable panel.

now that the suggestion is out of the way... i would suggest not getting a 19" lcd. reason being, i don't know that i've seen any 19" lcds running any higher than 1280x1024, which is just the same res as a typical 17" lcd stretched 2" diagonally, which, to me, distorts the image. My recommendation for not getting 19"s: get two really great 17"s or throw in some extra cash and get two Dell 20"s (the 1600x1200 4:3 panel or the 1680x1050 16:10 panel), or just get a single 24" dell panel on sale.

happy shopping :)
1280x1024 on 17" LCDs? reading texts on that really makes a painful experience. 1280x1024 is perfectly fine with 19 inchers, and it does not "distort" the image. the image will only be distorted if you are not using native LCD resolusion.
Honestly the viewsonic VP191b or VP930b. The 191b is one of the best if not the best LCD 19" to game on. The 930b is the sister of the 191b with a different panel but mostly the same specs. People I Know with a 930b love it but I have heard of some backlight issues with it.
I have been researching LCD montiors for the past month or two with an eye toward upgrading from my current POS 17" CRT monitor that I've had for 3 years now. I just ordered a viewsonic vp930b from TODAY and I should have it Thursday. This one is the replacement/successor to the vp191b which got such good reviews at toms hardware and
Looking at the prices of the LCDs you guys recommend, it appears I would need to stretch my budget even more than I intended to get a nice dual 19" setup.

Would I be better off going with 2 of the best 17" monitors I can get, or a decently priced pair of 19" monitors?
Damn, I may have to look into that :D

How reputable are they?

Edit: Wow. Newegg has it for 275, shipping included.

I'm going to do some research into this one.
Well I told you what one of the best 19" lcds is on the market why spend less money???? I decent 17" lcd is around $200-300 so I really wonder how great a $250 19" is lol.
GForce64 said:
Damn, I may have to look into that :D

How reputable are they?

Edit: Wow. Newegg has it for 275, shipping included.

I'm going to do some research into this one.

Good company and really decent prices on a lot of things. I got that LCD monitor from them shipped overnight with no hassle at all.
computerdude said:
Good company and really decent prices on a lot of things. I got that LCD monitor from them shipped overnight with no hassle at all.

You have it yet?
Have any of the high-end stuff recommended here to compare image quality to? Any dead pixels or light bleeding?
GForce64 said:
Have any of the high-end stuff recommended here to compare image quality to? Any dead pixels or light bleeding?

No dead pixels or bleeding at all. Not a refurbished or recondtioned monitor, it's a factory fresh with full 3yr warranty.
At this point, I'd say it's excellent 17" vs. decent 19" set-up. I'd like to know how much of a quality difference there is, and which you would go with in my situation.
GForce64 said:
At this point, I'd say it's excellent 17" vs. decent 19" set-up. I'd like to know how much of a quality difference there is, and which you would go with in my situation.

Look at the specs and the price and make your decision but I like the best bang for the buck 19" 12ms 500:1 contrast ratio for $249... :D