Best 2.1 PC Speakers???

Jan 11, 2007
Hi everyone,

I'd like to know what are the best 2.1 PC speaker set currently available? Please don't tell me that I would be better off with non-PC speakers, I know that. I don't want to spend a fortune on this so I need PC speakers. I currently own Logitech's Z-5500 and used to own the Z-680. I recently moved all "entertainment" through my PS3, so 5.1 is no longer needed in the computer room. All I need is 2.1 for mp3s.

I'm exposed to a lot of high-end stuff so I want the best that I can get, as far as PC speakers go. I was thinking Klipsch's ProMedia 2.1 but then I read on CNET that Logitech's Z-2300 were quite good. I'm kinda reluctant to buy Logitech again since I was not impressed with Z-5500. So if the 2300 sound anything like the Z-5500... no thank you.
The 200 dollar Logitech 2.1's or the Klipsch Promedia 2.1's

Nothing is better than those 2.
Klipsch Promedia +4 :p

I have heard very good things about these buggers, I would look into the rzer mako.

You all are making space a sad panda.

Just say no to pc speakers by klipsch, creative, razor, logitech, etc.

Use common sense and get a real stereo. Little tichy speakers = little tichy sound.
You all are making space a sad panda.

Just say no to pc speakers by klipsch, creative, razor, logitech, etc.

Use common sense and get a real stereo. Little tichy speakers = little tichy sound.
He said he doesnt want to buy a real stereo. For how much klipsch and the razor speakers cost you cant get a stereo that will sound as good.
Those razor makos are just like Logitech speakers with their 150hz crossovers, the midbass leaks into the sub which distorts the sound.

Klipsch Promedia 2.1 officially ended the game. Best all around buy... period.

Ok now I am getting pissed off. What is wrong with some of you? NO. They suck. They sound terrible and they break easily. Why spend the same $$ on bad gear when you could get something decent?

Do you go to a titty bar and give all of your $$ to the ugliest woman there?

No offense, spaceman, and I know you've got a long following around here, but you ain't got the ears of a God. What 'sounds' best or better to you doesn't mean they'll 'sound' best or better to anyone else. With 6 votes for the Klipsch and your one constant line of bitching about "PC speakers," maybe it'd be better if you just avoided us "low end" folk and went back to doing whatever it is you do.

The fact that you so bluntly stated:

I don't care what he wants.

officially turned you into a troll in this thread.

Sure there's better, sure you can pay more, sure you can get better quality. But the OP's question and post was pretty god damned explicitly clear to myself and some others it seems, but you don't care, remember?

6 votes to 1, and I'd hazard to say if more people participate it'll go <N> to 1 in favor of the Klipsch.

I can't comprehend why you'd get pissed, but that admission itself is a sure sign that perhaps it's time to move on...
Go ahead. Enjoy the volume knob. It is a real pleasure.

You know why I get pissed? It is because I know better. Straight up. I don't need ears to say that the klipsch is a bad idea. They BREAK constantly. I could be DEAF and tell you that.

No offense, spaceman, and I know you've got a long following around here, but you ain't got the ears of a God. What 'sounds' best or better to you doesn't mean they'll 'sound' best or better to anyone else. With 6 votes for the Klipsch and your one constant line of bitching about "PC speakers," maybe it'd be better if you just avoided us "low end" folk and went back to doing whatever it is you do.

Well, that's not because they simply sound the best. It's because compared to audio forums, [H] is really quite low on the expectations scale, so don't fault spaceman for saying what he's saying. He's simply trying to promote the real stuff. Coming from PC speakers, I have a soft spot for the point he's trying to make. Also, just because they're not PC speakers doesn't mean they're fucking expensive. Some people think that a pair of bookshelves will burn a $1000 hole in their pocket. It doesn't have to be that way!
I realize this. I won't go into my background as that's a bit of a cop-out, suffice to say I've been dealing with "high end" audio hardware since 1976 or so, and yes, I would agree that there are better speakers available, but spaceman's track there was just about to cross over that fine line - and he did cross it in that last post of his - by saying in a roundabout way "I'm better than you" by actually saying "I know better." That's what I was afraid would happen, and it did. Just because he thinks something doesn't make it true.

To be honest, I own some Klipsch Promedia 2.1 speakers. They ain't broke, they sound great, and they are more than adequate for any multimedia purposes for anyone. If a person wants better, then that person needs to go out and demo speakers for themselves, obviously. Take some demo material that you know by heart and listen for what sounds best to your ears. I seriously doubt anyone around here, including spaceman, would disagree with the statement that the individual has to decide what's best for themselves with audio equipment.

Hell, if public opinion (from your average Joe, that is - not me) were involved, everyone would be buying Bose, wouldn't they? ;)

To the OP: I personally believe the Klipsch Promedia 2.1 is an outstanding bargain that does what they're designed for more than adequately, and as apparently noted, I'm not alone in that opinion. But you'll still have to decide for yourself.

The simplest rule of thumb: you'll never know just how good audio equipment is until you hear something that's a whole lot better. You can own something for years and love it to death, then suddenly "hear" something else, some other speakers or an entirely different audio system, and suddenly realize "Wait a second, how come my hardware doesn't have that response?" and... well... the running joke with audio hardware is it's a very expensive hobby. :)

THINKING won't get you far with audio hardware. LISTENING does.
Ok now I am getting pissed off. What is wrong with some of you? NO. They suck. They sound terrible and they break easily. Why spend the same $$ on bad gear when you could get something decent?

Do you go to a titty bar and give all of your $$ to the ugliest woman there?

Spaceman - You know the Wolf is with you. We've discussed these issues in lots of threads before. Hell, just check my sig. However, if the OP wants a little 2.1 setup then he can't go wrong with the Klipsch. I had mine for about 5 years before they died. The 4.1 and 5.1 Klipsch are notorious for breaking down. Of course, once I discovered the pure bliss of a real audio rig there was no going back. :D

EDIT: That Swan system you referenced is a good one. M-Audio used to sell a 2.1, but I don't remember the name.
Some recommendations on non-PC audio gear less than $300 that sounds better then the Klipsch Promedia maybe?
I can tell you what I replaced my ProMedia set with. Very happy with the results.

Polk R150 bookshelf speakers ($50 from Fry's)
Yamaha YST-SW215 subwoofer ($85 from Ebay)
Sonic Impact T-amp ($50 from Parts Express)
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The T-amp output goes to the high-level inputs on the sub. The high-pass output from the sub goes to the Polk's.
The T-amp is excellent. Emotiva's BPA-1 is another good amp.

Yes, the Emotiva is excellent, but its a mission and a half to even find one now that it's discontinued =\

Another one is the Dayton APA150, which by looks, functionality, and in paper, is an exact replica of the Emotiva BPA-1.

I ordered a pair of Klipsch RB-61 bookshelfs last week and is at the back of the UPS delivery truck at the moment, I am excited :D
Do you go to a titty bar and give all of your $$ to the ugliest woman there?


ahhh (scratching head) was dark!! OK

6 votes to 1,

+1 for Klipsch


To be honest, I own some Klipsch Promedia 2.1 speakers. They ain't broke, they sound great, and they are more than adequate for any multimedia purposes for anyone. THINKING won't get you far with audio hardware. LISTENING does.

Yes, I enjoy my Promedias as well. They have been selling since when? Yes, common sense says that getting a Real stereo setup is better but you have to abide but what the OP wants. If you don't want to give it to em, then give it at the titty bar:D

I think i do know how annoyed u feel. I am annoyed with myself somewhat as I really don't want to settle for a computer speakers but wanting to invest in a real setup. I am just glad I am not the only one who may be troubled by this:D
Pair of Polk Monitor 30 bookshelf speakers: $90

Onkyo TX-8222 Stereo Receiver: $90

This would sound much better than a 2.1. Add a small subwoofer and it'll destroy any 2.1 system.

Great recommendation. I just have one question, why would u need to get the T-Amp if your gonna get that receiver? is it because it is a 2 channel receiver..therefore doesn't have a subwoofer pre-out or something..or basically a low pass filter (sorry if I am using the terms incorrectly)
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my vote also goes to the swan m10 (or the new m12). best 2.1 setup for the pc you can get for $100 (bar none), and can be comparable to some other brands costing several hundred, if not more, imo. they sounded quite a bit better to me than the klipsch pro media 2.1 when I auditioned them. though the klipsch's are still pretty good. they had a similar sound signature compared to my older logitech speakers, though. good luck in your search!
Lol accusations of trolling when the OP hasn't even responded to his own thread.

I should start a thread: "Best soundcard????"
Great recommendation. I just have one question, why would u need to get the T-Amp if your gonna get that receiver? is it because it is a 2 channel receiver..therefore doesn't have a subwoofer pre-out or something..or basically a low pass filter (sorry if I am using the terms incorrectly)
You wouldn't need a T-amp if you choose a receiver. I'd take a receiver over an amp because of all the expansion options. That Onkyo is a steal at that price!
Actually, I've been reading it!

Thank you for all your reponse. I will have to go with the ProMedia 2.1 since I don't the time nor the energy to start reading on a nice 2.1 setup with REAL speakers and an amp. I plan on investing most of my time and energy on researching for the best home theater system for my living room.

Once again... thank you everyone. I simply wanted something to replace my Z-5500, which sound pretty bad.
Had to replace my klipsh pro media 2.0 due to failure after about 3 months. Pathetic for the price.
Had to replace my klipsh pro media 2.0 due to failure after about 3 months. Pathetic for the price.

Yes, that's too soon... I had 5.1 THX Klipsch set for couple of years before they went tits up... They did sound good, but no more Klipsch for me.
Meh the Promedia 2.1s are ancient, if you buy them you do risk a higher rate of failure since they haven't been in production for years.
One person complains some speakers died in months, another makes a broad sweep against older equipment... stuff dies, period. Age is rarely a factor in the lifespan of electronic hardware, as a matter of fact. I've had brand new out of the box stuff not even function, and I've had hardware last decades beyond what others would consider a "normal" lifespan for the given type of device/product.

The Promedia 2.1 set is still made to this day by Klipsch; they've never gone out of production yet and are still sold direct and at retailers like Best Buy, Circuit City, Fry's, etc. Not sure what that poster is smoking but, that ain't quite the truth about 'em being old and outdated.

Someone says they want to buy speakers and some people toss out entirely different options that along with speakers can become useful. Geez... the OP said he was going with the Klipsch Promedia 2.1, so be it.

"Can't we all just get along?"
Bought the ProMedia 2.1's way back when i had no idea what good sound was, and recently replaced them with a old Pioneer receiver and 2 old Polk RT3 bookshelfs. Let me tell you, the only person who should be buying "pc specific" speakers are those who just dont know any better. These Polk's absolutely destroy those pathetic Klipsch's in every way. Finally I have a discernible sound stage, and frequency response that the "Pro"Media's could only dream of.

Listen to the people in this thread telling you to stay away from "pc specific" speakers, they truly are crap.
got my promedia 2.1's 2 years ago refurb off ebay for 20+15 shipping... best deal ever =) and no problems
Swans M10. I would even take it over Mr. Wolf's suggestion of the Onkyo+Polk combo.
No chance. I've heard the M10. It's a very nice sounding compact unit but nowhere near as good as a receiver + speakers + subwoofer system. Of course, none of it matters since the OP chose the Klipsch Promedias. Enjoy!!!!