best $200 lcd?


May 15, 2009
looking for a 22"+ LCD that has the best features and specs. it's just time to put my 19" westy to a rest.

Alternative: Acer X/H233H (X lacks built-in speakers, H includes them). 23" TN sporting 1920x1080 @ 60Hz NI goodness. Not only does it not have the color reproduction issues common in other TN panels, it also has some of the best *text* reproduction of any display (LCD or CRT). Finally, the H233H.bmid (the model I own) includes cables for all three video inputs (DVI-D dual-link, D-sub, and HDMI) and an analog audio-input cable for the built-in speakers.


Best Buy (where I bought mine):
Don't Acer monitors tend to die and have poor QC in general? most people I know that had Acer LCD's had them die after a year or so, if not sooner.
BenQ V2400W on BenQ's website use promo code V2400 it is only $299
Why getting a 22" when you can get a 24"? I love my V2400W.

:cool: I just ordered one...can't wait to get it next week.

About the Acers, I used an Acer X223Wbd for about a week and found it to be a poor display in terms of image quality. It looked massively over saturated, and I couldn't fix it after adjusting the settings. I don't know if the X/H233H uses a different panel.

If the OP is stuck on getting a 22, I would say that Dell 2209WA is a good choice, though it isn't $200. It's $280. Still not a bad deal at all for what it is.
I was SO close to buying the 2209wa for $230, but I wanted to research other monitors before my purchase.. and then it goes up to full price lol. I guess I'll wait for another sale on it or something, unless someone feels like convincing me to get a different monitor.
Is the Dell 2209WA any good for gaming? Everything I see is that the IPS panels provide the best colors and such but I never hear much about response times & ghosting. I find it sad that my 5 year old Sylvania 15" LCD monitor doesn't ghost at all when my 22" murders the picture.
:cool: I just ordered one...can't wait to get it next week.

About the Acers, I used an Acer X223Wbd for about a week and found it to be a poor display in terms of image quality. It looked massively over saturated, and I couldn't fix it after adjusting the settings. I don't know if the X/H233H uses a different panel.

If the OP is stuck on getting a 22, I would say that Dell 2209WA is a good choice, though it isn't $200. It's $280. Still not a bad deal at all for what it is.

The X/H233H uses a different panel; the only commonality is that both are TN panels (23" vs. 22"). The X/H233H *is* set overly bright (I commented on that); however, that is commonplace among monitors in general (LCD or CRT) at their default settings (this is equally true of TVs); that is what the adjustments are for, after all (to set the monitor to suit).

Lastly, I have found that as good as IPS panels may be at color reproduction, they are actually *worse* than most TN panels at text clarity (however, the Hanns-G 25" TN is worse than even the worst IPS or other TN at text, and it's equally bad, even compared to other TN panels, at color reproduction). My gaming runs to strategy titles (and Burnout Paradise Ultimate Box), not shooters, especially with this monitor, for the simple reason that I have found no shooter other than Crysis supports widescreen, and I have neither enough CPU or GPU at present for Crysis. (On the other hand, my preferred strategy titles, Sins of a Solar Empiure, both with and without the Entrenchment add-on, and GalCiv2 Ultimate, explicitly support widescreen resolutions, such as 1920x1080 wihtout issues.)
You'd be a mad man not to buy the Dell 2209WA. The stand alone is worth it.

I'de have to agree. The dell ultrasharp stands beat most standard lcd stands :D

Is the Dell 2209WA any good for gaming? Everything I see is that the IPS panels provide the best colors and such but I never hear much about response times & ghosting. I find it sad that my 5 year old Sylvania 15" LCD monitor doesn't ghost at all when my 22" murders the picture.

Yes...though it has very very little input lag.....barely noticeable.
I'm also looking for a monitor in this price range, thanks for all the input.
2209WA can be run at 75 hz right? Doesn't that make it better than most displays for gaming (since most displays are 60hz)?
I recently purchased 2 Acer H223H monitors while they were on sale at BB for $180 each. I haven't owned an Acer LCD berfore so not sure if they'll die after one year but I'm sure it's happened. They both seem to work perfectly for gaming and text based applications.
I hate acer I bought a samsung 22 with the 2 ms responce for right around 200ish on sale cc a year or 2 b4 they died.The dells do always seem to be built better than most at least the ones I've owned.
Half of those are hacks... and I know of two semi-recent titles that shipped without widescreen support, they are called Farcry 2 and Bioshock, maybe you've heard of them? /devils advocate

However, Unreal Tournament 3 now supports both 1280x720 and 1920x1080 without hacks, and directly (apply both the Titan Pack *and* patch 5, in that order; patch 5 corrects a bug in the Titan Pack).

As far as FC2 goes, I'm actually surprised that it doesn't support at least 1280x720, let alone 1920x1080 (considering that Crysis/Warhead/Wars support both).
Sorry but IMHO Acer is far from Dell in terms of Quallity.Even i dont really like Dell
only few models including 2209WA ;)
Why I won't touch the Dell vs. Acer comparison, I own an Acer and it seems pretty capable for my usage... I also noticed it has a 3 year warranty so if according to the others it dies after a year no big deal, your covered. Also unlike most other manufacturers the bulb in mine is covered for the full three years as well, most are typically one year.

Anyone else read that?