Best 24" LCD for less than $400


Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 10, 2000
I am an avid gamer, mostly World of Warcraft but would also like some Video Inputs. I know newegg had 3 or 4 in my price range but I was wondering if there were any others that are good. Or of those that newegg has below $400 which is best.
I must stay below $400 however.

I watch alot of movies on my computer and I don't like the lack of detail in dark scenes with my current 22" Westy. I am pretty sure mine has a TN panel but I dont know if I can get anything better than a TN panel in my budget.
westinghouse. Component, composit, dvi, vga, svideo inputs. MVA panel. Looks considerably better than a TN.
Make sure to check the warrantees. Most Westinghouses have only one year vs. many other companies that offer a standard 3 year. How are they performance wise with games?
Make sure to check the warrantees. Most Westinghouses have only one year vs. many other companies that offer a standard 3 year. How are they performance wise with games?

bad... 30ms or so of input lag maybe a bit more. It's very noticeable. You'll have to settle for a TN if you want a serious gaming display.
So far so good with the Westinghouse as far as games is concerned.

I'd say go with it. Beautiful step-up from a TN. I used a 22'' TN before this myself and side-by-side the difference in terms of color reproduction is like night and day. It's beautiful, especially after calibration.

Beautiful design on these too. I'm diggin' the acrylic on the bottom. It's nice.

As per the warranty comment although you are right most of the time if a monitor is going to break down it will happen in the first 90 days. Or buy it on a credit card and get an extra year of warranty, if you're that worried. Read somewhere that applies to most credit card companies, or at least here in Canada it does.
bad... 30ms or so of input lag maybe a bit more. It's very noticeable. You'll have to settle for a TN if you want a serious gaming display.

I've been playing some FPS on mine quite a bit and I don't see any noticeable ghosting at all.

Numbers mean nothing if you can't notice it in my opinion.
The Soyo plays FPS like UT3 just fine without any ghosting that I've noticed, more than good enough for anyone................:D No noticeable input lag on it either.
The Soyo thread seems to be filled with alot of "wierd lines appeared" and "I'm now on my 2nd, 3rd, 4th unit" type posts...
Some have (earlier panels) had this issue, its sort of split on the problem, mine has been fine so far............:D I'm not worried at all really even if it does happen, just take it back to Office Max and get a new one........:eek:
I read thru the Soyo thread, at $300 its going to be hard to beat. I aint to happy with my current Westy, alot of light bleeding thru on the top and bottom, and theres a noticable light shadow in the upper right where the area is brighter then the rest on black screens. really notice it watching movies. I have had this monitor sense Black Friday 2006, Paid $200 for it and it has served me well, but I can now aford something better.
Soyo here, went from a CRT for gaming. Mostly CS:S.

Very nice monitor for what I paid. No ghosting whatsoever. Been running 5 days straight and no problems with lines or anything. Best $300 spent, kills my old Samsung 205bw in terms of speed and definitely picture quality and viewing angles. Never getting a TN ever again!
It is an AU Optronics P-MVA Panel according to this post. I can confirm that it is not TN for sure, since I have a TN right next to it and compared them. The viewing angles of the Soyo are waaay better.

WoW looks gorgeous. When I saw Stormwind with the Soyo for the first time, I wanted to cry, it was so beautiful. Too bad I don't have time to play.

The Soyo is too bright even at 40% brightness. If you get any lower, however, the dark colors get indistinguishable from black. However this is certainly not a problem while gaming, because the lack of pure white colors in games allows to use 40% brightness without the "Oh my eyes are bruning" feeling.

The other thing I've noticed is that this monitor has banding issues when displaying gradients. It's even worse than my Samsung 740N which has a TN panel, but it is not too bad. Again, unless you spend your time looking at test images with gradients, you won't notice.

And finally, the coating of the soyo is a bit more "glossier" than my other TN panels. It is not glossy by any means, but is just slightly more reflective than what I am used to.

I am not sure you can find the Soyo at OM anymore . You might have to wait until the next promotion (they do them each month) When I went yesterday to get mine, they had only one in stock.

Oh, and I forgot to mention no ghosting or lag in WoW.
I've found that if you adjust the contrast along with the brighness you can come up with a mix that works out very well getting a screen that's not to bright and still displays all the colors correctly (at least by my old eyeballs). The screen totally rocks...........:D